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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Reasons to be cheerful/not despair?

176 replies

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 08:11

Indulge me, I'm feeling a bit doomy this morning (and very sad to be so, because a few years ago I'd have been doing cartwheels about this result).

We're better off than we were five years ago, right?

We have the Cass Report.

We have Forstater and various other legal decisions, with more pending.

There's a conversation around the harms of medicalising confused children.

Gender ideology is more to the 'controversial' end of the scale than 'right side of history'.

No-one will ever unsee Isla Bryson.

What else? I know there's a long road ahead, but what other foundations do we have to stand on as we prepare to fight ALL OVER AGAIN?

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Floisme · 05/07/2024 11:05

Regardless of who their leader is, I honestly don't think there's much the Tories can do about this now, other than asking awkward questions in Parliament once a week.

I think it's going to be up to everyone who said they'd fight this once Labour were in power to step up.

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 11:11

We haven't had a strong opposition in a very, very long time. In addition to asking the questions, they merely need to brief clearly to the public what is wrong with misogynistic strategies and ideas, what the impact of them is, that everyone matters and not just men with gender identities, how it is a serious failure to permit this to happen, and what they would do instead. In real, practical terms.

Exactly what Labour didn't do.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 11:15

Floisme · 05/07/2024 11:05

Regardless of who their leader is, I honestly don't think there's much the Tories can do about this now, other than asking awkward questions in Parliament once a week.

I think it's going to be up to everyone who said they'd fight this once Labour were in power to step up.

Yes. Excerpt as we saw in a post-Jane from London clip, he literally ran away from this topic. Can't do that at the despatch box.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 11:15

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 11:11

We haven't had a strong opposition in a very, very long time. In addition to asking the questions, they merely need to brief clearly to the public what is wrong with misogynistic strategies and ideas, what the impact of them is, that everyone matters and not just men with gender identities, how it is a serious failure to permit this to happen, and what they would do instead. In real, practical terms.

Exactly what Labour didn't do.

Yes to this. We've all been failed by a woeful opposition. We might get one now that causes them to drop that vase

mrshoho · 05/07/2024 11:22

What lifts me this morning is seeing the SNP being crushed. Well done people of Scotland. I'm not even living in Scotland but if ever there was an example of a party so arrogant and unprepared to listen to their voters it is them. Democracy is alive and well.

protectoroftherealm · 05/07/2024 11:26

I'm grateful that we have Party of Women and the candidate got 1.5% of the vote.

I am grateful for KJK.

I am grateful that the women who are on MN alone fighting back against this are committed, well spoken and vigilant when discussing these issues with women who still have veil across their eyes.

I am thankful that I am a massive gobshite and I have no fear or 'politeness' when speaking to people with a differing view.

I am thankful for my 1980/1990ms education where biology was taught as fact and interchangeable.

I am grateful that my husband will support me when I attend rallies and protests.

CatsArentFansOfFans · 05/07/2024 11:28

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INeedAPensieve · 05/07/2024 11:35

mrshoho · 05/07/2024 11:22

What lifts me this morning is seeing the SNP being crushed. Well done people of Scotland. I'm not even living in Scotland but if ever there was an example of a party so arrogant and unprepared to listen to their voters it is them. Democracy is alive and well.

Aye us Scots do not suffer fools. Scottish Labour should be wary; we held them to account the last time and voted them out and they voted for the GRR bill along with all other Scottish parties (bar the Tories) so they aren't off the hook. I suspect they know it though. Everyone I speak to IRL up here is sick of it all. Many many folk were peaked by pink leggings.

Absolutelyfractious · 05/07/2024 11:36

I feel hopeful that women in this country won't drop this. Ever. Whoever may be in power.

I think Kemi Badenoch will become next leader of conservatives which is a big positive and you just can't argue against her. Much like Helen Joyce.

FOJN · 05/07/2024 11:37

PronounssheRa · 05/07/2024 08:26

Lib dems aren't the official opposition

Despite the number of seats, Labour only won one third of the popular vote, so the support is nowhere need as strong as it could/should be. Bringing in unpopular policies could be disastrous for them and might make them think twice.

The genie is out of the bottle.

I agree. The Conservatives lost, Labour didn't not win, they gained very little of the vote share lost by the Conservatives.

