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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

UK Physios

838 replies

Calyx72 · 11/02/2022 20:56

Please sign into CSP and look at the new iCSP discussion "Stonewall and the CSP"

A great thread beginning and agreement that stonewall are problematic and women's rights are being overlapped by male rights

Then a HUGE ESSAY by a TRA


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Calyx72 · 30/06/2024 11:10

RadFiz · 29/06/2024 23:08

@Calyx72 I’ve heard the same from others who’ve heard him speak. A lot of waffle but very little of substance said.

He was diaried in for an hour
He arrived nearly 10 minutes late
First thing he did was get everyone (in the gym and on Teams) to introduce themselves with names and job titles Hmm there were over 30 of us
I was typing notes for myself (I have a rubbish memory) and I just kept writing 'waffle waffle blah blah'
He started with how he got out of uni, went straight to academia, then into management and executive jobs, oh by the way he was doing clinical - private paeds - then lost his NHS manager post due to "the conservatives" so he went to work for a charity (in a management job of course) because all he has ever wanted to do was work for and with people with disability
Our physio lead asked about workforce and I didn't hear anything of substance from him
He started asking the new grad band 5s "I haven't had a chance to ask but how did you feel about working for the NHS when you started? Excited? Nervous" Hmm I mean what good does that do anyone. One said "well I was glad to have a job" and that was really it. I had to leave after the hour and nothing of interest to us came up. I still don't know what the CSP are doing for me except liability insurance (and oh yes teaching me how microaggressive I am and how bigoted my beliefs are.)

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Anklesprainssuck · 30/06/2024 13:44

Where has the RCN been with defending female nurses who have raised issues with males in changing rooms? ( news link above from the Times). Another female dominated profession with a substandard union. The BAOT is affiliated with UNISON I think.
Think they are all captured so will be following these cases closely.

Calyx72 · 30/06/2024 14:05

The RCN and other unions are noticeably absent from mention in the articles but I see Sex Matters helped the nurses get their own lawyers

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Anklesprainssuck · 04/07/2024 18:08

The new HCPC social media standards are coming into force on the 1st September and will also include any historic media activity.
Section 1.7 of the standards requires registrants to ensure their ‘ personal values, biases and beliefs do not lead you to discriminate against service users, carers or colleagues’.

How will they quantify discrimination by what you say on social media?

They make reference to social media about religion (explained in the link- which could be a hot topic with a lot of Gaza/ Palestine/ Israel/ Religious conflict opinions on social media posts).

What if someone/ non binary colleague, for example, says they fear discrimination as they disagree on some gender critical views you have posted on social media.

It also lists private media - such as What’s app. Private should be in the name FFS.
Do we have to go back to whispering anything controversial these days ?

If the CSP is anything to go by I am not convinced the HCPC will follow ‘ worthy of respect in a democratic society’ - maybe I am just being cynical…

Social media: pause before you post

duc748 · 04/07/2024 18:23

Really dislike this trend of employers and others policing people SM posts, sometimes from way back when. Unfortunately, we're seeing more and more of it.

Anklesprainssuck · 04/07/2024 19:33

There is a need in this day and age for guidance, especially with ensuring you separate what you present in a professional vs personal capacity.
However, it concerns me that you can have someone who is vexatious who will trawl you on the web and try and ruin your career based on personal tweets made in 2015

RadFiz · 05/07/2024 08:17

Anklesprainssuck · 04/07/2024 19:33

There is a need in this day and age for guidance, especially with ensuring you separate what you present in a professional vs personal capacity.
However, it concerns me that you can have someone who is vexatious who will trawl you on the web and try and ruin your career based on personal tweets made in 2015

There was a case recently where a relatively prominent sports physio was reported for tweets from many years ago. He talked about it on X at the time but I think the case against him collapsed.

FrothyCothy · 05/07/2024 08:26

After the social work England/Meade judgement, all regulators will be taking a more cautious approach to protected speech

RadFiz · 11/07/2024 23:07

The email newsletter is imploring us to celebrate international non-binary day now. There really is a day for everything, isn’t there?

Calyx72 · 12/07/2024 07:07

I'm despairing at the CSP. Non-binary now. Arghhhh.

I note out of over 60k members they had only 4k votes for council members.
(I didn't vote because I couldn't see the point but if Elaine had run I would have!)

And HCPC new guidelines saying members mustn't bully anyone Hmm Come ON as if that hadn't been absolutely clear already. Does it mean members will be stopped from practicing if they aren't gender ideologists I wonder?

OP posts:
RadFiz · 12/07/2024 16:38

The newsletter also announced the new members of the council.

Anklesprainssuck · 15/07/2024 19:42

Have any of you explored careers outside of Physiotherapy? What transferable skills can be used in other careers?
Just want some ideas as a starter.
I am NHS and it is really bad/ stressfull and not sure if can continue up until retirement. I have been speaking to friends who are in different careers whose take on the NHS is: the pensions/ sick pay keep people in it for far too long and there is life outside of the NHS.
Have looked at undergraduate education and to be honest I have friends who work in the university and that is no better.
i am happy to consider a pay cut- can’t really do that in the NHS as I do have some years in the final salary pension scheme and I am damned if I get less of a pension when I have given 30+ years of blood sweat and tears.

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