
Examine the vastness of the human condition, interpret and reflect on humanity’s shared history, and dive deep into the complexities of morality, empathy, and relationships across time by pursuing an advanced degree in the humanities. With your specialized skill set, you may pursue a career in academia, social advocacy, cultural research, professional writing, or government.

Number 5 political methodology

  • No. 7 International Politics
  • No. 9 Comparative Politics

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Area and Cultural Studies

Africana Studies: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Africana Studies and Economics: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Africana Studies and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

American Studies: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Archaeological Anthropology: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Biological Anthropology: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Costume Studies: MA
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Culture and Media: Cert
Graduate School of Arts and Science

East Asian Studies: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

East Asian Studies and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

European and Mediterranean Studies: AdvC, MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

European and Mediterranean Studies and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science
Food Studies: MA, PhD
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

French Studies: AdvC, MA, MA/JD
Graduate School of Arts and Science; dual JD w/ School of Law

French Studies and Anthropology: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

French Studies and French Literature: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

French Studies and History: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

French Studies and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

German: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Global Affairs: MS
School of Professional Studies

Hebrew and Judaic Studies: MA, MA/MPA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science; dual MPA w/ Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Hebrew and Judaic Studies and History: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Irish and Irish-American Studies: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Italian Studies: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Latin American and Caribbean Studies: MA, MA/JD
Graduate School of Arts and Science; dual JD w/ School of Law

Latin American and Caribbean Studies��and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and History: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Museum Studies: AdvC, MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Near Eastern Studies: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Near Eastern Studies and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Russian and Slavic Studies: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Russian and Slavic Studies (International Relations): MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Russian and Slavic Studies and Journalism: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Social and Cultural Analysis: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Sociocultural Anthropology: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Spanish and Portugese Languages and Literatures: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science



The Ancient World: PhD
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

Archives and Public History: AdvC, MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works/History of Art and Archaeology: MS/MA
The Institute of Fine Arts

Historical and Sustainable Architecture: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science (via NYU London)

History: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

History of Art and Archaeology: MA, PhD
The Institute of Fine Arts

History of Education: MA, PhD
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development


Linguistic Studies

Linguistic Anthropology: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Linguistics: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Translation and Interpreting: MS
School of Professional Studies


Literature and Writing

Classics: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Comparative Literature: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Creative Writing: MFA, Low-Residency MFA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Creative Writing in Spanish: MFA
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Dramatic Writing: MFA
Tisch School of the Arts

English and American Literature: MA, PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

French Literature: PhD
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Musical Theatre Writing: MFA
Tisch School of the Arts

Poetics and Theory: AdvC
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Professional Writing: MS
School of Professional Studies

Publishing: MS
School of Professional Studies


Philosophy and Religion

Cinema Studies: MA, PhD
Tisch School of the Arts

Performance Studies: MA, PhD
Tisch School of the Arts

Philosophy: PhD, PhD/JD
Graduate School of Arts and Science; dual JD w/ School of Law

Religious Studies: MA
Graduate School of Arts and Science


If you’re excited by more than one subject and would like to combine them to create your own individualized program of study, you may be interested in the MA in Individualized Study degree at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study.