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Reasons to be cheerful/not despair?

176 replies

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 08:11

Indulge me, I'm feeling a bit doomy this morning (and very sad to be so, because a few years ago I'd have been doing cartwheels about this result).

We're better off than we were five years ago, right?

We have the Cass Report.

We have Forstater and various other legal decisions, with more pending.

There's a conversation around the harms of medicalising confused children.

Gender ideology is more to the 'controversial' end of the scale than 'right side of history'.

No-one will ever unsee Isla Bryson.

What else? I know there's a long road ahead, but what other foundations do we have to stand on as we prepare to fight ALL OVER AGAIN?

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OP posts:
Signalbox · 05/07/2024 14:43

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 11:43

She’s very much a Liz Truss type of Tory, small state with minimal spending, reduced workers, rights, privatise the NHS. Do you think she’d win an election purely because she’s GC ? Miriam Cates got kicked out and is as GC as they come.

I think she could win an election but not because she is GC. I do think that will help her though because as Labour argue and tie themselves in knots with ID politics and batshit legislation she will look like the sane one.

She’s a person who holds actual Conservative values and is articulate enough to speak clearly to a wide audience and if she’s prepared to engage and listen to voters especially in relation to immigration I think Labour may find themselves in trouble quite quickly especially if they continue with their preachy moralistic tendencies towards voters who ask difficult questions.

GiveMeSpanakopita · 05/07/2024 14:44

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 14:39

😂. I’m not a supporter.

I know 😊

I'm just in a silly mood this pm cos happy at election result

duc748 · 05/07/2024 14:50

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 14:38

I live in the red wall, proper working class brexity left behind town. I don’t think the tories have a cat in hells chance of winning places like these back. They've had their chance. None of their 14 year promises about Levelling up have materialised.
We had 2 out of 3 Tory MPs until yesterday. Now we have 3 labour ones. If Labour don’t deliver they will turn to the likes of Reform.

I do too. Brexit hasn't proved the magical solution to the UK's problems, and people see that. People lent their votes to the Tories because of Brexit, Labour should be able to reclaim them if they are half-decent. Obviously genderwoo is a big worry, but I think a lot of sunlight has been shone in the last few weeks, and the general public at large (as opposed to engaged MN posters) are beginning to see the truth of what's going on. Even the Guardian is taking baby steps back to rationality. Although the influence of TRAs on the LP and unions is still worrying, I think the climate is changing.

WarriorN · 05/07/2024 15:01

My worry is how much the Tates influenced Reform. And what that means moving forward.

There was clearly social media influence and donations.

And it's been the younger voters there.

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 15:03

Signalbox · 05/07/2024 14:43

I think she could win an election but not because she is GC. I do think that will help her though because as Labour argue and tie themselves in knots with ID politics and batshit legislation she will look like the sane one.

She’s a person who holds actual Conservative values and is articulate enough to speak clearly to a wide audience and if she’s prepared to engage and listen to voters especially in relation to immigration I think Labour may find themselves in trouble quite quickly especially if they continue with their preachy moralistic tendencies towards voters who ask difficult questions.

Actual conservative values. I’m not sure what they are tbh.
And it’s not solely about immigration. If they think that, they’re wrong. The immigration issue up here wasn’t the real cause of its decline. It was austerity and an absolute focus on London and the south east to the detriment of the post industrial north and midlands. If the Conservatives cannot acknowledge that, they’re toast. Most folk I know up here are not economically right wing at all. They want decently funded public services, strong employment legislation, unions, state support if needed etc. I don’t think Kemi Badenoch is really in favour of those things.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 15:11

Seeing this, you start to see what LOJ is in about:

"Votes for Labour in:

2017 (Jeremy Corbyn) — 12,877,918
2019 (Jeremy Corbyn) — 10,269,051
2024 (Keir Starmer) — 9,686,329"

(There were 2 seats left to declare when this was tweeted. Doubtful it'll make a major difference)

PeppercornMill · 05/07/2024 15:41

A general feeling is that there isn't any difference between Blue Labour (Conservatives) and New Labour, I can't see there being much change.

