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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Write to your new MP, if you voted for them or not, and ask them to support women's rights, spaces and sports and protect and safeguard children. 2minute email, will help the cause

93 replies

Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:32

Find your MP here:

Here is a sample letter you can use, but I just typed a few bullet points into ChatGPT and got one that worked for me

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]

[MP’s Name]
House of Commons

Dear [MP’s Name],

Congratulations on your recent election as our new Member of Parliament. As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my concerns and to urge you to take a stand on several important issues affecting our community.

Firstly, I am deeply concerned about the need to defend women’s rights. It is crucial that we maintain single-sex spaces and ensure fairness in women’s sports. These measures are essential to protect the rights and safety of women and girls.

Furthermore, I believe it is vital to support children who may be experiencing confusion about their gender identity. We must ensure that children who may think they are gay are not incorrectly guided towards believing they are transgender. It is imperative that we provide the right support and care for all children, based on sound evidence and careful consideration.

In this regard, I strongly support the findings of the CASS review and believe that we should follow the guidance provided to schools against teaching gender ideology. It is important that educational environments remain focused on providing balanced and factual information, safeguarding the well-being of all students.

I am very grateful that, as my new MP, you will take my wishes and those of other constituents into consideration. I trust that you will represent our community with dedication and integrity, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of your efforts on these critical issues.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I wish you all the best in your new role and hope to see positive changes under your leadership.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Please, do it now, won't take a second.

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OP posts:
Beowulfa · 08/07/2024 11:10

We had a workplace incident recently in which a staff member was caught on film spouting offensive shit (dealt with promptly, no longer here). We were very quickly inundated with complaint emails all c&ped from a template. The message is vastly reduced when you've read exactly the same thing for the 100th time.

Anything written in your own words is much more impactful.

Valdor · 08/07/2024 11:43

Beowulfa · 08/07/2024 11:10

We had a workplace incident recently in which a staff member was caught on film spouting offensive shit (dealt with promptly, no longer here). We were very quickly inundated with complaint emails all c&ped from a template. The message is vastly reduced when you've read exactly the same thing for the 100th time.

Anything written in your own words is much more impactful.

Thanks. But you clearly don't understand how AI works or it's scope for very, very different outcomes.
I specifically told people not to use my letter, just use It as inspiration, or better still, get an AI to write it for you from your own prompts.

OP posts:
duc748 · 08/07/2024 11:47

Be that as it may, that's a good letter from @borntobequiet .
But despite the suggestions of the OP, I doubt very much that i'll be using AI for anything this side of the boneyard! 😛

Valdor · 08/07/2024 13:22

I wish for the day when I had enough time to do everything by hand...

OP posts:
duc748 · 08/07/2024 13:26

We used to do every by hand. We even limped by without computers for 99.99% of human existence. I just don't like AI, OP.

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 08/07/2024 14:39

I don't like AI either and will not use it. I do like thinking and writing, though.

Valdor · 08/07/2024 14:49

duc748 · 08/07/2024 13:26

We used to do every by hand. We even limped by without computers for 99.99% of human existence. I just don't like AI, OP.

yes we used to die from preventable disease and minor infections as well, we used to live in caves in fact.

Regardless of how this thread has been pointlessly and repeatedly derailed - writing to your MP is a very good thing to do, today, tomorrow and forever, in whatever way is available to you from telegram and semaphore to a nice tidy email.

OP posts:
CorvusPurpureus · 08/07/2024 15:06

It's a nice clear letter you've come up with @Valdor but I'm afraid it does have that unmistakeable whiff of AI about it; I'm an English teacher, so I get to see an awful lot of chatgpt's take on persuasive writing 😉.

I'm also of the opinion that it's 'jarred sauce'.

But where I am completely in agreement with you, is that now is the perfect time to start writing & keep writing, raising the concerns you have raised.

Valdor · 08/07/2024 15:19

Luckily fixing that is as easy as saying "rewrite the letter to sound less formal, to sound like a british, Hampshire based man in his forties"

This is not falling into anyone's AI filters

for example

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]

[MP’s Name]
House of Commons

Dear [MP’s Name],

Congrats on your recent win! As one of your constituents, I wanted to drop you a line about a few things that are on my mind, both locally and nationally.

First off, I’m a bit worried about the PSHE policy at my kids’ school (which isn’t in our constituency). I think the curriculum should be balanced and factual, especially when it comes to gender identity and sexual orientation. Any advice on how to tackle this would be much appreciated.

