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Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

404 replies

WandsOut · 04/07/2024 18:06

Story still unfolding in the news

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HermioneWeasley · 04/07/2024 20:22

They all know what a woman is when they’re harassing and assaulting us aren’t they? Or need a surrogate.

it’s all part of a sadly predictable pattern.

Omlettes · 04/07/2024 20:25

CormorantStrikesBack · 04/07/2024 20:17

He’s matey with David Tennant isn’t he? Another well known feminist 🙄😡



elspethmcgillicudddy · 04/07/2024 20:26

I think tortoise media tend to do well considered and well informed podcasts and I follow various of their shows. This was a hard listen and I didn't agree with bringing in the allegations against his father within the Scientology community. They explained that these might have been unfounded but then why include them? I thought they were irrelevant and irresponsible to include.

The rest of it was well explained. The young woman in question was clearly extremely vulnerable. Even if it was truly consensual (or he thought it was) the whole thing js extremely icky. Fwiw he has always given me the ick and I was never sure why. So has David Tennant- from the word go and waaay before the gender stuff. Just a 'no' feeling.

Brewdug · 04/07/2024 20:31

CormorantStrikesBack · 04/07/2024 20:17

He’s matey with David Tennant isn’t he? Another well known feminist 🙄😡


He is mentioned in this investigation, but only in the context of being a celeb contact Gaiman would tell women he would introduce them to, if (you can guess the rest).

CormorantStrikesBack · 04/07/2024 20:39

I can’t imagine (sadly) the police will proceed with this. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong. He says it’s consensual, he has texts to back this up.

of course anyone sensible knows that with the power disparity she may well have felt unable to say no…..I mean if she did would she lose her house and her job??? I seriously hope he reflects on this but I’d guess he will be resolute in his belief he’s done nothing wrong.

Ereshkigalangcleg · 04/07/2024 20:43

He's a nasty piece of work.

SuncreamAndIceCream · 04/07/2024 20:44

I think the clues were there during his marriage to Amanda Palmer

There were a lot of things which seemed quite odd about their relationship

Not least that he seemed to have a lot of freedom to do his thing while she was taking care of the children

She always seemed at pains to explain their relationship was unconventional but it appeared same old same old to me - the man gets to eat his cake and the woman gets the crumbs

WandsOut · 04/07/2024 21:18

CormorantStrikesBack · 04/07/2024 20:39

I can’t imagine (sadly) the police will proceed with this. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong. He says it’s consensual, he has texts to back this up.

of course anyone sensible knows that with the power disparity she may well have felt unable to say no…..I mean if she did would she lose her house and her job??? I seriously hope he reflects on this but I’d guess he will be resolute in his belief he’s done nothing wrong.

40 years older than her and anally penetrating her with his fingers within hours of her being employed. Fuckpig and Master.

He knows all about power.

OP posts:
WandsOut · 04/07/2024 21:21

Using David Tennant as a social lubricant. Wonder how much Tennant knows.

OP posts:
AllProperTeaIsTheft · 04/07/2024 21:27

I like his books, but I thought he was a bit of a nob, and am not surprised to find out he may be a wrong 'un tbh.

NeverDropYourMooncup · 04/07/2024 21:29

napody · 04/07/2024 19:19

"Tortoise understands that he believes K’s allegations are motivated by her regret over their relationship and that Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him, a claim which is not supported by her medical records and medical history."

Wow, if this is true its some epic grade sadistic gaslighting.

So one is because she has been dumped and the other's crazy?

Oh, that answers it, then - can't possibly be him using the two most common claims made by predatory men to get away with their abuse, can it? Must be sheer coincidence.

Simonlebonbon · 04/07/2024 21:29

I actually have friends who are slightly "in" with Amanda and Neil and they sound as though their behaviour when not in public is awful, the pair of them. This is hearsay mind you, but if there is truth in it which I do believe at least some to be, they are not good people.
Everything I've heard about them has made me feel icky, this allergation doesn't shock me at all
It was rumoured Amanda (who I've met twice over the years and was desperately in need of a clean on both occasions but was also very charming) was also sleeping with the young nanny. I say rumour because who knows, if you're a part of a unusual couple these rumours occur.
From the things I've heard, which as I say are all just rumours and opinions of acquaintances of theirs, but if there is any truth, I hope that their young son is given more stability than is speculated.

I hope justice prevails for the victims if there is truth in this 🙏🏼

Kokomjolk · 04/07/2024 21:37

Yep, never trust a man who virtue signals about feminism. They usually turn out to be creepy predators in the end.