If we look at London (where decline has been noticeable under Khan), we can just see money being spent on growing the political and administrative side of London and money spent on adverts (Maaate, remember to tie your shoelaces etc), and not really any new projects (Silvertown was announced years and years ago). The Elizabeth line is one of the worst performing train lines in the country. It's a far cry from Ken who got projects like Crossrail announced etc.

So essentially, just more of the same as the past government with just more spent on adverts to say how much better the country is.

SnowFrogJelly · 05/07/2024 15:53

Looks like a landslide from where I'm standing

NoBinturongsHereMate · 05/07/2024 16:00

The Elizabeth line is one of the worst performing train lines in the country. It's a far cry from Ken who got projects like Crossrail announced etc.

The Elizabeth Line is Crossrail, isn't it? Getting a project announced is a long way from delivering it.

Tintackedsea · 05/07/2024 16:12

Our Labour candidate was very clear about women's rights and I am delighted that he got in. I think the more Labour backbenchers who have sense and integrity the better. I don't want this to be a culture war issue. I want a calm resolution and commitment to listening and understanding. The so called gender critical Tories are not in the least bit interested in women's rights. It was all just a political flashpoint, clickbait nonsense. A game. I want our politicians to stop playing games and constantly generating headlines.

Signalbox · 05/07/2024 16:15

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 15:03

Actual conservative values. I’m not sure what they are tbh.
And it’s not solely about immigration. If they think that, they’re wrong. The immigration issue up here wasn’t the real cause of its decline. It was austerity and an absolute focus on London and the south east to the detriment of the post industrial north and midlands. If the Conservatives cannot acknowledge that, they’re toast. Most folk I know up here are not economically right wing at all. They want decently funded public services, strong employment legislation, unions, state support if needed etc. I don’t think Kemi Badenoch is really in favour of those things.

And it’s not solely about immigration.

No overall it’s not solely about immigration. But 13% of voters voted reform. That’s not an insignificant number of voters and as a percentage amounts to more votes than either the GP or the Lib Dems secured. In the meantime Labour’s share of the vote barely increased at all. It might be tempting to write these Reform voters off as “racists” or an insignificant minority (13% of the vote only translating to 4 seats) but I suspect this would be a mistake.

The Labour landslide creates the impression that the UK has made a (very small) lurch to the left but the numbers just don’t add up to that. I think this leaves Labour vulnerable even though they look strong.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the rest of Europe and the US as well.

LonginesPrime · 05/07/2024 16:19

We also have what Starmer sold as a very cautious, achievable and realistic Labour manifesto that states that Labour will support the implementation of single-sex exceptions provided for in the Equality Act, so we do have something in writing to hold him to.

Yes, it's a bit vague and slippery, but at least it is there. And it does accord with what he said the other day about the limitations of GRCs in single-sex spaces.

Another positive is that Labour actually managed to get the name of the Equality Act correct in their manifesto, so there is a glimmer of hope that at least one person who is advising the party might have actually read it...

MissScarletInTheBallroom · 05/07/2024 16:26

I've just seen on Twitter that my new Tory MP (elected for the first time yesterday so no parliamentary track record yet) says he agrees unequivocally with these points.

I didn't feel able to vote Tory after the last 14 years, and I wasn't about to vote Lib Dem, so I spoiled my ballot.

But I am glad he won.

Reasons to be cheerful/not despair?
Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 17:04

Signalbox · 05/07/2024 16:15

And it’s not solely about immigration.

No overall it’s not solely about immigration. But 13% of voters voted reform. That’s not an insignificant number of voters and as a percentage amounts to more votes than either the GP or the Lib Dems secured. In the meantime Labour’s share of the vote barely increased at all. It might be tempting to write these Reform voters off as “racists” or an insignificant minority (13% of the vote only translating to 4 seats) but I suspect this would be a mistake.

The Labour landslide creates the impression that the UK has made a (very small) lurch to the left but the numbers just don’t add up to that. I think this leaves Labour vulnerable even though they look strong.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the rest of Europe and the US as well.

I’m not writing anyone off as a racist. There are issues with legal immigration. There are issues with UK businesses failing to train British workers and happily importing skilled workers from the other side of the world. We’ve got many intelligent young people, graduates who cannot find employment or are in unskilled jobs which is a massive waste. The EU prevents companies from employing non EU migrants unless there’s absolutely no one else available in the EU. Why haven’t we implemented similar ?

