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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8

864 replies

Kucinghitam · 16/04/2024 12:11

Continuation of Thread 7.

There is so much excellent information and so many active discussions on FWR that I wondered if it would be useful to have a thread to sort of "cross-fertilise" between them - airing little thoughts or vignettes that wouldn't themselves merit their own thread, to highlight other posts/threads of particular interest or to point to notable developments on fast-moving threads so that casual observers know where to look.

(For example, "the X thread has meandered onto a fascinating discussion of Y" or "Poster P's amazing analysis on thread Z might have relevance to the scenario in thread W" or "Has anybody noticed this recurring theme that keeps coming up??" or even "Random bloke asked me to smile while I was choosing onions in the supermarket, grr"- that sort of thing).

Women's rights general conversations - Thread 7 | Mumsnet

Continuation of [[ Thread 6]]. There is so much...

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OP posts:
SqueakyDinosaur · 08/05/2024 13:42

I used to have a Moldovan colleague (mad) whose name provided some absolutely excellent anagrams. My favourite was Senorita Merman.

NoBinturongsHereMate · 09/05/2024 08:35

That's a splendid anagram. I think I'd be tempted to change it to my actual name.

This is why we're evil - people can't tell the difference between a bad thing, and the person telling them about the bad thing:

NoBinturongsHereMate · 09/05/2024 16:48

There is nothing new under the sun: (1977, complaints about transsexual men invading lesbian spaces)

lcakethereforeIam · 10/05/2024 23:40

I've just been outside, looked straight up (at the plough) and seen Northern lights, in NW England.

Boiledbeetle · 10/05/2024 23:49

lcakethereforeIam · 10/05/2024 23:40

I've just been outside, looked straight up (at the plough) and seen Northern lights, in NW England.

I'm not in the North West but went to see what my view was like...

And whilst I'm here I can confirm the moon is not made of cheese.

Seriously though, northern lights! I'm very jealous right now!

Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8
duc748 · 11/05/2024 00:43

As another in NW England, so am I!

SinnerBoy · 11/05/2024 01:00

It's spectacular here in Whitley Bay, but my photos are useless. Lots of pinky green swirls.

NoBinturongsHereMate · 11/05/2024 08:34

Too overcast here last night to see anything really, but it did look as if someone was turning the brightness of the sky up and down.

Meanwhile, in fantasy land: Trans counseling business suffers mass exodus of staff, who object to an employee 'approriating the language of gender dysphoria' to commit the unforgivable sin of pretending to be a different ethnicity [for those who don't Twix, this is the article linked in the tweet Also contains some interesting details of how much money is sloshing around incentivising these 'services'.]

A Disgraced Philadelphia Activist Landed a Job at a Portland Therapy Clinic. The Therapists Quit.

NoBinturongsHereMate · 11/05/2024 08:38

And in a double bonus for a Saturday morning, there is also this:

SinnerBoy · 11/05/2024 09:00

An archive link to the Telegraph story:

SinnerBoy · 11/05/2024 09:01

The Aurora from the beach at the bottom of my street, last night. Some of my wife's pictures came out OK:

Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8
Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8
Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8
Women's rights general conversations - Thread 8
AlisonDonut · 11/05/2024 10:09

That's pretty awesome Sinner. How nice to live by the sea, I used to live by the sea.

NoBinturongsHereMate · 11/05/2024 10:15

Macron claimed surrogacy is “not compatible with the dignity of women” and equated it to “turning their bodies into commodities”.

I also like the way he's framing increased fathers' involvement as a 'duty' rather than a 'right' - centering the child not the man.

SinnerBoy · 11/05/2024 10:47

AlisonDonut · Today 10:09

That's pretty awesome Sinner. How nice to live by the sea, I used to live by the sea.

It's great this time of year, but it can be awful during the winter. Icy rain blasting off the sea etc.

duc748 · 11/05/2024 11:05

You just can't your head around people like Gustavson, can you?

NoBinturongsHereMate · 11/05/2024 21:10

Graham Norton having serious problems with Bambi Thug's pronouns on Eurovision. His introductions included theys, shes, a s__, and a couple of whole-word glottal stops as his brain just refused to play.

SqueakyDinosaur · 11/05/2024 23:16

I watched the start of EV with some chums and a couple of them actually CHEERED when I pointed out that declaring yourself non-binary actually creates a binary.

dunBle · 12/05/2024 00:15

Bambi Thug just misgendered all over the place in the BBC News report on Eurovision.

Doyoumind · 12/05/2024 00:22

dunBle · 12/05/2024 00:15

Bambi Thug just misgendered all over the place in the BBC News report on Eurovision.

Was just coming here to report this myself. I won't be staying up to see how quickly they rectify it.

Britinme · 12/05/2024 02:10

I couldn't quite work out Barbie Thug but I assumed male.

DeanElderberry · 12/05/2024 07:44

Nee Bambie Ray Robinson. Went to an all-girls school (a long time ago).

Seven years older than Nemo (the Swiss they / them, not the needy snarky poster on the old place).

AlisonDonut · 12/05/2024 07:50

I've avoided Eurovision since Brotherhood of Man, and am all the happier for it.

It seems to have completely overtaken the Aurora as the thing to rant about in the last 24 hours.

Absolutely bonkers.


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Kucinghitam · 12/05/2024 07:56

I didn't like the Ireland entry at all, load of weird shrieking and seemed all about being deliberately shocking.

OTOH, I did like the Swiss one. When the act started I didn't know he was meant to be a Person Of Gender, DD2 said "Oh, he's wearing a cute skirt!" and I said, "Men can wear skirts, nothing wrong with that." Then DD1 (the SJW) looked it up on her phone and loftily informed us that he was non-binary. I just shrugged and repeated that I'm perfectly unbothered with anyone wearing skirts.

Croatia was robbed, though!

OP posts:
DeanElderberry · 12/05/2024 08:04

I have mostly encountered the Irish offering on radio, and not often there - I think I did watch a short clip when it was first selected. Didn't think much of it, and find the singer's rather dated attempts of be edgy and relevant a bit sad - I gather the staging was very good.

The likes of Brendan Behan and Shane McGowan were massively talented first, with serious things to say, and substance-addled second - this ambitious but aging performer doesn't seem to be in their league .

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