Laboratory Angelika Rambold

Laboratory Angelika Rambold

Metabolic Organelle Networks in Immunology

Metabolic programming emerged as a central mechanism in the regulation of adaptive and innate immune cell function. Intracellularly, this rewiring relies on the rapid adaptation of different organelle systems, specialized metabolic sub-compartments, which can arrange themselves in functionally interconnected networks to from metabolic circuits.

The Rambold lab focuses on untangling the identity and mechanisms driving orga-metabolic networks and how these shape immune cell functions during conditions of inflammation and infection on the single cell and populational level.


Immune cell defects leave us open to attacks from bacteria, viruses and more. However, an overacting systems is, in many cases, as harmful and dangerous as one that stops working. By deciphering how organelle-networks instruct immune cell metabolism and function, our work is aimed at identifying novel avenues that may help us combat immune-related diseases.


We follow an interdisciplinary research approach at the interface between immunology, cell biology and metabolism. We are combining cutting edge organelle and metabolic imaging approaches (advanced live and super-resolution imaging) and analysis with metabolomics and RNA-sequencing techniques (both at bulk and single organelle/cell level) on primary immune cells for the identification of orga-metabolic networks. Candidate pathways are tested in relevant animal models, human disease models and/or patient material. 

Selected Publications

Schuster E-M, Epple MW, Glaser KM, Mihlan M, Lucht K, Zimmermann JA, Bremser A, Polyzou A, Obier N, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Trompouki E, Ballabio A, Vogel J, Buescher JM, Westermann AJ, Rambold AS (2022)
TFEB induces mitochondrial itaconate synthesis to suppress bacterial growth in macrophages
Nature Metabolism 4, 856–866.
Rambold AS & Pearce EL (2018)
Mitochondrial Dynamics at the Interface of Immune Cell Metabolism and Function

Trends in Immunology 39(1), 6-18.

Buck MD, O'Sullivan D, Klein Geltink RI, Curtis JD, Chang CH, Sanin DE, Qiu J, Kretz O, Braas D, van der Windt GJ, Chen Q, Huang SC, O'Neill CM, Edelson BT, Pearce EJ, Sesaki H, Huber TB, Rambold AS, Pearce EL (2015)
Mitochondrial Dynamics Controls T Cell Fate Through Metabolic Programming
Cell 166(1), 63-76.
Rambold AS, Cohen S, Lippincott-Schwartz J (2015)
Fatty acid trafficking in starved cells: regulation by lipid droplet lipolysis, autophagy, and mitochondrial fusion dynamics
Developmental Cell 32(6), 678-92.
Rambold AS, Kostelecky B, Elia N, Lippincott-Schwartz J (2011)
Tubular network formation protects mitochondria from autophagosomal degradation during nutrient starvation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(25), 10190-10195.
Hailey DW, Rambold AS, Satpute-Krishnan P, Mitra K, Sougrat R, Kim PK, Lippincott-Schwartz J (2010)
Mitochondria supply membranes for autophagosome biogenesis
Cell 141(4), 656-667.
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