Extended Data Fig. 10: Comparison of Penicillium sp. str. 12 WT and laeA deletion mutant growth on CCA. | Nature Microbiology

Extended Data Fig. 10: Comparison of Penicillium sp. str. 12 WT and laeA deletion mutant growth on CCA.

From: Bacterial–fungal interactions revealed by genome-wide analysis of bacterial mutant fitness

Extended Data Fig. 10

Radial growth assay, including quantification, of Penicillium sp. str. 12 WT and laeA deletion mutant grown alone or with E. coli on CCA pH 7 (N=3 biologically independent experiments, error bars show standard deviation and black point is the mean). Spore counts from Penicillium sp. str. 12 WT and laeA deletion mutant grown alone or with E. coli for 7 days on CCA are also shown (N=3 biologically independent samples, error bars show standard deviation and black point is the mean).

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