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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Write to your new MP, if you voted for them or not, and ask them to support women's rights, spaces and sports and protect and safeguard children. 2minute email, will help the cause

89 replies

Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:32

Find your MP here:

Here is a sample letter you can use, but I just typed a few bullet points into ChatGPT and got one that worked for me

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]

[MP’s Name]
House of Commons

Dear [MP’s Name],

Congratulations on your recent election as our new Member of Parliament. As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my concerns and to urge you to take a stand on several important issues affecting our community.

Firstly, I am deeply concerned about the need to defend women’s rights. It is crucial that we maintain single-sex spaces and ensure fairness in women’s sports. These measures are essential to protect the rights and safety of women and girls.

Furthermore, I believe it is vital to support children who may be experiencing confusion about their gender identity. We must ensure that children who may think they are gay are not incorrectly guided towards believing they are transgender. It is imperative that we provide the right support and care for all children, based on sound evidence and careful consideration.

In this regard, I strongly support the findings of the CASS review and believe that we should follow the guidance provided to schools against teaching gender ideology. It is important that educational environments remain focused on providing balanced and factual information, safeguarding the well-being of all students.

I am very grateful that, as my new MP, you will take my wishes and those of other constituents into consideration. I trust that you will represent our community with dedication and integrity, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of your efforts on these critical issues.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I wish you all the best in your new role and hope to see positive changes under your leadership.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Please, do it now, won't take a second.

OP posts:
lcakethereforeIam · 05/07/2024 10:49

Good idea, I will do that. My seat flipped yellow (oo-er missus). I didn't vote for him but he doesn't need to know that. I don't know anything about his views on women's rights and child safeguarding. That's what I'll write to him about. I hope I don't get a letter back will a load of guff about vulnerable, sadHmm men.

Oblomov24 · 05/07/2024 11:05

I like this idea.

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 11:08

I more or less did this prior to the election to all candidates. The Labour one, now the MP, when asked anything about women immediately replied to tell me how sad and vulnerable men are. Subtext obvious.

Stamps wasted on that one I'm afraid.

Freda69 · 05/07/2024 11:11

Great letter - in my area the Tory female MP who supported women’s rights lost out to a young male who couldn’t be bothered to reply to my e-mails. The more of us that do this, the better. On my to-do list this weekend!

ArabellaScott · 05/07/2024 11:16

Thanks. In a hurry right now, but also suggest raising 'conversion therapy' with them.

AperolWhore · 05/07/2024 11:22

Thanks so much for this. I copied and pasted into an email and have emailed my new MP

InWithPeaceOutWithStress · 05/07/2024 11:30

You can share the WPUK manifesto with MPs too

Valdor · 05/07/2024 11:35

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 11:08

I more or less did this prior to the election to all candidates. The Labour one, now the MP, when asked anything about women immediately replied to tell me how sad and vulnerable men are. Subtext obvious.

Stamps wasted on that one I'm afraid.

It might feel like it - but keep the pressure up - you can respond to their responses - giving a firm and fair rebuttal - I really do lean on ChatGPT 4o quite a lot to do this, it's really very very good at putting a point by point, non aggressive response together for you.

I feed it the letter I originally wrote, then their response then say "respond to this clearly stating that this is misogynistic and fails to protect women" etc - and then I send the reply back. I can turn them around in 5 minutes now and because it's calm and well put together, it doesn;t get ignored and put in the loony bin

OP posts:
Valdor · 05/07/2024 11:39

ArabellaScott · 05/07/2024 11:16

Thanks. In a hurry right now, but also suggest raising 'conversion therapy' with them.

A very good point to add to it yes - but be very specific what you mean by conversion therapy - its the definition of the phrase that is setting people up for a fall in all of this

For example something like.....

Definition of Conversion Therapy:

Conversion therapy refers to any practice or treatment that seeks to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity through methods that cause harm or distress. This includes any form of physical, psychological, or emotional coercion aimed at changing someone’s sexual orientation from gay, lesbian, or bisexual to heterosexual, or attempting to alter their gender identity.

However, it is essential to differentiate between harmful practices and supportive dialogue. Ethical and supportive practices that involve open discussions, questioning, or exploring an individual’s feelings about their gender identity should not be considered conversion therapy. This includes therapists, friends, and family members engaging in respectful and non-coercive conversations where an individual’s stated gender identity may be challenged or explored.

