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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

UK Physios

838 replies

Calyx72 · 11/02/2022 20:56

Please sign into CSP and look at the new iCSP discussion "Stonewall and the CSP"

A great thread beginning and agreement that stonewall are problematic and women's rights are being overlapped by male rights

Then a HUGE ESSAY by a TRA


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vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 20/06/2022 14:23

At PhysioTalk is on twitter at 8pm tonight. You can submit questions. DB has made another oblique accusation that physio is inherently bigoted as a question. Why is no body reminding him that we are not to bring our profession into disrepute?

I'll see you on physio talk, I expect. My twitter is not the same name as MN, but I'll wave a MN scarf if I recognise you. Which tells you how long I've been round these parts.

Calyx72 · 20/06/2022 15:53

Thanks @vivariumvivariumsvivaria
I will hop on and see what's doing Smile

OP posts:
vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 21/06/2022 00:24

Janet said that the physio talk had 50% more engagement than prenvious hustings? Interesting.

Bet that's because JC was there. I haven't watched his many videos yet - but I'm impressed that he made them at all. I also noticed that some candidates either didn't use the chat at all, or didn't say much. Which I'm sympathetic for, I manage MN but only because I've been here since it was all fields. So, managing the fast speed of twitter is hard if you are new to it - which JC is not.

I went through the hashtag and JC seems to have answered everything and he has been challenged hard.

If they think he's a bigot they should complain about him. Wonder if they have. There is a compliant process. They should follow it, bitching on twitter is not putting your money where your mouth is.

I can't vote for a candidate JUST because he knows how to manage social media but then if you are going to be a candidate you have to be able to engage or you won't be any good.

I think I should email all the candidates and ask them if they've seen this thread...would anyone object to that? Are you identifiable from here?

vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 21/06/2022 00:28

For the record, I've never had much with the CSP. I flick through frontline but I'm not a rep or been to conference or ever bothered to vote before. I use CSP for the insurance. And for fuelling my irritation - why are we not batting the osteopaths into touch? Anyway, that's off topic.

If you would prefer if I didn't message the CSP with a link DM me. Consent is the point.

Calyx72 · 21/06/2022 10:45

No problem from me thanks @vivariumvivariumsvivaria Smile

OP posts:
vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 23/06/2022 18:51

Well, I did not know this.

Wonder who put them forward for theyre matchy-matchy OBEs? CSP?

Calyx72 · 23/06/2022 19:59

I saw it and Hmm

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stealtheatingtunnocks · 23/06/2022 21:46

It’s always sad when someone much loved died and I don’t doubt this couple were devoted to their kids and that gender had a big impact on their family.

but, I’d like to know how much influence Gires has had on the CSP. It predates stonewall on trans stuff by a long time.

maybe back then it was just #bekind. Now it’s complex.

I hope the family are managing their loss.

Bosky · 24/06/2022 01:18

stealtheatingtunnocks · 23/06/2022 21:46

It’s always sad when someone much loved died and I don’t doubt this couple were devoted to their kids and that gender had a big impact on their family.

but, I’d like to know how much influence Gires has had on the CSP. It predates stonewall on trans stuff by a long time.

maybe back then it was just #bekind. Now it’s complex.

I hope the family are managing their loss.

OMG! I didn't realise Terry Reed was a Physio!

How my wife changed people’s lives
Physiotherapist Terry Reed OBE was a leading transgender activist in the UK, writes husband Bernard Reed OBE

GIRES - Gender Identity Research & Education Society

Maybe links between CSP and GIRES will be documented in this new lottery-funded project?

A Legacy of Kindness: Telling the Story of GIRES
Project Lead: Shaan Knan

A bit of an aside but I had the enormous pleasure of observing Shaan Knan's (SK) extraordinary performance as a witness for Stonewall at Allison Bailey's Employment Tribunal. (One of many extraordinary performances by extraordinary witnesses for Stonewall and Garden Court Chambers!)

(AH) Andrew Hochhauser QC, senior counsel - barrister for Garden Court Chambers - referred to Knan in his closing statement as "a man of nervous disposition" and "an unreliable witness".

By contrast, AH evidenced that his own witness, Michelle Brewer - barrister at GCC at time, now a Judge - was "a reliable witness".

The proof of MB's reliability (don't laugh, this is serious!) was that she was better able to remember when Knan had telephoned her because . . .

AH: "MB was contacted by him, a man of nervous disposition, asking what shall I do if others complain about AB?

How come she has such a clear recollection? Do not forget her witness statement. She was driving in the car, with children on hands free and drove into a rubbish bin. That stuck in her mind."

I bet it did! 😂

We never got to know if Ms Brewer, now Judge Brewer, contacted the police to tell them that she had crashed her car into a rubbish bin due to driving without due care and attention. Never mind, at least it was proof that she was a reliable witness!

Let us hope Shaan Knan is more reliable when "Telling the Story of GIRES".

UK Physios
Calyx72 · 28/06/2022 08:01

I like the part about free speech.

Especially as the icsp had that thread about Stonewall and peoples concerns that they are a political lobby group, disappeared.

Wonder if I should start a thread there with this?

OP posts:
Zeugma · 28/06/2022 08:42

I’m not a physio so forgive me for butting in, but have been reading this thread with mounting incredulity - just putting pieces together on seeing the mention of GIRES pop up, and especially this:
A Legacy of Kindness: Telling the Story of GIRES
Project Lead: Shaan Knan
Small world eh? That’s a name familiar to anyone here on the Allison Bailey thread….those dots just keep joining up.

