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Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

410 replies

WandsOut · 04/07/2024 18:06

Story still unfolding in the news

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newnamethanks · 05/07/2024 10:41

Read his books. You should know who he is without being told by someone else.

Allie47 · 05/07/2024 10:45

I used to be somewhat of a fan of his work but he wasn't a favourite. I'm not at all shocked by this though 🤷‍♀️ he gives off those vibes. I was always surprised he and Terry Pratchett seemed so close as I had a lot of respect for Terry (and believe him to absolutely be GC, whatever anyone says now).

Meadowwild · 05/07/2024 10:47

AllTipAndNoIceberg · 04/07/2024 19:05

Gaiman, who self-pityingly decided to travel as far away from his child as it was possible to do when his relationship ended during a worldwide pandemic (11,000 miles from NZ to a holiday home in Scotland, breaking lockdown laws in a way that made the crappiest Tories look practically angelic)?

He’s always struck me as a smug, self-centred individual. Not remotely surprised about this. But he’s got a phenomenally huge fan base — brave of this young woman to speak up

Thank you. I was trying to remember the details of this story. i did remember it was bloke walks out on small child wrapped up in sensitive-creative guff. Selfish and unprincipled.

Meadowwild · 05/07/2024 10:48

newnamethanks · 05/07/2024 10:41

Read his books. You should know who he is without being told by someone else.

Ooh interesting. What do they reveal?

Meadowwild · 05/07/2024 10:56

Collidascope · 04/07/2024 18:48

Yeah, I just started episode 3 of the podcast. A man in his 60s climbing naked into a bath with a woman in her early 20s, whom he has only just met and who is his employee. So grim, and the bohemian nudist vibes remind me of Jimmy Savile using his weirdness as a cloak for his perverted behaviour.

Perfectly put.

Twofifty · 05/07/2024 10:57

VictorianBigot · 05/07/2024 01:12

He and Tori Amos are very close friends (he is her spiritual brother apparently). She co-founded the rape, abuse and incest national network so I wonder what she makes of it. She must know, surely. Christ.

He always struck me as a creep. David Tennant too. Smug, self-assured and something of the night about them.

I thought of her straight away. She has a daughter who is in her early 20s.

Goddessofcatkind · 05/07/2024 10:58

What another one?

Hoppinggreen · 05/07/2024 11:02

Left wing woke bros are some of the worst misogynists out IME.
They cloak it in Socialism to give themselves the moral high ground but I see them

VictorianBigot · 05/07/2024 11:22

Twofifty · 05/07/2024 10:57

I thought of her straight away. She has a daughter who is in her early 20s.

I was a huge fan back in the day (don’t listen to any of her recent stuff) but this has put me right off her.

VictorianBigot · 05/07/2024 11:32

Hoppinggreen · 05/07/2024 11:02

Left wing woke bros are some of the worst misogynists out IME.
They cloak it in Socialism to give themselves the moral high ground but I see them

God yes. I’ve had similar experiences with woke ‘socialist’ females, the Cool Girls.

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 11:36

I adored his books (loved TP more, but still) and did think he seemed one of the good ones.

Then that Times article about their marvellous open marriage gave me the slight ick.

Then he started supporting the medicalisation of confused children and calling concerned women bigots.

Then he fucked off from NZ and abandoned his child in the middle of a pandemic.

At this point I thought selfish Wokey Blokey twat, what's new.

Still didn't expect this but I note it's a well trodden trajectory.

Kernackered · 05/07/2024 12:08

LaLoba · 04/07/2024 22:28

Any man who berates women who are concerned about boundaries and safeguarding as he has is suspect in my eyes. I’m not remotely surprised, even his own ‘defence’ of his behaviour puts him in the dodgy predatory creep category.
He was one of two vocal ‘trans women are women’ figures that I’ve been wondering when they’d have their Saville/Weinstein moment. Fairly common knowledge on the comicon scene what a creep he is for barely legal fans.

