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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Write to your new MP, if you voted for them or not, and ask them to support women's rights, spaces and sports and protect and safeguard children. 2minute email, will help the cause

93 replies

Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:32

Find your MP here:

Here is a sample letter you can use, but I just typed a few bullet points into ChatGPT and got one that worked for me

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]

[MP’s Name]
House of Commons

Dear [MP’s Name],

Congratulations on your recent election as our new Member of Parliament. As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my concerns and to urge you to take a stand on several important issues affecting our community.

Firstly, I am deeply concerned about the need to defend women’s rights. It is crucial that we maintain single-sex spaces and ensure fairness in women’s sports. These measures are essential to protect the rights and safety of women and girls.

Furthermore, I believe it is vital to support children who may be experiencing confusion about their gender identity. We must ensure that children who may think they are gay are not incorrectly guided towards believing they are transgender. It is imperative that we provide the right support and care for all children, based on sound evidence and careful consideration.

In this regard, I strongly support the findings of the CASS review and believe that we should follow the guidance provided to schools against teaching gender ideology. It is important that educational environments remain focused on providing balanced and factual information, safeguarding the well-being of all students.

I am very grateful that, as my new MP, you will take my wishes and those of other constituents into consideration. I trust that you will represent our community with dedication and integrity, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of your efforts on these critical issues.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I wish you all the best in your new role and hope to see positive changes under your leadership.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Please, do it now, won't take a second.

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OP posts:
Darlingtonvoter · 06/07/2024 06:54

Agree with @Retiredfromthere , I'll be writing to our new MP about the Darlington nurses sexual harassment case. I already got a bloody useless reply pre-election so I'll just need to keep chipping away at them.

Boudiccaofsteel · 06/07/2024 07:01

My issue is previously having a Conservative MP who always responded promptly and helpfully often sending links to the relevant Parlaianentsry debates has been replaced with a Labour MP as I was out in a different constituency due to a boundary change . I don't know who this new MP employs as staffers and for all o know they could be woke trans rights activists and I find my name and address on a list somewhere to be outed

borntobequiet · 06/07/2024 07:17

Good idea.

CandidateX · 06/07/2024 07:19

Darlingtonvoter · 06/07/2024 06:54

Agree with @Retiredfromthere , I'll be writing to our new MP about the Darlington nurses sexual harassment case. I already got a bloody useless reply pre-election so I'll just need to keep chipping away at them.

I keep saying this, no you don't. You will just be becoming spam. You will be dealt with as spam. You are undermining your cause totally.

whatsthequestion39 · 06/07/2024 07:28

Thanks for this. I will do in next couple of days.

Retiredfromthere · 06/07/2024 07:56

@CandidateX are you saying (as I clearly don't understand) that new MPs will not respond to emails about genuine concerns in their constituencies now, but in a few months, when parliament starts in after recess and they have committee papers to read and commitments in diaries they will THEN have time to read and respond?

Stated like this can you see why I am not understanding your arguments?

Btw non-meat SPAM to me is email that is defined like this ...

irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.

What is your definition?

CandidateX · 06/07/2024 08:07

Retiredfromthere · 06/07/2024 07:56

@CandidateX are you saying (as I clearly don't understand) that new MPs will not respond to emails about genuine concerns in their constituencies now, but in a few months, when parliament starts in after recess and they have committee papers to read and commitments in diaries they will THEN have time to read and respond?

Stated like this can you see why I am not understanding your arguments?

Btw non-meat SPAM to me is email that is defined like this ...

irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.

What is your definition?

I am saying that by the time an MP gets access to their mail box it will already contain thousands of emails. They will scan them, sort some of them, delegate them. Multiple c/p or AI or templated emails about the same thing, from the same person, when they have clearly taken no more than a minute or two to through together are going to be very bottom of the heap.

If you take 2 mins to put together an email, as the title suggests, you can quite rightly expect a reply that takes 2 mins, from an admin assistant, equally using a template, and equally meaningless.