Such discussions are particularly important to ensure that individuals, especially children and adolescents, receive appropriate support and guidance. It is critical to allow the exploration of the possibility that someone who identifies as transgender might actually be experiencing confusion about their sexual orientation. Preventing these conversations can itself be a form of conversion therapy, as it seeks to convert individuals to a transgender identity without allowing for the possibility that they might be gay.

In summary, conversion therapy should be strictly defined to prohibit practices that involve harm or coercion, while ensuring that supportive and non-coercive discussions about gender identity and sexual orientation are not unjustly restricted.

This definition aims to protect individuals from harmful practices while allowing for healthy, supportive conversations about gender identity and sexual orientation.

Yes - I did get ChatGPT 4o to write it for me

OP posts:
RayonSunrise · 05/07/2024 11:42

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 11:08

I more or less did this prior to the election to all candidates. The Labour one, now the MP, when asked anything about women immediately replied to tell me how sad and vulnerable men are. Subtext obvious.

Stamps wasted on that one I'm afraid.

I would write back - and keep writing - pointing out that trans people should enjoy human rights and dignity like everyone else, but women's rights should not be undermined in the process. And then give concrete examples.

Sometimes people need a lot of repetition before the penny drops.

Darlingtonvoter · 05/07/2024 11:50

Include your address and telephone number when emailing or writing to you new MP. They have to respond to their constituents. A mass of letters to the new Labour MPs about women's rights might help the penny drop for some of them.

UtterlyOtterly · 05/07/2024 11:54

Very sadly my MP is completely captured by genderwoo nonsense. I knew this anyway but wrote to her asking specific questions on women's rights. I got a load of "be kind" waffle back.

I'm writing directly to KS, as are a couple of other feminists I know.

Valdor · 05/07/2024 12:27

UtterlyOtterly · 05/07/2024 11:54

Very sadly my MP is completely captured by genderwoo nonsense. I knew this anyway but wrote to her asking specific questions on women's rights. I got a load of "be kind" waffle back.

I'm writing directly to KS, as are a couple of other feminists I know.

Write back, argue your point, don't give up

The more receipts there are, the better

If you want pointers, copy and paste it here!

OP posts:
UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 12:30

Valdor · 05/07/2024 11:35

It might feel like it - but keep the pressure up - you can respond to their responses - giving a firm and fair rebuttal - I really do lean on ChatGPT 4o quite a lot to do this, it's really very very good at putting a point by point, non aggressive response together for you.

I feed it the letter I originally wrote, then their response then say "respond to this clearly stating that this is misogynistic and fails to protect women" etc - and then I send the reply back. I can turn them around in 5 minutes now and because it's calm and well put together, it doesn;t get ignored and put in the loony bin

Absolutely not that I do not respect and appreciate your determination and efforts with your candidate, and wholly agree, however I did reply. He didn't choose to engage further.

OldCrone · 05/07/2024 12:35

Just one minor criticism: "CASS review" should be "Cass review". The review was carried out by Dr Hilary Cass. Her name isn't an acronym so shouldn't be capitalised. A lot of people have made the same error talking about this report, but it helps to show that you know what you're talking about if you get this right.

MarieDeGournay · 05/07/2024 12:44

I have a suggestion - a lot of replies from MPs and councillors seem to just churn out bland be-kind, TWAW, most-marginalised-group replies no matter how carefullycrafted your letter is.

It might be useful to get together a compendium of these standasrd TWAW response so that you could 'head them off at the pass' by directly refuting them in your letter, e.g.

'I'm sure you have carefully read the Cass Report.. ' [and giving her her new title - is it Baroness or Lady? - would be even better]

'I'm sure you are aware that these issues are of crucial importance to 50+% of the population, not, as is sometimes claimed, to the ).4%?? who identify as transgender'

'The claim that there is no conflict between transgender rights and women's rights is unfortunately not true, and I'm sure you are aware of many cases that illustrate this'

'I'm sure we are in complete agreement about the right of transgender people to share the same human rights as everybody else, but...'

That sort of thing. Getting your retaliation in early, and forcing them to disagree with you. There's probably a word in ancient Greek for that rhetorical device. If there is, there's bound to be an MNer who knows what it is😄

MarieDeGournay · 05/07/2024 12:45

correction: Cass review, thanks OldCrone!

