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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8

796 replies

Kucinghitam · 16/04/2024 12:11

Continuation of Thread 7.

There is so much excellent information and so many active discussions on FWR that I wondered if it would be useful to have a thread to sort of "cross-fertilise" between them - airing little thoughts or vignettes that wouldn't themselves merit their own thread, to highlight other posts/threads of particular interest or to point to notable developments on fast-moving threads so that casual observers know where to look.

(For example, "the X thread has meandered onto a fascinating discussion of Y" or "Poster P's amazing analysis on thread Z might have relevance to the scenario in thread W" or "Has anybody noticed this recurring theme that keeps coming up??" or even "Random bloke asked me to smile while I was choosing onions in the supermarket, grr"- that sort of thing).

Women's rights general conversations - Thread 7 | Mumsnet

Continuation of [[ Thread 6]]. There is so much...

OP posts:
Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 16/04/2024 12:13

Thanks, Kuc!

NoBinturongsHereMate · 16/04/2024 12:13


RayonSunrise · 16/04/2024 12:44

Popping in and signing on for "the beginning of the middle" phase of this campaign. (So to speak.)

bignosebignose · 16/04/2024 12:46

Afternoon all, still reading if rarely commenting. Hope everyone's well. Enjoying the Cass caper, still a long way to go but it's progress.

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 16/04/2024 12:50

Hello, BNBN, long time no see. Hope you're okay.

Britinme · 16/04/2024 13:15

Hi bnbn. Placemarking for new thread!

StephanieSuperpowers · 16/04/2024 13:59

We've come a long way, babies!

artant · 16/04/2024 14:08

I keep missing the start of these threads so end up with a daunting amount to read so I’m very pleased to see a new one that I stand a chance of following from the start.

SinnerBoy · 16/04/2024 14:15

Hi-aye, Bignose!

BezMills · 16/04/2024 14:16

Sup, talkfugees and new friends (oneofone)

duc748 · 16/04/2024 14:44

Hello new thread!

IcakethereforeIam · 16/04/2024 16:01

Ooh! Love it. So light and airy. Don't get me wrong the previous thread was great but this one....there's so much room.

Anyway, don't know if this is pertinent

Forgot to get an archive link but really the headline sums it up. So we should be able to keep a different, pseudo religious belief out of schools too.

Prayer ban at Katharine Birbalsingh’s school is lawful, High Court rules

Michaela Community School wins defence of legal challenge launched by Muslim pupil

EasternStandard · 16/04/2024 16:53

Thanks for thread

Those AIBU threads always amaze me in the investment to belittle this issue

I’m so glad FWR exists, for quality of posts

Boiledbeetle · 16/04/2024 16:56

I can't believe you all left the last thread and no one tidied up a threads worth of rubbish and empty drink cartons, or switched off the light.

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 16/04/2024 16:57

Boiledbeetle · 16/04/2024 16:56

I can't believe you all left the last thread and no one tidied up a threads worth of rubbish and empty drink cartons, or switched off the light.

Hey, Binturong did some tidying!

Or said she did...

Boiledbeetle · 16/04/2024 16:59

IcakethereforeIam · 16/04/2024 16:01

Ooh! Love it. So light and airy. Don't get me wrong the previous thread was great but this one....there's so much room.

Anyway, don't know if this is pertinent

Forgot to get an archive link but really the headline sums it up. So we should be able to keep a different, pseudo religious belief out of schools too.

You left it next to your deck chair on the last thread

Boiledbeetle · 16/04/2024 17:02

Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 16/04/2024 16:57

Hey, Binturong did some tidying!

Or said she did...

I fear it was taken over by some feral posters who refuse to grow up

(Wipes spray paint off fingers)

StephanieSuperpowers · 16/04/2024 17:12

Those AIBU threads always amaze me in the investment to belittle this issue

Yeah, I'm really getting tired of the performative stupidity. It really is time for people to grow up and realise that we're moving into a new phase and they really should stop humiliating themselves.

MMBaranova · 16/04/2024 17:15

>and realise that we're moving into a new phase

We are. The road ahead is an uneven one though. However, there have been shifts.

Kucinghitam · 16/04/2024 17:16

IcakethereforeIam · 16/04/2024 16:01

Ooh! Love it. So light and airy. Don't get me wrong the previous thread was great but this one....there's so much room.

Anyway, don't know if this is pertinent

Forgot to get an archive link but really the headline sums it up. So we should be able to keep a different, pseudo religious belief out of schools too.

I find her an interesting character. Some things about her (or rather her school) seem rather, um, excessive. For example, the silent corridors thing. I did listen to an interview where she explained her reasoning, and I can see what she means. But some other things about her school, e.g. the true inclusivity of the mealtimes and the even-handed ban on all religious rituals within school, sound pretty good to me.

OP posts:
MotherOfCatBoy · 16/04/2024 17:21

Lurker, lurking. (Usually lose this thread for a while and then read 20 pages in one go to catch up…)

StephanieSuperpowers · 16/04/2024 17:24

MMBaranova · 16/04/2024 17:15

>and realise that we're moving into a new phase

We are. The road ahead is an uneven one though. However, there have been shifts.

Yeah, it's not going to be soon, but I think the air is gone out of no debate so saying any stupid foolery that comes into your head and viciously attacking anyone who disagrees before an audience intimidated into silence by the extreme aggression isn't going to cut it any more. Thank goodness.

NoBinturongsHereMate · 16/04/2024 17:25

The school I went was was explicitly free from religion (but pretty much the complete opposite of KB's school in all other ways). We did learn a bit about them in World Studies, and sang Jerusalem once a year for historical reasons, but that was the limit. I think it was a good thing.


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Kucinghitam · 16/04/2024 17:29

Mulling on the Michaela school story. Whilst agreeing with the broader principle of a religion-free school (excepting RE), I do still find that school rather weird. But if parents freely chose it, I can't quite fathom why they got upset when it did what it said on the tin.

OP posts:
Vegemiteandhoneyontoast · 16/04/2024 17:32

NoBinturongsHereMate · 16/04/2024 17:25

The school I went was was explicitly free from religion (but pretty much the complete opposite of KB's school in all other ways). We did learn a bit about them in World Studies, and sang Jerusalem once a year for historical reasons, but that was the limit. I think it was a good thing.

I heard that the retiring head of the school I went to advised the incoming head on assemblies by telling him to do 'a hymn, a prayer and a bollocking' and that's pretty much what we always got.

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