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Bordeaux Futures, now in a lottery

Secure your precious cuvées now, get them in about two years

Bordeaux Futures are back, this time in a lottery on SAQ.COM. But please note: the process varies slightly from other lotteries. Refer to the steps below and stay tuned for your SAQ Inspire newsletter as well as the lottery calendar for the sale kickoff.

Attribué par loterieAttribué par loterie


Choose your products by clicking the grey button. Once the product is selected, the button will turn green!

Go to your account and adjust the desired quantities.

You can modify your product selection and desired quantities until the draw takes place.


You will receive an email informing you of the products you were allocated.

Pay the 40% deposit to reserve your Futures. Quantities are final at this stage.


Stay tuned for more

You will get an email to take advantage of products allocated to other customers who chose not to purchase them.

Complete your purchases

Take advantage of products once again available: first come, first served! Pay 40% upfront here as well.


Get a reminder by email

Your Bordeaux Futures are here! Pay your pre-order balance and choose the type of delivery. All Futures will be delivered at the same time, within the usual SAQ.COM delivery delays.

What exactly are Futures?

A future wine is a wine sold during a preview (en primeur) before being bottled. This special sale method typical to Bordeaux is launched each spring with a week-long tasting event where journalists, critics and buyers gather to taste the young cuvees, still in barrels, to assess quality and potential. The verdict of the specialised press, favourable or not, will greatly influence the prices set by the châteaux. Then one by one, estates announce prices for the vintage and international buyers secure rare wines for their markets.

Why buy Futures?

A lot of these great wines are often exclusively sold as Bordeaux Futures because of very small production. This preview sale is therefore a chance for customers to acquire rare bottles. Buying wines before they hit the market is also a way for customers to save on the price increase that naturally occurs during the two years before wines are released for sale, once the barrel aging is complete.

Lottery FAQ

  • What is the Bordeaux Futures lottery?

    The lottery is a process that randomly allocates the possibility to purchase products selected by a client among SAQ.COM offers of rare and sought-after products.

  • How can I enter the Futures lottery?

    To enter a lottery, go to the catalog page of a given event. A calendar of events will be published shortly on SAQ.COM.

    To enter the Bordeaux Futures lottery, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the catalog page of the event;
    2. Click Select this product on all products your desire;
    3. Adjust the desired quantity for products added to your selection in My Bordeaux Futures of your account;
    4. Get a confirmation of your quantities according to demand. Products in high demand can be allocated by draw.
    5. Pre-order your Bordeaux Futures by paying 40% upfront of selected products and quantities.
    6. Stay tuned for the “first come, first served” sale. You will receive and email to take advantage of products unclaimed by other customers. Rare cuvées could once again be available!
    7. Complete your purchases form products once again available; first come, first served!

    In two years, when your Bordeaux Futures reach our warehouse, you’ll be reminded to pay your pre-order balance and choose the type of delivery.

  • How does the Bordeaux Futures lottery work?

    Once the lottery begins, you can access available products from your SAQ Inspire newsletter, from My Bordeaux Futures section of your profile of from the calendar of events on SAQ.COM. You must enter for each product during the participation period.

    Once the participation period is over, the computerized lottery process will randomly allocate products to participants. You will receive an email informing you is products were allocated to you or not.

    If the lottery allocated you products for which you entered, you will have a limited time period to pre-order them and pay your 40% deposit. Please note that, at this stage, you can buy less bottles than the number initially indicated. However, your purchase is final. Bottles not purchased will no longer be reserved for you and will be released for the next sale.

    If the lottery didn’t allocate you products for which you entered, you won’t be able to purchase products at this stage. The Bordeaux Futures lottery does not offer a second round. However, please note that all products unclaimed by other customers will be released and up for grabs in the “first come, first served” sale. You will receive an email to take advantage of these unclaimed products.

  • Why is there a limit of bottles per client?

    In general, products allocated by lottery are rare and sought-after products in high demand. In order to guarantee their accessibility to the greatest number of people, the SAQ reserves the right to establish bottle purchase limits. If the product is allocated to you, you will be able to buy the final quantity you chose, provided that you don’t go over the purchase limit.

  • I see that some products were allocated to me? What does it mean?

    You must pay the 40% deposit on products for which you entered the lottery, that were allocated to you and that you wish to purchase.

    The computerized lottery on SAQ.COM is intended to randomly select participants who will be able to buy the products in question. It doesn’t draw the products as such.

