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Sous le bouchon – Quebec Products


Episode 2 | Quebec Products

Quebecers are increasingly conscious about buying local. In the last year, sales of Quebec products have increased nearly 30% at the SAQ. Real underlying trend or temporary "pandemic" solidarity? Two experts on the alcohol market in Quebec give their opinion.

Published on December 3, 2021

Episode 2 - Quebec Products (In french only)

Sous le Bouchon –The SAQ Podcast

A discussion with two passionate SAQ experts: Simon Bourbeau et Stéphane Denis.

Available at all times on SAQ.COM, as well as on the usual platforms 

VignobleRiviereduCheneMarie CharestVignobleRiviereduCheneMarie Charest
Icon QuébecIcon Québec

The growing industry of
local wines and spirits

More refined offerings, better marketing and customers looking to “drink local”: Quebec beverage alcohol products are popular for a reason.

Discover More Episodes

  • Sous le bouchon podcast

    Episode 31 | Gourmet tourism

    Wine tourism is the happy marriage between touring and wine. A chat with Charles-Henri de Coussergues from l’ Orpailleur, one of the first winemakers to open their winery’s doors to the public, and Odette Chaput, general manager of Terroir et saveurs du Québec, an organization that promotes gourmet tourism in the province.

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  • Sous le bouchon podcast

    Episode 30 | Handing down the winery from dad to daughter

    In Quebec, we’re beginning to see a younger generation of winemakers take over the wineries their parents built. Listen to members of the Quirion-Du Temple and De Coussergues families tell us their stories in the first part of this chat with two pillars of Quebec wine-making and their daughters who are diving head first into the business.

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  • Sous le bouchon podcast

    Episode 29 | SAQ professions: Wine advisors

    What makes customer service exceptional? Joined by two wine advisors, Marika Milo and Mariève Côté, we explore how advisors work with their customers and colleagues to provide excellent in-store service.

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