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UK Physios

838 replies

Calyx72 · 11/02/2022 20:56

Please sign into CSP and look at the new iCSP discussion "Stonewall and the CSP"

A great thread beginning and agreement that stonewall are problematic and women's rights are being overlapped by male rights

Then a HUGE ESSAY by a TRA


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stealtheatingtunnocks · 05/07/2022 01:19

I saw that rant! It was very odd. Most of the people from a culturally diverse background who were standing already had leadership roles. What did she mean that they are marginalised? Seems to me that they are exactly what we want -
people of colour in the front line of a profession, “if you can’t see it you can’t be it “ after all.

she seemed to be saying ,without naming names, that JC had an unfair advantage because he is popular. Well, isn’t that an example of hard work? And Jack’s not form a priveliged background, diversity included working class?

I don’t see the problem at all. The problem I DO see is that Janet tweeted turn out 7%!

how can a trade union work well if it’s members aren’t involved? That is really bad, I’m wondering if head office have any idea at all about what the membership need or want. There are 60k of us, we should have some power, but not if only single figures vote.

im considering leaving the CSP. This is so bad, Karen’s speech was another straw. I need the insurance but there must be other options.

wbat does Karen get paid to manage to speak to 7% of 60k members? And how much have I sunk into CSP since I qualified? It has never felt like value for money but now I know Rob Yeldham is he/him and so
are the most of the exec - would they be fit to defend me against transphobia accusation at work?

Im worried they are going to be like the midwives. Gussie commented on the midwifeey school teaching students to catheterise penises. If we are following the nurses and midwives then I’m off.

RadFizz · 05/07/2022 06:24

To be fair, a 7% voter turnout is standard in most trade union elections. It's not great but it's not unique to the CSP. I guess most people are either apathetic or happy with the status quo. But overall I'm pleased they've finally got a more diverse council.

The usual suspects are all very quiet on social media. It's not like them at all so I wonder what's going on?

Calyx72 · 05/07/2022 06:47

I also have considered leaving the CSP due to all this.

I don't know who RM is so can't read the rant haha

I want to start a thread on iCSP about the department of education leaving the Stonewall diversity index thingy and mentioning free speech (because iCSP removed a thread about Stonewall themselves and censored a perfectly valid discussion because "be kind")

I am cheered because of Bette Midler and Macy Gray yesterday and JC getting voted in to Council. So that's something Smile

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Calyx72 · 05/07/2022 06:57

As an aside, not related, I nearly didn't vote in the CSP Council election because the leaflet telling us about the candidates was FULL of spelling mistakes and I couldn't believe it.

If I hadn't wanted to vote for Jack I would have thrown it in the bin in annoyance.

We pay so much every month to the CSP and they can't be arsed spellchecking a leaflet they are sending to every member.


@Greycatwhitepaws I am not including your typos in my spelling annoyance because the CSP leaflet person presumably wasn't typing on a phone Smile
And if you started a group I would join it (anonymously of course)

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Calyx72 · 05/07/2022 07:51

@FionaMacCool I thought I had replied to you when you joined, just want to say sympathies about your profession's policies, I saw the 'training' stuff it would have been hilarious if I hadn't been so horrified ConfusedFlowers

OP posts:
FionaMacCool · 05/07/2022 08:33

Calyx72 · 05/07/2022 07:51

@FionaMacCool I thought I had replied to you when you joined, just want to say sympathies about your profession's policies, I saw the 'training' stuff it would have been hilarious if I hadn't been so horrified ConfusedFlowers

Thanks Calyx, I've lurked on this thread since you started it. I'm not in the UK but have close family members in the CSP and I've brought them around to the daftness of this whole ideology.
I work in paeds so am utterly horrified by the safeguarding implications. I am not pointing fingers at physios over this, more that I am glad to see other professionals that get it.

northender · 05/07/2022 09:11

RM is Rachel Moses. Used to regularly promote Gussie & say what good friends they were. Haven't seen any of that lately....

stealtheatingtunnocks · 05/07/2022 11:28

Rachel will have lots of very vulnerable patients who are ventilated in the community - males with muscular dystrophy. So she must know why ssx matters.

it makes no sense.

Greycatwhitepaws · 05/07/2022 19:12

@FionaMacCool agree massive safeguarding implications.

i definitely don’t want to cheer on whilst adolescents embark on a journey of considerable and irreparable harm. To suggest watchful waiting you are naturally transphobic. I don’t know how the CSP can endorse this. Will they have to beg forgiveness in 20 years for joining in? They need to know what they are doing and what it all means.

I don’t understand how so many medical professionals have swallowed this ideology completely without any backward glance.

Where is the critical thought, where is the understanding other perspectives.

I can understand the view that some would prefer to identify differently. Why is the idea that this will impact women so hard to understand???? Not necessarily middle class professional women like the flag wavers at CSP but women whose lives are harder and rawer. And adolescents.

vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 05/07/2022 19:48

@FionaMacCool and, if we want to make the profession look less like me (I am a smiler, have a pony tail and am athletic, I am a walking stereotype) then we need to protect single sex spaces in the hope that e.g. soem Muslim women might choose to study physio. It makes no sense to make it harder for them to
exclude members or potential physios. We've got a workforce crisis, and it's not just that there aren't enough of us so we should be removing barriers.

