GenieRank WidgetGenieRank Widget
We are happy to introduce an exciting, new feature - GenieRank widget! GenieRank widget will analyze your site based on certain factors like website PageRank, popularity, reach, whether it is Dmoz listed etc and give rating from 0 to 10. Reach

Reach measures the number of users who visit a given site. Reach is generally expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a particular site. 


The large portion of Internet traffic is the Web traffic which denotes the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. This is predicted by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. 

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Google uses a weighted form of link popularity called PageRankT. This is a score assigned by Google to every web page using a special mathematical algorithms. 


Reach measures the number of users who visit a given site. Reach is generally expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a particular site. 


The large portion of Internet traffic is the Web traffic which denotes the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. This is predicted by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. 

DMOZ Listing

Getting listed in DMOZ directory is considered to be more significant in GenieRank determination because listing in DMOZ generates two important links for the website - one from DMOZ and one from the Google directory.     

SEO and Web Tools