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Financial Support

International Students

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International Website

Funding is available for both full- and part-time students, with the exception of help with travel costs, council tax, and the Residential Support Scheme, which are for full-time applicants only. Confidential information and advice is available to help you manage your money and apply for financial assistance.

  • If you are completing a level 3 qualification with us this year why not consider applying for the Higher Education Scholarship Programme?

    Study a university level qualification with us and you could be rewarded with a Scholarship of up to a £1,000.

    There are 3 types of scholarship available and places are limited. So, if a scholarship that includes a payment of up to £1,000 appeals to you, act now.

    Download and read the HE Achievement Scholarships document to find out more and apply. It’s simple to complete an application and will only take a couple of minutes of your time.

  • You may be entitled to free tuition if

    • you are under 19 on 31 August before the start of your chosen academic year or
    • you are taking your first, full Level 2 or first, full Level 3 qualification and meet the qualifying criteria

    You may also be eligible for free tuition if you are receiving certain means-tested benefits.

    For more information, email studentfinance@loucoll.ac.uk or call 01509 215831.

  • Bursary Forms for 24/25 will be available shortly

    The Loughborough College Bursary Fund is designed to help students from low income families to meet some of the costs incurred as a result of studying.

    There are two bursary funds available, one for those aged 16-18 and one for those aged 19 and over. Please ensure that you choose the correct information sheet to see what financial support you may be entitled to.

    The deadline for applications is 15th September 2023


    16-18 Bursary Fund (Discretionary Bursary)


    If you will be 16-18 and studying off-site please refer to this information


    19+ Bursary Fund and Advanced Learner Loan Bursary Fund Information


    Enhanced Bursary

    The Enhanced Bursary is available to all “vulnerable students” aged under 19 as of August 31st before the start of the chosen academic year studying on a Further Education course.

    The Young Persons Learning Agency considers a “vulnerable students” to be

    • a young person in care
    • a young person leaving care
    • a young person in receipt of income support in their own right or
    • a young person who is disabled and in receipt of Disability Living Allowance and Employment Support Allowance


    Discretionary Bursary

    There is also a Discretionary Bursary offered by Loughborough College for students under the age of 19 studying on a Further Education course with a low household income and not receiving the Enhanced Bursary.

    For more information, advice, and guidance please do not hesitate to contact us on 01509 215831 or send us an email at studentfinance@loucoll.ac.uk. We are here to help.

  • Whether you are classed as a domestic or international student is essential as it can impact your course's tuition fees.

    Specific criteria define a 'home student'—including UK and Republic of Ireland residents and EU nationals with settled status—to the conditions under which international students, including new EU students post-1 August 2021, are classified.

    The guide also provides information for refugees and asylum seekers and details how your fee status affects tuition fees, loans, and grants.

    Click here for more information

  • If you're aged 19 or over and want to study A Levels, an Access to Higher Education Diploma, or a Level 3 to 6 Vocational Qualification, you'll need to pay for the cost of your course.

    The Advanced Learner Loan is a government-funded loan to help learners. It's easy to apply for, doesn’t take your household income into account and doesn’t involve a credit check.

    Key Facts:

    • Repayments are linked to what you earn and not how much you borrowed
    • You only have to start making repayments when you’ve finished your course and you’re earning over £25,725 a year (which is £535 a week or £2,143 a month). Until then you don’t need to pay back anything, but you can make voluntary repayments at any time
    • You pay 9% of the money you earn over £25,725, before tax. For example, if you earn £35,000 a year, it will be £69 per month.
    • Interest is charged on a sliding scale between the Retail Price Index (RPI) and RPI +3%, depending on how much you earn

    Please visit Advanced Learner Loans for more information or email studentfinance@loucoll.ac.uk or call 01509 215831.

  • Your child may be able to get a school travel pass or taxi place to go to sixth form or college. For more information and to apply please visit Leicestershire County Council

  • For everyone aged 16 and 17.

    The new 16-17 Saver Railcard offers 16-17 year olds a 50% discount on rail travel, making it cheaper to get to school, college and work. And it also gives you access to great discounts on holidays, dining out, theatre tickets and more.

    Find out more

  • This fund can help provide financial support towards educational costs for students up to the age of 25 who live in the local area.

    For more information click here.

  • Care to Learn provides help with childcare and associated travel costs if you are over 16 but under 20 years of age on the day your learning starts. For further information and an application pack, please contact us directly, visit Care to Learn, or call 0800 121 8989.

  • This scheme provides help with accommodation costs if your course is not available in your local area and you are unable to travel to College on a daily basis. Students need to be aged 16 to 18 and attending their first full Level 2 or Level 3 course. For information and an application pack, visit www.direct.gov.uk, call the Learner Support Services Helpline on 0800 121 8989, or call Student Recruitment on 01509 215831.

  • This covers loans for tuition fees and living costs. Apply online at www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance. For information and queries, contact Student Finance England on 0845 300 5090.

  • If you are on a full-time course, you may be eligible for exemption from this local authority tax. Please bring your student ID card to Reception if you want to enquire about exemption.

    Alternatively if you would like to enquire about your eligibility for a council tax exemption please contact us via email at admissions@loucoll.ac.uk and a member of the team will be in touch.