RTD can’t hide forever, surely.

Who is RTD?

Chersfrozenface · 05/07/2024 12:09

Kernackered · 05/07/2024 12:08

Who is RTD?

Russell T Davies, I imagine.

Kernackered · 05/07/2024 12:16

Chersfrozenface · 05/07/2024 12:09

Russell T Davies, I imagine.

Thanks. Obvious now I know

FofB · 05/07/2024 12:18

I've listened to the 1st episode. I've been around a fair amount of teenage girls in my life and the one thing that struck me- I've heard that half laugh, half hysterical sound before; when young girls have been faced with another load of shit from a man and can't quite process it; wanting to be grown up but still naïve.

RoyalCorgi · 05/07/2024 12:41
CutthroatDruTheViolent · 05/07/2024 12:43

He proports to be a feminist too.

The worst ones always do.

GiveMeSpanakopita · 05/07/2024 12:49

On the consensual point....good men know that when they are in a position of power and superior in age, there is an imbalance between them and a potential female sexual partner. All the more so if the woman is vulnerable. And they don't get involved in those situations.

Why do so many TRAs also happen to be misogynists or even abusers? That's a rhetorical question btw. I think I know the answer. TRA is a cover, like a certain 1970s British TV star and his many charitable activities.

Biggleslefae · 05/07/2024 12:50

He says transwomen are women ... wonder if he'd be getting into a bath with one of them too?

GiveMeSpanakopita · 05/07/2024 12:51

VictorianBigot · 05/07/2024 11:32

God yes. I’ve had similar experiences with woke ‘socialist’ females, the Cool Girls.

I always just tend to think of them as desperate PickMes. They tend to be very young. Or old, but desperately trying to 'stay in' with the young 'uns.

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 12:55

Biggleslefae · 05/07/2024 12:50

He says transwomen are women ... wonder if he'd be getting into a bath with one of them too?

Of course he would, TWAW after all!

Unless... Unless he's a TRA in the streets and a Terf in the sheets? But surely not. I'm sure it's not that he knows perfectly well what a woman is when his dick needs servicing.

Biggleslefae · 05/07/2024 13:01

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 12:55

Of course he would, TWAW after all!

Unless... Unless he's a TRA in the streets and a Terf in the sheets? But surely not. I'm sure it's not that he knows perfectly well what a woman is when his dick needs servicing.

Surely any man who says that trans women are women is at risk of being asked to put his money where his mouth is, ie have a sexual relationship with one of these trans women who are women and no different at all to the women women that he's happy to have sex with. 🤷🏼‍♀️

YouJustDoYou · 05/07/2024 13:02

Collidascope · 04/07/2024 18:48

Yeah, I just started episode 3 of the podcast. A man in his 60s climbing naked into a bath with a woman in her early 20s, whom he has only just met and who is his employee. So grim, and the bohemian nudist vibes remind me of Jimmy Savile using his weirdness as a cloak for his perverted behaviour.

Oh, it's gross, isn't it?

Chersfrozenface · 05/07/2024 13:05

Unless he's a TRA in the streets and a Terf in the sheets? 

Or a TERF in the bath.

Remember LOJ. Full on TWAW and TMAM but wouldn't date * a transman.

  • Verb used with its modern meaning i.e. not just going on a trip to the flicks
LilyBartsHatShop · 05/07/2024 13:18

newnamethanks · 05/07/2024 10:41

Read his books. You should know who he is without being told by someone else.

I think you're right. Although I must admit I love The Ocean At The End of the Road, and quite liked Coraline and Stardust. But his short story Snow, Glass, Apples is some of the most visceral misogyny I've ever encountered in print. Such loathing of female bodily functions - as others have said, I've been wary of him and these accusations don't surprise me.
I also appreciate the podcast spoilers on this thread because I don't think I'll ever feel ready to listening to such a grim story.

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