This is not communication, this is spam.

MissScarletInTheBallroom · 06/07/2024 08:15

Thanks for this thread @Valdor.

I am already planning to write to my new MP. He is a Tory, newly elected, and from what I saw on Twitter yesterday I think he could be a potential gender critical ally.

From doing a bit of Twitter stalking, it appears he is a dyed in the wool Tory, and his daughters' middle names are Margaret and Theresa. 🤣

But this looks very positive.

I am going to send him an initial email and then write to him again every time there's a parliamentary debate affecting this issue or anything else where his involvement might be useful.

Write to your new MP, if you voted for them or not, and ask them to support women's rights, spaces and sports and protect and safeguard children. 2minute email, will help the cause
EmpressOfTheThread · 06/07/2024 08:21

The pedant in me dislikes "it won't take a second" then the most recent update "it'll take 30 seconds". Well, realistically it'll take longer, as we know. However, if we feel it's worthwhile, it will be worth taking significantly longer than a second to deal with what we consider to be important.
If you are pushed for time, a short condensed paragraph would suffice.

Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:47

Walkden · 05/07/2024 20:55

Trouble is the MP can just point to their manifesto and say they have a clear mandate for their position / say that is what the people want...

They can. But - you are still a constituent and they must represent you and so you can remind them of your views and concerns. They aren’t an mp just for the people who voted for them.

OP posts:
Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:50

CandidateX · 06/07/2024 08:07

I am saying that by the time an MP gets access to their mail box it will already contain thousands of emails. They will scan them, sort some of them, delegate them. Multiple c/p or AI or templated emails about the same thing, from the same person, when they have clearly taken no more than a minute or two to through together are going to be very bottom of the heap.

If you take 2 mins to put together an email, as the title suggests, you can quite rightly expect a reply that takes 2 mins, from an admin assistant, equally using a template, and equally meaningless.

This is not communication, this is spam.

You clearly don’t understand how AI works and how far it’s come even in the last 3 months. I challenge you to be able to spot them.

you can give it a guide, some bullet points and then say “write a letter as a fifty year old Yorkshire man.” Or “write this as a young southern woman who has voted in her first election” and it will do it.

these aren’t templates. They aren’t something you can spot.

OP posts:
Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:51

Boudiccaofsteel · 06/07/2024 07:01

My issue is previously having a Conservative MP who always responded promptly and helpfully often sending links to the relevant Parlaianentsry debates has been replaced with a Labour MP as I was out in a different constituency due to a boundary change . I don't know who this new MP employs as staffers and for all o know they could be woke trans rights activists and I find my name and address on a list somewhere to be outed

Well that would be a crime so bad the MP would resign so I wouldn’t let it trouble me! Also - we need to stand up and be counted, that’s what this sea change is all about, visibility.

OP posts:
YouJustDoYou · 06/07/2024 09:52

Freda69 · 05/07/2024 11:11

Great letter - in my area the Tory female MP who supported women’s rights lost out to a young male who couldn’t be bothered to reply to my e-mails. The more of us that do this, the better. On my to-do list this weekend!

Our rights-supporting female mp lost out to a Muslim male who's whole campaign was about "Free Palestine", so, I doubt writing to him about women's rights will help, but I'll try...

EmpressOfTheThread · 06/07/2024 09:53

YouJustDoYou · 06/07/2024 09:52

Our rights-supporting female mp lost out to a Muslim male who's whole campaign was about "Free Palestine", so, I doubt writing to him about women's rights will help, but I'll try...

How frustrating. My guess is that he won't be able to "Free Palestine" (sic), however, that woman MP may indeed have been able to make a difference.

Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:55

@Retiredfromthere - politely MOs will spot that Stonewall template, and put that in the spam folder.

they will not spot a chatGPT 4O letter, because it’s so damned good. Maybe I’m just ahead of the curve, and the curve in improvements is almost vertical with AI. This is stuff that has improved in the last month, incredible advancements.