Zeugma · 28/06/2022 08:45

Oops, sorry, I missed Bosky's post, which says it all much better!

vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 30/06/2022 16:27

Calyx72 · 28/06/2022 08:01

I like the part about free speech.

Especially as the icsp had that thread about Stonewall and peoples concerns that they are a political lobby group, disappeared.

Wonder if I should start a thread there with this?

Oh yes, that's an interesting idea.

I hadn't thought of it as censorship, but it is.

I was at the ARC - CEOs speech was unusual. Nothing about patients or terms and conditions, or about achieving excellence, just an exhortation for us to all play nicely with each other. There was a lot of eye rolling in the group I was sat with. I'm not at primary school, I know how to behave. Here's her transcript.

TheBiologyStupid · 30/06/2022 18:25

Thanks for the transcript, vivarium. Good grief, very "head teacher at a school assembly" vibe!

So who is doing the excluding here? I’m afraid it’s those of us in our profession with privilege – our gender, the colour of our skin, our sexuality, our class. The unearned advantages that mean it is so much easier for us to feel like we belong.
We need a heavy dose of empathy and to walk in others’ shoes. [Pink sparkly high heels, possibly?!]

We must not make assumptions about each other. On the other hand assuming the best is helpful. [So, are assumptions good or bad? It's hard to tell from this guff.]

And what about silence? Some are silent because they cannot find their voice; the space isn’t safe enough to say what they want to say.

But I have been silent on subjects in the past, causing a great deal of hurt. I am sorry for the hurt I have caused. We know silence is the voice of the oppressor. [But not if you're silenced but gender critical, you bigots!]

Words fail me.

Calyx72 · 30/06/2022 18:27

Oh ffs. Are there actually

"... very many physiotherapists and support workers who feel like this every single day.
Every single day."
How many? Especially since everyone in CSP and HCPC and on work Twitter and everywhere else (except in our own heads or on anonymous forums) appear to believe gender trumps everything including sex and actual reality?

I think it's a disgraceful speech actually and reading it, I feel as though I am being accused of bullying and exclusion when I have never done that to anyone of any sex, disability, gender, race, politics or belief. No matter whether I believe in their beliefs or not.

I have a cousin who argues that the earth may be flat and I don't bully or make fun of them; I have close family who are of the opposite side of politics from my politics but we love each other and get on well; I have a best friend whose nephew is trans and I don't judge or comment or treat him any differently from her other family members.

I believe there are a few trans people who may feel excluded at work in the NHS. Surely there are. I don't believe there will be "very many" and I want my beliefs that sex matters and gender is 'personality' and that sex based protections for women need to remain sex based, to be worthy of discussion.

That speech is imo basically saying 'no debate' all over again.

OP posts:
Calyx72 · 30/06/2022 18:28

"We know silence is the voice of the oppressor. [But not if you're silenced but gender critical, you bigots!]"

Exactly. Thank you.

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FionaMacCool · 30/06/2022 21:26

Oh Lordy, Physios, that speech?!
I'm not a Physio but am a closely-related profession which has a policy stating that men can have babies (!).
That speech is bonkers, addressing a professional body that has managed through Covid.

vivariumvivariumsvivaria · 30/06/2022 22:21

I'm offended too, @Calyx72 .

I don't need a fucking lanyard to signal that I'm a safe person for LGBTQIA2S+ people. I'm safe for everyone because I'm good at my job and I keep my personal opinions out of my work.

I NEVER bring my authentic self to work. My authentic self is a terrible cunt.

RadFizz · 04/07/2022 17:09

I had an email from the CSP today announcing council election results. Jack C was among those elected!

stealtheatingtunnocks · 04/07/2022 19:59

I heard (through a person I know in council) that Jack had five times more votes than the next person.

thats going to annoy some people on the exec. I do relieved, I think that’s 3 of the new councillors who are not subscribing to TWAW.

I expect there will be some complaining tweeting from the usuals any minute now

Calyx72 · 04/07/2022 20:37

I was chuffed to hear Jack was voted in Grin

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Greycatwhitepaws · 04/07/2022 23:04

Hello fellow PTs! I completely missed this thread as font come here so much these dates. I literally thought that it was just me and then I noted that Gussie Grips had turned. I’ve looked on Twitter a few times in the past years for some sort of evidence of an undercurrent but saw nothing. I logged out of my professional Twitter feed after the nauseating CSP virtual signalling pronoun crap (even turning their names as Rob Y he / him and also he / him in the bio as it gave me the absolute rage. I got in touch with Maya F with concern about the HCPC diversity survey in 21 but have mostly remained very quiet online. Read a lot and remain professional even though I'm anon.
I'm still.surprised how so few get it.
Might log back into the icsp for first time in year's. Would it be possible to set up a group??? The CSP would hate us

Greycatwhitepaws · 04/07/2022 23:05

Argh apologies for typos.


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TheBiologyStupid · 04/07/2022 23:23

Greycatwhitepaws · 04/07/2022 23:05

Argh apologies for typos.

Better than my cat's paws could have done!

northender · 04/07/2022 23:51

RM tweeted her feelings about the results last week when she had had sight of them. Had a major rant about commercial companies canvassing for candidate(s), I'm assuming Jack C maybe though I know nothing about that

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