Chloe Madeley joined Loose Women and opened up for the first time on television since her split from husband James Haskell, exclusively telling the panel: "We get on better now that we’re not romantically involved."

Opening up on meeting someone else in the future, Chloe told the panel she would introduce "forever people only" to her daughter but is "also aware that this is hypothetical."

She said: "I desperately just want James to be happy, I want Bodhi to be happy and I want me to be happy."

Joining Kaye Adams - who admitted she was hosting while suffering ear problems - Katie Piper, Myleene Klass and Nadia Sawalha live in the studio, Chloe explained: "What’s really interesting is that I think automatically when you tell somebody that your marriage has ended or stopped working, everybody always thinks that it’s a negative thing. It’s a really positive thing."

Chloe Madeley opened up for the first time to the Loose Women panel about her future love plans
Chloe Madeley opened up for the first time to the Loose Women panel about her future love plans

She continued: "The really hard part of everything that James and I went through was in the summer, that was the thing I really struggled with. It was really tough and it kind of broke me but once we’d made the decision and we drew a line under it, it was done.

"I’ve felt since that moment, and I think both of us have, really free and happy."

Later Chloe added: "I’m happier now than I’ve ever been, I wish people would stop writing online that that’s a dig at James because it’s not, he’s happy too. Again, can we just stop painting so much drama on it, we’re both happy.

Chloe Madeley and James Haskell married in 2018 but announced their marriage split last year
Chloe Madeley and James Haskell married in 2018 but announced their marriage split last year

"I’m happier than I’ve ever been, I’m full of energy, I feel like I’ve got rocketfuel every day. It’s crazy that I didn’t realise that happiness and energy are completely intertwined but evidently they are!"

Kaye then asked if both Chloe and James were absolutely convinced that the marriage could not work and Chloe responded: "I always say this; if you think of a relationship, you have pillars in place that keep the relationship up. All of our pillars over time, they kind of disintegrated and I think when that happens, there is no rebuilding."

Chloe admitted that she and James are currently still living together but "he would be moving out in the next few weeks" to a "new place."

Chloe Madeley made it clear to viewers that her daughter Bodhi is both her and James's priority
Chloe Madeley made it clear to viewers that her daughter Bodhi is both her and James's priority

She said: "I’m moving in for a week with Bodhi so she knows the environment, so she understands that she’s safe, we’re all there and we’re still a family unit and then slowly I’ll just back out."

Discussing co-parenting their daughter Bodhi, Chloe told the panel: "That was part of the sadness of it I think for me, and James actually, it was very much like, 'Oh, we’re not going to have the family that we thought we were going to have. That’s not going to happen for us.' But I did also think, she’s so little, it’s better now than to keep flogging a dead horse and give it five years."

Chloe praised James though and said: "But we’re great friends, he’s the most incredible dad, Bodhi is a lucky girl. You know, he’s a lucky guy and we’re co-parenting phenomenally well."

She continued: "[James and I] love and respect each other, just in a different way. Not in a 'we can be married way' but 'we can be friends way' and we can co-parent. Bodhi is the most important person to both of us, she comes first, not us."

Chloe also discussed the support she’s received from her parents, Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan.

"Dad was like, 'It’s not my marriage, it’s your marriage and if you feel like this is the end of the road then that’s your choice'. My mum was very like, 'Are you sure? But make sure you’re sure about this'."