OP posts:
Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:56

YouJustDoYou · 06/07/2024 09:52

Our rights-supporting female mp lost out to a Muslim male who's whole campaign was about "Free Palestine", so, I doubt writing to him about women's rights will help, but I'll try...

Relate it to Palestine if you must to get attention. “Just like women in Palestine…”

OP posts:
OldCrone · 06/07/2024 10:06

If you write using Chat GPT or write based on the same list as others writing to the same MP and you get spotted as doing that (and it's easy to spot imo) you will, I assume, get equally automatic cookie cutter answers. I don't think you need to write about ALL the concerns. Just one will do. But one that relates to your experience and constituency and which you understand better than them. One which makes them think.

I haven't been personally affected by this (yet) and there is nothing I can think of in my constituency to write about. You seem to be suggesting that I shouldn't write to my MP. I think this is a huge issue which affects the whole country and I will be writing to my MP, but the only examples I can use will be ones that I've read about which are outside the constituency.

When you say 'the same list as others', surely that is inevitable when people are writing about the same issue. The issues mentioned in the OP's letter were: women's single-sex spaces and sports, unnecessary and harmful medication of children, and the teaching of gender identity in schools. These are some of the main concerns about this issue, so it's what a lot of people would write about.

When I write to my MP I will be mentioning the same issues. If I had written my own letter without seeing this thread or using ChatGPT, it would look quite similar to the OP's letter. How would they know whether I'd written it myself or not? Even if I did use AI to get a first draft, I would then edit it to make it more like my natural way of writing. I don't see how they can spot this.

What sort of 'cookie cutter' answers would you expect to the OP's questions? Surely, whatever those were, they would be a starting point for further questions and discussion. It's certainly true that some MPs send out cut and paste responses (it's been mentioned on here before when people have compared their replies from MPs), but that's not the end of the matter. You just have to keep replying, and if possible, get a face-to-face meeting with them.

OldCrone · 06/07/2024 10:16

YouJustDoYou · 06/07/2024 09:52

Our rights-supporting female mp lost out to a Muslim male who's whole campaign was about "Free Palestine", so, I doubt writing to him about women's rights will help, but I'll try...

He might be quite concerned about how this could affect his female relatives.

Is he aware about how letting boys identify as girls means that his daughters or nieces might be forced to share their school toilets and changing rooms with boys?

Does he know that when his wife or mother requests a female doctor for an intimate examination that it might be a male who just 'identifies as' a woman?

So you could write about how it affects you and your female relatives and make him aware that these things could happen to his family as well.

Boudiccaofsteel · 06/07/2024 12:12

Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:51

Well that would be a crime so bad the MP would resign so I wouldn’t let it trouble me! Also - we need to stand up and be counted, that’s what this sea change is all about, visibility.

I have East German friends who remember the stasi so I am cautious and I have to be in the workforce for some time

not sure if criminal more likely a civil issue breach of GDPR but do you really trust the police and CPS to act? Look at the treatment of other feminists who have spoken out. Have the police protected them ?

borntobequiet · 06/07/2024 13:14

YouJustDoYou · 06/07/2024 09:52

Our rights-supporting female mp lost out to a Muslim male who's whole campaign was about "Free Palestine", so, I doubt writing to him about women's rights will help, but I'll try...

I don’t see why a Muslim male MP whose campaign was based on Palestine shouldn’t be interested in women’s rights to privacy and dignity. He will have women in his own family.
I remember being rather ashamed when I went to see a new GP, a male Muslim, thinking that he wouldn’t be sympathetic with regard to my perimenopausal symptoms. He was kind and understanding, and gave me the treatment I was hoping for, unlike a couple of female GPs who seemed to take the view that because it hadn’t been something they themselves had to deal with, other women must be making it up.

duc748 · 06/07/2024 14:13

IIJM who hates the whole idea of AI with a passion? AFAIC it can FOFTFSOFATFOSM!

