Extended Data Fig. 7: Bacterial Cytological Profiling of ΔtolC E.coli treated with known antibiotic compounds on cheese curd agar. | Nature Microbiology

Extended Data Fig. 7: Bacterial Cytological Profiling of ΔtolC E.coli treated with known antibiotic compounds on cheese curd agar.

From: Bacterial–fungal interactions revealed by genome-wide analysis of bacterial mutant fitness

Extended Data Fig. 7

DAPI dye stains DNA and FM4-64 dye stains bacterial membranes. SYTOX green stains nucleic acids but cannot penetrate live cells. Scale bars represent 2 µm. Testing of each antibiotic at four concentrations was performed once, and cells from the edges of zones of clearing were imaged for at least 5 fields from each condition to ensure consistency in phenotype.

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