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Student Services

International Students

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International Website

Equality & Diversity

We are an Equal Opportunities College. Staff and students should and will respect each other and develop an understanding between different groups of people. The Equality Act says nobody should be discriminated against, victimised or harassed because of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity (e.g. nationality or skin colour)
  • Sex
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Religion or belief (or no belief)
  • Sexual orientation

We will not tolerate any instances of bullying or harassment. If you believe that you are the victim of harassment, bullying or any other form of victimisation, you should talk to a member of staff or call the safeguarding team on 07979737474.

Students with Pudsy Bear
Student Charterand Rules

Loughborough College Vision:

To be the bridge to the future, for individuals, communities and organisations, inspiring success and enriching lives.

This charter has been developed in consultation with students and will be reviewed annually.

Loughborough College will:

Encourage its employees to treat students and colleagues equally and respectfully.

Loughborough College aims to provide:

  • High standards of teaching, support, advice and guidance.
  • Access to a safe environment and practices which promote safeguarding.
  • Access to activities that will enhance employability and personal development.
  • Regular continued professional development for staff.
  • Opportunities for student involvement in reviewing teaching, learning and curriculum planning.
  • Advice and support services on health, welfare, accommodation, finance and careers.
  • Access to study spaces, learning resources and IT facilities.

Loughborough College aims to provide students with the following information:

  • Timely notice, where reasonably possible, of course changes such as timetabled events and cancelled classes.
  • Provide clear deadlines and timeframes for feedback on submitted work.
  • Give all students access to an electronic student handbook detailing support arrangements and regulations.
  • Give all students access to an electronic course handbook detailing course content, assessment criteria, mode of delivery of course, assessment and/or
  • Examination arrangements, academic guidance, support appeals and complaints procedures and professional requirements.
  • Provide details of course costs, payment options and where applicable financial support.

Loughborough College expects students to:

  • Treat staff and fellow students equally and respectfully.
  • Behave safely and responsibly on campus and whilst travelling to and from the campus.
  • Respect the College environment and accommodation and behave respectfully to neighbours and foster good relationships.
  • Attend induction and participate fully in timetabled sessions including meetings with staff.
  • Arrive promptly, ready and fully prepared for learning.
  • Manage own learning and additional study time.
  • Obtain agreement in advance for essential absences and inform the absence hotline of any unavoidable absences.
  • Abide fully with all College regulations, policies and procedures.
  • Submit assessed work by stated deadlines and actively participate in feedback.
  • Make a positive contribution including effective participation in group learning.
  • Make prompt payment of all charges made by the College.
  • Actively engage in student involvement to improve provision and services.

The Students' Union undertakes to:

  • Support all students to ensure they receive equal treatment and are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
  • Support student participation in enrichment activities – especially through the election, development and training of course representatives.
  • Assist students with academic and welfare problems.
  • Represent the interests of students at local and national level.
  • Support active student/community engagement, especially as regards combating antisocial behaviour.
  • Provide a range of athletic and social clubs and societies to enhance personal and professional development.