I don't mind writing to my MP, but she's never replied when I've mailed her before, and I don't see that changing. And hey, now she's a real Minister instead of just a Shadow, I'm sure she's even busier.

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 06/07/2024 14:31

IIJM who hates the whole idea of AI with a passion?

Not just you! To me, it's the jarred sauce of modern tech and I'd rather do stuff myself.

Valdor · 06/07/2024 14:49

Boudiccaofsteel · 06/07/2024 12:12

I have East German friends who remember the stasi so I am cautious and I have to be in the workforce for some time

not sure if criminal more likely a civil issue breach of GDPR but do you really trust the police and CPS to act? Look at the treatment of other feminists who have spoken out. Have the police protected them ?

This happened because good people didn’t stand up and say the emperor had no clothes. I am. And I’m putting my name to it. Not much more to be done.

OP posts:

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Darlingtonvoter · 07/07/2024 12:54

CandidateX · 06/07/2024 07:19

I keep saying this, no you don't. You will just be becoming spam. You will be dealt with as spam. You are undermining your cause totally.

How the hell do you decide what spam is and if my letters to my MP are spam? I've never used AI, or c/p from a template when I've written to my MP, I've only written a few letters, not hundreds but I've always received a written reply in the post on HoC paper. As did my 16yo daughter when she probably did use a template to write about an issue she was concerned about.

The most common reason for not getting a reply is not including your address because they need to know you are a constituent. There is no point writing to a minister unless they are your MP, they aren't suppose to reply to general letters from individuals, it has to go via your own MP.

borntobequiet · 08/07/2024 10:04

This is what I sent to my re-elected Tory MP:

Congratulations on your re-election as our Member of Parliament.

From previous correspondence, you will know that I am concerned about the rights of women and girls primarily to safety, privacy and dignity, but also to fairness. The things I believe are important for women and girls, and which I hope that you will promote as my MP, are:

The right to single sex spaces such as toilets and changing rooms, with no male-bodied people present. Men who wish to transition often have no medical or surgical treatments, and even when they do, are still biologically men. Third spaces are a reasonable compromise.

The right to require medical and personal services from a same-sex (not same gender) health worker, particularly intimate care, for obvious reasons.

The right for women to access single-sex services for support after sexual assault or domestic abuse, for obvious reasons.

The right for girls and women in sport to compete only against same-sex competitors. Any male who goes through puberty has all the physical advantages that confers, and even young boys often have physical attributes that give them unfair advantages. This is as important in grassroots as in elite sport, possibly more so, as if women and girls cannot compete fairly at grassroots level, they will never progress to elite level. It is difficult enough to persuade pubescent girls into sport without them having to contend against boys (and worse, change with them).

The right for gender-questioning or gender distressed young people, particularly girls, to have all aspects of their discomfort thoroughly examined to eliminate conditions such as autism, mental health difficulties or conditions exacerbated by abuse, before any suggestion of being “trans” is made. This is particularly important, given Labour’s proposed ban on “conversion therapy”, which could potentially prevent parents or professionals from undertaking appropriate discussions with children.

The right for all young people to access factual, scientifically and medically accurate information about their sexed bodies, and not to be taught un evidenced and counterfactual aspects of genderism that conflate sex and gender, suggest that sex is a ”spectrum” and imply that a person can literally “change sex” with hormones and surgery. (It should be a safeguarding offence first any education professional to promote such misinformation.) The Cass Review has some pertinent and useful observations on this.

Anyway, once more, well done. I’m not a Conservative voter, but I know that you are a decent and diligent constituency MP and I am grateful for that. I hope that your party will now be able to come back from the brink to which it has been led by unscrupulous and misguided individuals and return to being the broad church of pragmatic, forward thinking Western democracy that it has been in the past.


She is a decent MP, on the whole, and always replies.

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