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On Thursday, March 31, 2022, NYU’s Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Programs and Mobility Services Josh Taylor provided an update to the University Senate on the University’s efforts to assist those affected by the invasion of Ukraine. 

“The University is deeply concerned and troubled by the impact of Russia’s attack upon Ukraine.  President Hamilton asked me to address the University Senate today to outline the steps that NYU is taking to offer assistance to Ukrainian students and scholars.

“Among the measures we are taking are the following:

A One-Year Program for Ukrainian Students at NYU Prague: NYU is establishing a one-year program for Ukrainian undergraduate students affected by the invasion to study at NYU Prague. We anticipate hosting a cohort of approximately 15 students, who in addition to taking classes, will receive student housing, a stipend to help cover living expenses, and we will ensure they have health insurance, all at no cost. We are expecting to offer this program in coordination with a consortium of Ukrainian universities. Visit this link to apply.

Outreach to Current NYU Students from Affected Countries: The University has been in direct contact with students from countries from the earliest days of the invasion, and held in-person sessions with students this week. In those communications and meetings, the University has provided guidance on topics including financial aid, emergency funding, summer housing (more on this below), payment flexibility, and immigration-related concerns.

Immigration Support: The Office of Global Services is working with students affected by the invasion (who have been provided with detailed instructions on maintaining their immigration status in the United States). OGS is also expediting extensions of I-20s, as well as advising on work and study options for students in upcoming semesters, and will be providing updates regarding Temporary Protected Status (TPS) as it becomes available.

Temporary Housing Assistance for Students Affected by the Invasion of Ukraine: NYU will provide summer housing – at no charge – to students affected by the invasion, and who are unable to return home due to either safety or financial concerns. We will be following up with students from affected countries the week of April 4 with details about how to apply for this short-term summer housing.

Fellowships in Paris: NYU’s Remarque Institute, in coordination with its partner institution in Paris, the École normale supérieure, Columbia University's Institute of Ideas and Imagination, and the French government, will be providing several year long fellowships to scholars displaced by the war and the crackdown on dissent in Russia.

Short-term Appointments: NYU will offer a number of fellowships – modeled on the University’s Global Research Initiative – for faculty and researchers affected by the invasion. These 90-day fellowships will include office space, and a stipend, and will be based at NYU’s global academic centers (we expect primarily at our European sites). 

A Memorandum of Understanding: NYU is signing a memorandum of understanding with the Kyiv School of Economics, both to demonstrate our support for the institution (in the short-term), but with an eye to developing further ties in the future. Over time, the agreement would allow for activities including joint educational, cultural, and research activities, faculty and graduate student exchange for research, lectures, and discussions.

Fundraising: The University’s development office is working to identify external funding sources that could be used to assist students and scholars who are affected by global crises such as this.

“We also want to express our gratitude to our incredible colleagues working at universities in Ukraine, who have dedicated themselves to keeping their institutions up and running despite the unimaginable challenges they are facing each and every day. We are humbled by their bravery, and appreciate their trust in us to support their students and scholars. We are confident that and in doing so, we can help ensure that these students and scholars will be well-prepared when the time comes for them to return to help rebuild their nation."

Press Contact

John Beckman
John Beckman
(212) 998-6848