Vaccine Redistribution

These vaccines are available from provider facilities across Kansas. If you are interested in obtaining any of these vaccines, please contact the provider directly.

Providers may place the excess doses on the KIP Re-distribution list if:

  • The vaccine has a minimum of 90 days and a maximum of 365 days before the vaccine's expiration date
  • The ordering provider is responsible for any doses which expire on the redistribution list that have not been accepted for transfer to another VFC provider
  • Providers accepting vaccines from the redistribution list are responsible for using the doses once they are transferred. KIP encourages providers to accept only doses they can administer before the expiration date
  • The transferring and receiving provider will document these doses on their monthly MIR/reconciliation reports as transferred vaccines
  • Once the vaccine is transferred please contact KIP to let us know so we can adjust the redistribution list by either deleting the line or by reducing the amount of doses
  • All vaccines must be in full boxes
  • The KIP nurse consultant who is on call must be contacted prior to transferring the vaccine
  • Providers are responsible for keeping KIP notified if there is a change in the amount of doses available for redistribution
  • When placing an order, you may be contacted if the vaccine you are trying to order is on the redistribution list

VFC frozen vaccines, Varicella and Proquad, will not be posted on the VFC Vaccine Redistribution List. Frozen vaccines are very intolerant of out-of-range temperatures and to prevent needless waste due to shipping or temperature issues, the program requests providers contact the Topeka office at 785-296-6645 to request assistance from a nurse consultant.

Please send any additions or changes to be made on the Redistribution lists to the Vaccine Coordinator.