  • How will I know if I have won the lottery, that is, that I have the opportunity to pre-order the products allocated to me?

    You will receive a confirmation email mentioning which products were allocated to you after the participation period and the start of the automated lottery process. You can also check your SAQ.COM account under My Bordeaux Futures to see the status of your lotteries.

    You will have a limited time period to pre-order the products allocated to you. Quantities purchased are final. Quantities not purchased will be released and up for grabs in the “first come, first served” sale.

  • How much time do I have to purchase the products allocated to me?

    You will have a limited amount of time to pre-order the products allocated to you. Please refer to the event sale conditions for exact dates and purchase period.

  • Do I have to purchase all the products allocated to me? Can I change my mind on the quantity I asked for? Will these products still be reserved for me after my purchase?

    You are under no obligation to pre-order the products allocated to you via lottery. You will have a limited amount of time to complete your purchase following the draw. After the deadline, you will no longer be able to exercise your right to purchase these products and therefore the remaining allocation will not be billed to you.

    Your purchase limit is the quantity you specified when you entered the draw.

    For example, if you indicated five (5) bottles for product X, and this product is allocated to you, you can purchase five (5) bottles or less of product X. Your purchase is final: if you decide to buy three (3) bottles of product X instead of five (5), it will not be possible to purchase the remaining two (2) bottles allocated to you, unless they are released in the “first come, first served” sale featuring all unclaimed products.

  • No products were allocated to me by lottery. Does that mean I won’t get any products at all?

    If no products were allocated to you in the lottery, you cannot buy these products. However, if some participants choose not to pre-order the total quantity allocated to them during the lottery, these products will be released and up for grabs in the “first come, first served” sale. You will receive an email to take advantage of these unclaimed products. You can then pre-order them and pay 40% or your order upfront.

  • How can I pre-order the products allocated to me?

    You must pay a 40% deposit on products selected in your pre-order. Please note: you will have a limited time period to pre-order your allocated products.

  • How and when can I get my package?

    Your Bordeaux Futures will be delivered in two years. When they reach our warehouse, you will receive an email to pay your pre-order balance and choose the type of delivery: at home or in-store within the usual SAQ.COM delays.

  • How much are delivery fees for products available via lottery?

    Please refer to complete details on type and delivery fees.

  • Why a long two-year delay before I get my Futures?
    Wines sold en primeur, or as future wines, are sill in barrels when you pre-order them. They need some time to complete their maturation process and be bottled. Buying them as future wines allows you to “secure” coveted, limited-quantity cuvées the whole world wants to get.
  • If in tow years the same Bordeaux wines are less expensive, will you adjust prices?
    Prices for Futures delivered in two years are planned and fixed consequently; they will not be less expensive. Indexation and scarcity dictate the market price.
  • Can I transfer or give products allocated to me to someone else?
    No. If you win the opportunity to pre-order products, they are all yours; lucky you! However, you can choose to pre-order less than allocated quantities, or simply not pre-order them at all. If that happens, your unclaimed products will be released in the “first come, first served” sale featuring all products not pre-ordered by customers. Then you can notify your friends.
  • Why must I pay 40% of my pre-order upfront?
    To confirm your purchase intention and reserve your rare and precious bottles.

Politique de la loterie

Modalités de participation

La Société des alcools du Québec vous offre, à titre de client particulier, la possibilité de participer au tirage des produits attribués en loterie dans SAQ.COM. Pour courir la chance d’acheter ces produits, vous devez au préalable avoir un compte SAQ.COM ou vous en créer un.

Mode d’attribution des produits

Étant donné que les produits offerts en loterie dans SAQ.COM sont disponibles en quantité limitée, la SAQ se réserve le droit d'attribuer la possibilité d’acheter des bouteilles par un tirage au sort informatisé et de limiter le nombre de bouteilles commandées par client.

Prix de vente des produits

Les prix indiqués dans SAQ.COM sont les prix fixés pour la vente aux consommateurs. Il n’est pas permis pour les clients titulaires d'un permis de vente de boissons alcooliques délivré par la Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux de participer à cette loterie. Vous pouvez acheter au maximum la quantité que vous avez indiquée lors de votre inscription.

Achat des produits

La loterie dans SAQ.COM vise à déterminer les participants qui pourront acheter les produits désirés. Après le tirage, vous recevrez un courriel de confirmation vous indiquant si certains produits vous ont été attribués ou non. Vous devrez alors respecter le délai indiqué afin de procéder à l’achat des produits qui vous ont été attribués. Votre achat est final.