Grammarnut · 04/07/2024 21:44

Interesting. He worked with T. Pratchett, whose DW and DD apparently claim Pratchett would have said TWAW. The evidence for this is pretty i.e. dwarfs dress the same (inc beard) whether male or female and Monstrous Regiment (awful book, preachy) is all about women who cross dress to join the army (Pratchett gets the army all wrong since he has a nineteenth-century type army using medieval tactics - impossible). But the women in Monstrous Regiment do not think they are men, and the dwarfs know male from female when it matters, they are not cross-dressers at all.

Realduchymarmalade · 04/07/2024 21:44

I never normally am one to say ‘I knew he was a creep’ but in this case I absolutely did. He has always made me shudder! Completely over broken as a writer as well, he thinks he’s so talented but if we were not living in times where the bar is set so very low for literature, particularly for children, then he would not have had the success he has. Mediocre talent - and that’s being generous - arrogant pervert.

OtterMouse · 04/07/2024 21:46

Fwiw he has always given me the ick and I was never sure why. So has David Tennant- from the word go and waaay before the gender stuff. Just a 'no' feeling.

Yes, same here. Never got on board the Tennant love in that was going on when he was in Doctor Who etc.

And never felt any kind of warmth towards Neil Gaiman.

That both of them are questionable in one way or another is no surprise.

StMarieforme · 04/07/2024 21:46

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 18:39

Feminist my left foot.

He was amongst the authors who signed a letter saying, amongst other things "To that end, we say: non-binary people are non-binary, trans women are women, trans men are men, trans rights are human rights".

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if this were true. Gender ideology, Queer Theory, the trampling of boundaries - it's all of a piece.

Are you actually suggesting that because someone supports trans rights they are likely to be a sexual predator/ rapist?

Seen it all now.

AstonUniversityPotholeDepartment · 04/07/2024 21:48

Men who support male access to women's spaces where women undress or are vulnerable turn out, surprisingly often, to be sexual predators.

If this is news to you, I can find plenty more examples of the phenomenon.

GeorgeOrwellsTurningGrave · 04/07/2024 22:09

Colour me completely unsurprised. He always gave me the creeps.

labtest57 · 04/07/2024 22:17

WandsOut · 04/07/2024 21:21

Using David Tennant as a social lubricant. Wonder how much Tennant knows.

Tennant found it hilarious that John Barrowman exposed himself to cast members on Doctor Who, so wouldn't surprise me if he knew about, and condoned this.

lechiffre55 · 04/07/2024 22:23

Men who describe themselves as "allies" seem to disproportionately turn out to be the worst kind of creeps. A man who describes himself as an "ally" is a big red warning flag for me now.

WickedSerious · 04/07/2024 22:24

StMarieforme · 04/07/2024 21:46

Are you actually suggesting that because someone supports trans rights they are likely to be a sexual predator/ rapist?

Seen it all now.

It's not exactly unheard of is it?

LaLoba · 04/07/2024 22:28

Any man who berates women who are concerned about boundaries and safeguarding as he has is suspect in my eyes. I’m not remotely surprised, even his own ‘defence’ of his behaviour puts him in the dodgy predatory creep category.
He was one of two vocal ‘trans women are women’ figures that I’ve been wondering when they’d have their Saville/Weinstein moment. Fairly common knowledge on the comicon scene what a creep he is for barely legal fans.

RTD can’t hide forever, surely.

CuriousAlien · 04/07/2024 22:33

I listened to the podcast. It is graphic and I am finding it hard to shake off. There were a number of damning revelations (if the basic details weren't enough) like the non-disclosure agreement and also details of another "girlfriend" who had been very young and vulnerable.

I recommend listening if you want an insight into this kind of abusive behaviour. It reminds me of when a teacher grooms a pupil who then thinks they are in a loving relationship. This happened to someone I know and it has taken them years to recognise what happened was abuse.

Hopefully telling the story will help others, now and in the future. It seems unlikely there will be any legal action.

LaLoba · 04/07/2024 22:37

CuriousAlien · 04/07/2024 22:33

I listened to the podcast. It is graphic and I am finding it hard to shake off. There were a number of damning revelations (if the basic details weren't enough) like the non-disclosure agreement and also details of another "girlfriend" who had been very young and vulnerable.

I recommend listening if you want an insight into this kind of abusive behaviour. It reminds me of when a teacher grooms a pupil who then thinks they are in a loving relationship. This happened to someone I know and it has taken them years to recognise what happened was abuse.

Hopefully telling the story will help others, now and in the future. It seems unlikely there will be any legal action.

There’s 20 years between the two allegations. It’s likely there are many more. Hopefully more women will feel able to come forward.

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