Now, onto some bigger issues that affect all of us:

1. School Guidance: It’s crucial to get the draft statutory guidance for schools implemented. Schools need to be safe and supportive, with evidence-based teaching that shields kids from harmful ideas.
2. Police Procedures: I reckon we need clarity on PACE procedures so crime stats are recorded by biological sex, not gender identity. Accurate data is key to tackling crime.
3. Cass Review: This review’s findings should be put into action ASAP. It’s about making sure kids with gender dysphoria get the right care without unnecessary medical interventions.
4. Equality Act 2010: I want to clear up that ‘sex’ in the Equality Act means biological sex. Plus, it should be clear that a man with a GRC isn’t in the same category as biological women. This is vital for protecting my daughter's rights in single-sex spaces.

These are national issues, but they impact us all, including here in Portsmouth. I’m really grateful that as my new MP, you’ll consider these points. Your support and action on these matters would mean a lot to me and the community.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m looking forward to seeing the positive changes you’ll bring. Best of luck in your new role!


[Your Name]

OP posts:
ruby1957 · 08/07/2024 15:33

Just so all you labour supporters are aware :

Labour’s new equalities minister has previously failed to define what a woman is.
Anneliese Dodds, who was shadow equalities spokeswoman, was announced in the role on Monday morning.
In a radio interview two years ago Ms Dodds said there are “different definitions legally around what a woman actually is” and, when pressed again, said: “I think it does depend what the context is.”
Still happy with Kier?

borntobequiet · 08/07/2024 16:03

Gosh, no, none of us knew that!

You numpty.

BettyBooper · 08/07/2024 17:56

Ooh India Willoughby is onto you! 🤣

Write to your new MP, if you voted for them or not, and ask them to support women's rights, spaces and sports and protect and safeguard children. 2minute email, will help the cause
UpThePankhurst · 08/07/2024 22:08

Because why would any woman want single sex spaces, equality, their own words, other than to really piss off a man?

I mean, it's not like we're real people, or ever have thoughts or do anything that is not all about a bloke, is it? And fgs what are we for or what is a single sex space for if not for the use and happiness of blokes?

ArabellaScott · 08/07/2024 22:10

UpThePankhurst · 08/07/2024 22:08

Because why would any woman want single sex spaces, equality, their own words, other than to really piss off a man?

I mean, it's not like we're real people, or ever have thoughts or do anything that is not all about a bloke, is it? And fgs what are we for or what is a single sex space for if not for the use and happiness of blokes?


borntobequiet · 13/07/2024 14:38

A fairly typical mealy-mouthed reply from my MP, though better than previous ones which were far more dismissive of my concerns.

Write to your new MP, if you voted for them or not, and ask them to support women's rights, spaces and sports and protect and safeguard children. 2minute email, will help the cause
Valdor · 13/07/2024 15:26

Still a response is a response. Don’t be worried about replying back and challenging some things. Like non binary people really are binary….

OP posts:
borntobequiet · 13/07/2024 15:57

Valdor · 13/07/2024 15:26

Still a response is a response. Don’t be worried about replying back and challenging some things. Like non binary people really are binary….

I will! Not least because some of the points on my email (upthread) were completely ignored.

Omlettes · 16/07/2024 17:38

Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:32

Find your MP here:

Here is a sample letter you can use, but I just typed a few bullet points into ChatGPT and got one that worked for me

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]

[MP’s Name]
House of Commons

Dear [MP’s Name],

Congratulations on your recent election as our new Member of Parliament. As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my concerns and to urge you to take a stand on several important issues affecting our community.

Firstly, I am deeply concerned about the need to defend women’s rights. It is crucial that we maintain single-sex spaces and ensure fairness in women’s sports. These measures are essential to protect the rights and safety of women and girls.

Furthermore, I believe it is vital to support children who may be experiencing confusion about their gender identity. We must ensure that children who may think they are gay are not incorrectly guided towards believing they are transgender. It is imperative that we provide the right support and care for all children, based on sound evidence and careful consideration.

In this regard, I strongly support the findings of the CASS review and believe that we should follow the guidance provided to schools against teaching gender ideology. It is important that educational environments remain focused on providing balanced and factual information, safeguarding the well-being of all students.

I am very grateful that, as my new MP, you will take my wishes and those of other constituents into consideration. I trust that you will represent our community with dedication and integrity, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of your efforts on these critical issues.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I wish you all the best in your new role and hope to see positive changes under your leadership.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Please, do it now, won't take a second.

I have done so multiple times, and this is a great action but I hope you dont mind me saying, they get far more notice if they are shorter. I have it straight from my MP that long letters tend to get ignored more.
It makes sense given the volume of mail they recieve every day.

One can always add links to the relevant documents, research and articles that they are then free to research if they want.

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