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 05/07/2024 12:46

Great letter, thank you. Where I am has just turned Lib Dem after over 100 years of being Tory, so I'm not optimistic but will write anyway.

Valdor · 05/07/2024 12:49

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 12:30

Absolutely not that I do not respect and appreciate your determination and efforts with your candidate, and wholly agree, however I did reply. He didn't choose to engage further.


Leave it a week, reply again saying you never got a response, state it’s important, set a reminder to send one a week. I honestly send laods

OP posts:
Notaflippinclue · 05/07/2024 13:02

Done - asked him to follow the Cass guidelines and undo the WPATH damage done to our societies

CandidateX · 05/07/2024 13:06

Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:32

Find your MP here:

Here is a sample letter you can use, but I just typed a few bullet points into ChatGPT and got one that worked for me

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]

[MP’s Name]
House of Commons

Dear [MP’s Name],

Congratulations on your recent election as our new Member of Parliament. As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my concerns and to urge you to take a stand on several important issues affecting our community.

Firstly, I am deeply concerned about the need to defend women’s rights. It is crucial that we maintain single-sex spaces and ensure fairness in women’s sports. These measures are essential to protect the rights and safety of women and girls.

Furthermore, I believe it is vital to support children who may be experiencing confusion about their gender identity. We must ensure that children who may think they are gay are not incorrectly guided towards believing they are transgender. It is imperative that we provide the right support and care for all children, based on sound evidence and careful consideration.

In this regard, I strongly support the findings of the CASS review and believe that we should follow the guidance provided to schools against teaching gender ideology. It is important that educational environments remain focused on providing balanced and factual information, safeguarding the well-being of all students.

I am very grateful that, as my new MP, you will take my wishes and those of other constituents into consideration. I trust that you will represent our community with dedication and integrity, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of your efforts on these critical issues.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I wish you all the best in your new role and hope to see positive changes under your leadership.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Please, do it now, won't take a second.

This is not the time! They will not think about it! Honestly, all candidates still have election mail boxes open with hundreds of emails in, successful candidates will get a new email box which will have thousands in before they can even access it - circulars and c/p is going to be ignored/deleted or given a c/p answer by an official.

This is not the way to communicate.

Give it a few months, then make it specific to your constituency

Valdor · 05/07/2024 13:18

CandidateX · 05/07/2024 13:06

This is not the time! They will not think about it! Honestly, all candidates still have election mail boxes open with hundreds of emails in, successful candidates will get a new email box which will have thousands in before they can even access it - circulars and c/p is going to be ignored/deleted or given a c/p answer by an official.

This is not the way to communicate.

Give it a few months, then make it specific to your constituency

Respectfully strongly disagree. Today is exactly the day to do it. And next week and the month after that.

Sending an email takes about thirty seconds, setting a reminder to do it once a month takes even less. Speak now, speak often

OP posts:
Valdor · 05/07/2024 13:19

Notaflippinclue · 05/07/2024 13:02

Done - asked him to follow the Cass guidelines and undo the WPATH damage done to our societies

Outstanding. They might not do it, but it helps set the tone, we can keep reminding them of our opinions and that we are constituents

OP posts:

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Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 05/07/2024 13:21

Just checking out my new MP and see that one of his 'Registrable Interests' is the Good Law Project, FFS.

How can I weave this into my letter? My head is all over the place at the moment.

MarieDeGournay · 05/07/2024 13:32

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 05/07/2024 13:21

Just checking out my new MP and see that one of his 'Registrable Interests' is the Good Law Project, FFS.

How can I weave this into my letter? My head is all over the place at the moment.

Oo-er Vegemiteandhoneyontoast I've just googled the Good Law Project and I see what you mean😨
My suggested tactic may not be applicable, he sounds like a hopeless case.. but
off the top of my head -
'I share your commitment to ensuring that all laws are good laws, and I would like to draw your attention to a case of [.....] - a law that is definitely not good for 50%+ of the population'..

That's just an off-the-top-of-my-head idea, I'm sure AI could do better😉
It's a big day for you over there in the UK, a lot to take in and assess, no wonder your head is all over the place Vegemiteandhoneyontoast!
Take it easy, pace yourself, there's a long road ahead...

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