I'm so angry about this. There must be way for us to find each other in real life and find others and DO SOETHING! Midwives and nurses manage, why are we all so quiet?

Calyx72 · 05/07/2022 19:49

Thanks @northender

OP posts:
Greycatwhitepaws · 05/07/2022 20:12

I can understand how some professional organisations may have brought in stonewall as consultants a few years ago, they had a strong reputation. But the CSP commissions them last flipping year. Anyone with GCSE research skills would have picked up the significant concerns about their legitimacy.

FionaMacCool · 05/07/2022 21:24

vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 05/07/2022 19:48

@FionaMacCool and, if we want to make the profession look less like me (I am a smiler, have a pony tail and am athletic, I am a walking stereotype) then we need to protect single sex spaces in the hope that e.g. soem Muslim women might choose to study physio. It makes no sense to make it harder for them to
exclude members or potential physios. We've got a workforce crisis, and it's not just that there aren't enough of us so we should be removing barriers.

I'm so angry about this. There must be way for us to find each other in real life and find others and DO SOETHING! Midwives and nurses manage, why are we all so quiet?

Well yes @vivariumvivariumsvivaria my profession is primarily white, middle class, noice ladies (funny how the few males quickly rise to leadership roles though). It would be good for parents of children with developmental challenges to meet a more diverse group of clinicians when they turn up with their concerns.
Where are the black, Muslim and Asian heritage therapists in OT or SLT or say, pelvic floor physio?

As for anger- well, I get to meet and assess and work with the confused, vulnerable children who are identifying as trans, and their overwhelmed parents. They need a calm non-judgemental and safe space to explore all their issues. If they progress to permanent transition, fine, peachy, I will walk with them all the way. But, I cannot, in conscience, affirm without questioning.

Sorry Calyx I dont want to deflect your thread so I'll go back to lurking now. I cant yet see any sign of another GCs in my own profession to start a conversation.

Calyx72 · 05/07/2022 22:43

@FionaMacCool don't worry about 'deflecting'. I said physio but all AHPs need to have these conversations and I am glad you are here

OP posts:
RadFizz · 06/07/2022 23:19

Greycatwhitepaws · 05/07/2022 20:12

I can understand how some professional organisations may have brought in stonewall as consultants a few years ago, they had a strong reputation. But the CSP commissions them last flipping year. Anyone with GCSE research skills would have picked up the significant concerns about their legitimacy.

I don't think they commissioned them or are affiliated with them, they were just putting some links to Stonewall's website in the magazine. Albeit misguidedly!

Rachel M and blue-haired misogynist have not said a word about Jack's election and that's unlike them. Why the silence, I wonder?

stealtheatingtunnocks · 07/07/2022 00:45

The origin of the thread was the removal of a post on iCSP asking reasonable questions about SW and their political position influencing policy at CSP. It’s not just some links - which include mermaids and gender gP and bloody Alok as quality sources of further education.

id love to be a fly on the wall next time RM and Gussie go for a pint. I also think that if they did it might sort stuff out, we appear to be operating from personality not policy at the moment. I am paying money for policy, not trying to second guess opaque systems from who has defriended who (Darren Borwn is not following Gussie any more, and I know they used to hang out) (well, I was once at a rhing and he told me they did) (it may need corroborating) to

Calyx72 · 08/07/2022 16:15

iCSP under 'Profession wide' network- anonymous post "Gender critical discussion and CSP censorship"

OP posts:
stealtheatingtunnocks · 08/07/2022 17:32

Was that one of you lot?

I’m tempted to post, I have a LOT to say - good move to link it to censorship, anonymous!

Calyx72 · 08/07/2022 17:58

It was me, feeling anxious in case I am found out IRL but had to see if anything has changed.

Hopefully any discussion is respectful from the GC side, giving no excuse for a delete. Not that there was any disrespect in the last one that I saw, from the GC side, despite the deletion message.

Isn't it awful that we have to feel like this. I don't have any issues with trans people I just don't believe in "gender" it's personality; I want sex based rights protected specifically single sex spaces for women. I want someone to be able to ask for a male or a female physio without being called transphobic.

(Also I disagree with the medicalisation and surgeries of children and young people who may then regret it but that's not in the workplace/physio trade union sphere of course).

OP posts:
stealtheatingtunnocks · 08/07/2022 18:49

Good for you.

im going to walk the dog and draft a reply in my head.

thank you for your bravery. Courage calls, and all that

FionaMacCool · 08/07/2022 18:58

Brava Calyx

Calyx72 · 08/07/2022 20:25

Elaine Miller (@GussieGrips) has written a magnificent reply 😍

I am in shock and awe and also in love SmileStarGrin

OP posts:
stealtheatingtunnocks · 08/07/2022 20:47

Well, well, well. Delete that and be dammed, CSP.

How can we get your thread out so that others can add comments? You need a password to see it, so I don’t think Tweeting would work


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LakeFlyPie · 08/07/2022 20:56

I've been following this thread with interest; well done on a well written iscp post Calyx72 and what a fabulous reply by Elaine Miller.

Calyx72 · 08/07/2022 21:05

Thanks @LakeFlyPie Flowers

Love "delete and be damned" @stealtheatingtunnocks Grin

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