I think the Tories were holding clarification of sex in the EA to ransom in the hope of gaining female votes I think, in opposition, they will be crystal clear on the harms of self ID if they think it will damage Labour.

Labour can call their GRA reform what they like but we all know what the effect will be.

I hate women's rights being used this way but we'll have to work with what we have.

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 11:39

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 08:20

Not cheerful but at a national level, Starmer did not do as well as Corbyn, in spite of his odd reasoning that he backed him "as they weren't going to win":

So the win is fragile. And there are seats where the margins are very tight (Jess Phillips being just one example). And they will have no money to play with. They need to tread with caution and not assume too much.

Curious, why don’t they have much money to play with ?
Did you see Jess’ acceptance speech. I thought it was great putting aside the fact that she’s not entirely GC.

Theunamedcat · 05/07/2024 11:41

I'm hoping now he is voted in he will clarify once and for all his position

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 11:43

Absolutelyfractious · 05/07/2024 11:36

I feel hopeful that women in this country won't drop this. Ever. Whoever may be in power.

I think Kemi Badenoch will become next leader of conservatives which is a big positive and you just can't argue against her. Much like Helen Joyce.

She’s very much a Liz Truss type of Tory, small state with minimal spending, reduced workers, rights, privatise the NHS. Do you think she’d win an election purely because she’s GC ? Miriam Cates got kicked out and is as GC as they come.

ThreeWordHarpy · 05/07/2024 11:45

I’m hoping Kemi will become the new Tory leader and hold Keir to account in PMQ.

I disagree with Kemi on a lot of most things outside women's rights issues, but i also recognise her as an eloquent and competent MP who takes her role seriously. I admire her for getting where she has with hard work and not "jobs for the boys". All the while no doubt dealing with various forms of sexism and racism. I think she would be a worthy Leader of the Opposition.

SnowFrogJelly · 05/07/2024 11:45

Reasons to be cheerful.. Labour won with a massive landslide
Stop moaning... wait and see what they can do

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 11:47

Labour won with fewer votes than Corbyn.

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 11:47

And ?

Ifittellsthebiggestlieswearstheloudestties · 05/07/2024 11:49

I think this is the time for fight EVEN MORE. Now things are going in the right direction. Not to let that momentum stop. The TRA's are backed by tonnes of US money and will not stop trying to influence things over here.

Branleuse · 05/07/2024 11:50

Im fucking delighted. Obviously labour have to be held to account, but ww finally have rid of the tories, and thats huge.
Not their greatest line up. But I finally feel that we have a party that has a strong history of funding services and actually investing in the country.
Id much rather a human rights lawyer as prime minister than a hedge fund manager

GiveMeSpanakopita · 05/07/2024 11:50

Hillary Cass is my silver lining!

A very good political analyst from Tortoise is calling it Labour's 'sandcastle majority' as it's not built on solid foundations - if you look at the spread of votes and second places, it was more about kicking the Tories out ...and Reform came second in loads of Labour wins.

Unlike Blair, KS absolutely must deliver in his first term or he won't get a second.

Ereshkigalangcleg · 05/07/2024 11:51

I don't believe Starmer will get a second term, or if Labour do he won't be leading.

Leniriefenstahl · 05/07/2024 12:02

@Ereshkigalangcleg on what evidence ? Have you a crystal ball ? 😂

Onetransphobicmother · 05/07/2024 12:02

Here's a reason to be cheerful. The delightful Sophie Molly, formerly of the Scottish Greens but flounced off because they weren't trans supportive enough, Soph came last in Aberdeen South with a measly 225 votes!


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Ereshkigalangcleg · 05/07/2024 12:07

I don't have a crystal ball, no Grin I don't think Starmer is up to the job of keeping the extremists in line. They will be plotting against him from today onwards.

Crouton19 · 05/07/2024 12:08

Lots of good MPs who don't know you (yet) keen to get stuck in and with fairly empty diaries and a long summer parliamentary recess to fill with getting to know their constituents. Pop in and say hello!

Some pro-women former MPs looking for new jobs and able to head up the bodies and NGOs that can pressure the new parliament (still a vacancy at SW I think?), appear on politics programmes, generally have influence without other distractions.

Kemi in opposition may end up on the very same select committee who tried to bring her down and can hold her successor to account.

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