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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

410 replies

WandsOut · 04/07/2024 18:06

Story still unfolding in the news

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SquirrelSoShiny · 04/07/2024 22:39

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 18:39

Feminist my left foot.

He was amongst the authors who signed a letter saying, amongst other things "To that end, we say: non-binary people are non-binary, trans women are women, trans men are men, trans rights are human rights".

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if this were true. Gender ideology, Queer Theory, the trampling of boundaries - it's all of a piece.

Yep. Boundary trampling is really cool for some emotionally stunted, overly-entitled art luvvies.

AppleBlossomTimeNow · 04/07/2024 22:52

Absolutely not surprised. Arrogant creep.

pandasorous · 04/07/2024 22:55

this guy has always given me the creeps
he has a really off vibe.
so not surprised
probably more will come out in time

1stWorldProblems · 04/07/2024 23:08

Sadly not surprised. Am a big fan of the Sandman comics but they had some scenes that had creepy attitudes to women - all in the context of the storyline but... Him personally, the more I read, the less I liked. Going on about your unconventional marriage is also icky too.

Overtheatlantic · 04/07/2024 23:11

He’s not that great a writer. Terry Pratchett carried him in Good Omens. It was easy to see who the master was.

mrsmiawallace3 · 04/07/2024 23:20

Have always considered his work derivative to the point of outright mimicry of genuine literary talent .

Jimmyneutronsforehead · 04/07/2024 23:27

CrossPurposes · 04/07/2024 18:50

"Scarlett, 23, alleges that Gaiman sexually assaulted her within hours of their first meeting in February 2022 in a bath at his New Zealand residence, where she worked as a nanny to his child. Tortoise understands that Gaiman’s account is that they only “cuddled” and “made out” in the bath and that he had established consent for this."

within hours

So Gaiman has admitted to sexual contact with which there is an employer/employee, high age/low age, and male/female power imbalance, but he claims it was all consensual and not at all coercion.

Nah Neil, not buying it. Have you walked past a mirror?

halfpastten · 04/07/2024 23:45

His just divorced wife Amanda Palmer said to Scarlett there were 14 others. Amanda would not talk to the podcast, but says quite a lot in her recent lyrics:


Another forest metaphor
You've heard a million before
The trees know everything, I tried a wedding ring
But you just cringed and said, "What for?"
And now the whole thing's turned to ash
You try to cover it with cash
Another falling tree no one can hear but me
Another suicidal mass
Landing on my doorstep, thanks a ton
Oh, darling, how can I repay you for what you have done?

And then you lied to me at Whakanewha
And you sealed it with a kiss
I wanted to live with you, but, fuckin'-a, fuck you
No one on Earth could live like this

Another clear-cut load of crap
A few more corpses in the sack
You'll get away with it, it's just the same old script
This world is shaped to have your back
You said, "I'm sorry," then you ran
And went and did it all again
I'm such a fool, I know
Street smart but gullible
I see the good in everything
A pound of flax, a pound of steel
I may be dumb, but I can feel
I wonder when you'll realize what you had

A frightened bird, a crystal ball
So sad, you could've had it all
But you hate yourself too much to want all that
I had so much hope for your broken heart
But you've made your choice, and you chose the dark

And so I'll bury you at Whakanewha
And have a party with my friends
I'll miss you terribly, but, fuckin'-a, fuck me
It feels so good to love again
And so I'll bury you at Whakanewha
And have a party with my friends
I'll miss you terribly, but, fuckin'-a, fuck me
It feels so good to love again

Brewdug · 04/07/2024 23:50

Another point worth mentioning is that Scarlett eventually ended up hospitalised following suicidal ideation. When Gaiman heard of this he told her the accusations had made him want to kill himself.

From hospital she texted profuse apologies, sorrow and pity for him, minimised everything and bent over backwards to make him feel better. At this point he is around 60 and she is still early 20s.

taylorswift1989 · 04/07/2024 23:57

Oh this is so horrible.

I always wondered what the hell went on with him and AFP. Their relationship gave me the ick. But it was kind of made out that she was a narcissist and he had escaped her.

Obviously just covering his tracks.

Hairyesterdaygonetoday · 04/07/2024 23:59

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 18:39

Feminist my left foot.

He was amongst the authors who signed a letter saying, amongst other things "To that end, we say: non-binary people are non-binary, trans women are women, trans men are men, trans rights are human rights".

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if this were true. Gender ideology, Queer Theory, the trampling of boundaries - it's all of a piece.

Exactly. He is completely opposed to single-sex spaces and services. I don’t know why bog-standard sexists bother to say they’re feminists. Maybe as a fantasy writer he’s lost touch with boring old reality.

NotRomanticBreak · 05/07/2024 00:04

@AllTipAndNoIceberg that's exactly when I lost respect for him

Brewdug · 05/07/2024 00:09

taylorswift1989 · 04/07/2024 23:57

Oh this is so horrible.

I always wondered what the hell went on with him and AFP. Their relationship gave me the ick. But it was kind of made out that she was a narcissist and he had escaped her.

Obviously just covering his tracks.

There's absolutely no implication of this on the podcast, but it left me with a horrible impression AP was as good as luring vulnerable young women into the household.