Wildlynx · 05/07/2024 17:13

Record number of female MPs 😁 and 190 (46%) female labour MPs - surely at some point reality will sink in about women’s rights and there will be more women to influence this in parliament?

duc748 · 05/07/2024 17:14

I saw something the other day, doubtless linked from here, reminding readers of HRC's famous "basket of deplorables" quote. A party that dismisses large sectors of the population as irredeemable racists or rednecks is always going to find itself in trouble. If Labour have any sense, they will be aware of that.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 17:22

If Labour have any sense

They just made Lammysaurus Foreign Secretary. So there's that.

Signalbox · 05/07/2024 17:27

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 17:04

I’m not writing anyone off as a racist. There are issues with legal immigration. There are issues with UK businesses failing to train British workers and happily importing skilled workers from the other side of the world. We’ve got many intelligent young people, graduates who cannot find employment or are in unskilled jobs which is a massive waste. The EU prevents companies from employing non EU migrants unless there’s absolutely no one else available in the EU. Why haven’t we implemented similar ?

Sorry I wasn’t implying that you were writing anyone off as racist just making the point that in general politicians would be wise not to.

duc748 · 05/07/2024 17:29

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 17:22

If Labour have any sense

They just made Lammysaurus Foreign Secretary. So there's that.

He's well thought of in Washington, dontcha know?

Time will tell, I guess.

Appalonia · 05/07/2024 19:10

This was NOT an overwhelming swing to the Left. Just look at the figures. Labour didn't win so much as Conservatives lost to Reform.

Reasons to be cheerful/not despair?
BlackForestCake · 05/07/2024 20:41

Appalonia is right. The "landslide" masks a huge lurch to the right in the way people actually voted. The increase in the Labour vote, Sir John Curtice said earlier, is entirely accounted for by them winning back all those seats in Scotland.

It is an absolute freak result.

If we had PR right now, we'd look a lot like France or Germany with a large far right bloc in parliament.

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 20:52

BlackForestCake · 05/07/2024 20:41

Appalonia is right. The "landslide" masks a huge lurch to the right in the way people actually voted. The increase in the Labour vote, Sir John Curtice said earlier, is entirely accounted for by them winning back all those seats in Scotland.

It is an absolute freak result.

If we had PR right now, we'd look a lot like France or Germany with a large far right bloc in parliament.


Missed that - really fascinating perspective. Thank you.

OP posts:
Appalonia · 05/07/2024 21:02

And another thing, the SNP have been absolutely trounced in Scotland, for various reasons, but the Isla Bryson rapist potentially being housed in a women's prison has backfired MASSIVELY!

As they say, Karma is a TERF 😁😂😁


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JanesLittleGirl · 05/07/2024 21:15

I have no qualifications in Politics and I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it over the years but I do have a couple of concerns about the outcome.

We have had the most demonstrably right wing set of votes cast in history and this has given us the most left wing government since the '70s. This is a guarantee of dissatisfaction unless the government tacks right to satisfy the electorate. I'm not sure that this will happen given the massive Labour majority and the small number of truly opposition MPs.

The other problem is the sheer number of Labour MPs. 160 will get government jobs which means that 250 of them will just be lobby fodder. Within 12 months, 200 of them will work out that they will never get a role in government and the whips will lose control of them.

We might find that we are living in interesting times.

RedToothBrush · 05/07/2024 22:48

SnowFrogJelly · 05/07/2024 15:53

Looks like a landslide from where I'm standing

You don't really understand election numbers then.

This result gives Starmer very little room to move. It wasn't a victory based on enthusiasm and votes FOR Labour. This was a vote to get the Tories out.

This election has been a massive problem for Labour for getting young people out to vote. This section of the vote had a poor turnout. Not only did Labour win less votes than the last two elections but the turnout of the 18 - 25 year olds shrank considerably. Worse still, the data suggests that the number of 18 year olds registering to vote is shrinking year on year ATM. This election hasn't been about it being in July and young people being away. There's a significant drop off in this demographic.

Whilst the Con /Reform voter is typically much older and quite frankly weighing

5 years in office isn't going help with over voter retention.

They have very little space within to retain votes for the next time. And they know this.

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