Share a photo or video of you with your membership card, and it may just get shown on the website, at an upcoming member meeting or in a SAG-AFTRA publication!

Join thousands of SAG-AFTRA members from across the country sharing their union pride.

Tell us what the union means to you by answering either or both of the questions below:

  • How did you get your membership card?

  • Why are you a proud union member?

We want to hear from you! Be sure to post your photo on social media and tag us using #sagaftramember.

Submit Your Story Now!

“As a proud #sagaftramember, I am able to legitimize my work as an artist and pursue my dream. As a member of the U.S. Army, I can carry on my family's tradition of serving this great nation. Proud and honored to be a member of both.” — Jay Lindsay

“This union is something I dreamed about, now it's come true! Mom, Nana, I did it!!! I'm a union actor in a family of professionals!” — Ronda Swindell

“SAG-AFTRA allows me to fully pursue both my acting career and career in medicine.” — Hannibal Miles

“It is an honor to be part of a respected creative community of performers. Being a SAG-AFTRA member is a dream come true.” — Damon Gonzalez

"I have been a carrier since 1970. Now I have a granddaughter, I have retired and I am pursuing my acting career again thanks to my card!" — Susan Bishop

“This union has had my back for 50 years...and counting!” — Mark Schneider

“When I first received my SAG-AFTRA card, it felt like I received another college degree. I had enjoyment tears roll down my face.” — Jerard A. Washington

“So happy and grateful to be a SAG-AFTRA member for 27 years!!” — Della Liza Lopez

“It has been a relief to know my union is there for me should I need them.” — Felipe Pina

“There is something truly special about being part of the collective strength through unity.” — Tom Kiesche

To see more member stories

SAG-AFTRA members from across the country share their union pride. Share a video of you with your membership card — or simply a photo of you and your card — and you may just get shown on, at an upcoming member meeting or in a SAG-AFTRA publication!

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