She and Gaiman were already living separately I think? But eventually it is revealed she wasn't paid, etc, so was essentially in thrall.

taylorswift1989 · 05/07/2024 00:13

Jesus that is grim. AP has a history of not paying people so that doesn't surprise me.

victoriapauncefootjones · 05/07/2024 00:25

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 18:39

Feminist my left foot.

He was amongst the authors who signed a letter saying, amongst other things "To that end, we say: non-binary people are non-binary, trans women are women, trans men are men, trans rights are human rights".

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if this were true. Gender ideology, Queer Theory, the trampling of boundaries - it's all of a piece.

Yep, not shocked.

MrsWhattery · 05/07/2024 00:45

I never normally am one to say ‘I knew he was a creep’ but in this case I absolutely did. He has always made me shudder! Completely over broken as a writer as well, he thinks he’s so talented but if we were not living in times where the bar is set so very low for literature, particularly for children, then he would not have had the success he has.

Me too! It's very easy to say "I never liked him" now but I really didn't. ExP was a big fanboy and I always thought ugh, nooooo don't like him. I read Coraline because it's based on a folktale I really like, and I was shocked at how bad it was. He doesn't know what he's trying to say or do with it and there's no meaningful arc. I was really disappointed in it.

VictorianBigot · 05/07/2024 01:12

He and Tori Amos are very close friends (he is her spiritual brother apparently). She co-founded the rape, abuse and incest national network so I wonder what she makes of it. She must know, surely. Christ.

He always struck me as a creep. David Tennant too. Smug, self-assured and something of the night about them.

songaboutjam · 05/07/2024 01:14

Speaking as a Gen Z, I would be interested to find out how this affects his support on Tumblr. Tumblr is very pro-trans but its userbase takes a pretty dim view of men who behave like this (especially the straight and white ones). They currently love him on there because he's down with the kids and fully engages with the platform's culture.

I've never agreed with him on anything, except for his views on reader entitlement towards authors. Not at all surprised to see this thread.

TempestTost · 05/07/2024 01:31

I am not a person who tends to take an always believe the woman approach, and I don't really care about age gap relationships, but I think this whole thing sounds like he is as dodgy as all heck.

MaidOfAle · 05/07/2024 02:12

Definitely never watching Good Omens series two now.

Also, completely unsurprised by this.

LaLoba · 05/07/2024 05:52

MaidOfAle · 05/07/2024 02:12

Definitely never watching Good Omens series two now.

Also, completely unsurprised by this.

I’ll always be fond of the original GO, because it’s very clearly all Pratchett (I seem to recall TP saying as much when he was alive).

The second I hated anyway, a cynical cash in on the good name of the deceased.

Simonlebonbon · 05/07/2024 07:07

halfpastten · 04/07/2024 23:45

His just divorced wife Amanda Palmer said to Scarlett there were 14 others. Amanda would not talk to the podcast, but says quite a lot in her recent lyrics:


Another forest metaphor
You've heard a million before
The trees know everything, I tried a wedding ring
But you just cringed and said, "What for?"
And now the whole thing's turned to ash
You try to cover it with cash
Another falling tree no one can hear but me
Another suicidal mass
Landing on my doorstep, thanks a ton
Oh, darling, how can I repay you for what you have done?

And then you lied to me at Whakanewha
And you sealed it with a kiss
I wanted to live with you, but, fuckin'-a, fuck you
No one on Earth could live like this

Another clear-cut load of crap
A few more corpses in the sack
You'll get away with it, it's just the same old script
This world is shaped to have your back
You said, "I'm sorry," then you ran
And went and did it all again
I'm such a fool, I know
Street smart but gullible
I see the good in everything
A pound of flax, a pound of steel
I may be dumb, but I can feel
I wonder when you'll realize what you had

A frightened bird, a crystal ball
So sad, you could've had it all
But you hate yourself too much to want all that
I had so much hope for your broken heart
But you've made your choice, and you chose the dark

And so I'll bury you at Whakanewha
And have a party with my friends
I'll miss you terribly, but, fuckin'-a, fuck me
It feels so good to love again
And so I'll bury you at Whakanewha
And have a party with my friends
I'll miss you terribly, but, fuckin'-a, fuck me
It feels so good to love again

Turn to Ash - Ash is the name of their son. The child he was happy to leave when he fled to Scotland. Offering cash to be an absent parent isn't exactly a surprise.

Amanda I imagine will bleed him dry as she's extremely money motivated.

shockeditellyou · 05/07/2024 07:25

Not surprised. There’s a whole cohort of men like that - liking to portray themselves as alternative- who are rotten to the core.

guinnessguzzler · 05/07/2024 07:39

These men. Here's a little clue for you Neil, if you find yourself in a bath with your kids' much younger nanny within hours of meeting, you're a massive sex pest, power crazed sleaze bag, and no one is going to believe she consented. Time is well and truly up for men like you.

Poettree · 05/07/2024 10:35

He always seemed like one of those writers who is more about Being An Author than actually writing... not that I can judge his work as I've never felt the urge to read it. Can't stand those moody moody male writers.

The whole NZ breakup playing out on Twitter was deeply weird and I thought then he sounded like a nightmare on two legs.

As for claiming False Memory Syndrome - are we really still doing that, given that it's now well established that trauma can make clear recall difficult?

I have just started listening to the podcast. Fair to say he's joined that long queue of men who thought their fame made them untouchable.

And found out it doesn't.

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