AngelFA (Hiatus)'s Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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Riley, here takes this.... 🔫 and shoot me already! Cause I'm done with this s*** show.

Can I get at least one decent and likeable character from this book? Is it that hard to write only one good character so I can root for him/her through this entire hell ride?
"I want to tell you everything things ive never told anyone else yes about that night because i trust you"

"You want to know if I’m as evil as everyone says I am. The answer is no. And yes."

"At seventeen, Lenora Hope Hung her sister with a rope, stabbed her father with a knife, took her mother’s happy life"

Kit McDeere, she is a caregiver. After being suspended for six months by her agency because she is alleged to have killed her patient, she returns to work and is assigned to become a full-time nurse for an old lady that lives on the cliffs inside a massive mansion.

Lenora Hope, she is now seventy-one years old. Over the past twenty years, she's suffered a series of strokes that have left her mute, paralyzed, and confined to a wheelchair. All she has is limited use of her left arm. Hope's family had been murdered on October 29, 1929; her parents and sister were dead inside that mansion, and the only one left was Lenora Hope, who everyone believes is the murderer. But now she wants to tell Kit everything about what happened that night, and as she begins typing, the truth starts to reveal itself......

👁️ This story is told in first person POV alternate between (Kit and Lenora (?))

🕰️ There is a Dual Timelines in here (Past and Present).

⚠️So here is the thing: since the positive and negative things in this book come together, I'm going to put them all together in "MY THOUGHTS."⚠️

📌 I really loved how the story began; it literally hooked me up from the opening because it was told from Lenora's POV, which made me feel the mystery and start guessing right from the first page.

Right from the start, I felt like I was exactly inside Hope's End (the name of the mansion). I really enjoyed 'The Murder Tour'," and how and where they got killed were presented in that tour. And I was picturing it inside my head.

📌 This book is very well written; how the house looks and every room that the character visits are perfectly described. You can get the full picture of those things that the author wanted to tell you. But here's the thing: because it perfectly described every single thing, I felt the story started slowy.

Also, the author is not using the apostrophe mark when Lenora is typing to inform or ask Kit for something. I liked this detail since we know the only thing that works is her left arm, so why bother with an apostrophe mark?

But the detail also became a major problem in this book; some things were certainly overdescribed.

📌 The Characters
As I said in my opening, there is literally no likeable character in this book; even the main character herself (Kit) was NAH. Also, Lenora's POV was very intense and interesting at first, but I don't know the more I read from her POV, the more I felt "digusting." Well...'disgusting' is the right word to describe all of these emotions.

📌 The Twist
Before I explain the twist in this book, I want to give you a little bit of an explanation: "What is a great twist for me?" For me a great twist is not something jaw dropping or caught me off guard. But the definition of great twist for me is something that makes more sense, acceptable, or at least have a little bit of reality check to the story itself. And the last one that didn't end up looking like it was forced to be there. It's okay to be predictable as long as there is a sense inside it.

And unfortunately, I couldn't find a great twist in this book, but I want to do some justice to the twist. Not all of the twists in this book are bad, but I will rule out that this one is not my cup of tea, so it might work out for you but not for me. I felt the twist was too forced out to be the twist.

📌 The Ending
Bwhahaha😂, i don't know what to say.
If i want to put it in one word i think i'm going to use "Weird".

📌 Why 2 Stars?
I don't usually want to give specific explaination what makes me give this book 2 stars, but this time I think I should. It was because of my very high anticipation and expectation toward the author and the story. I was really excited when I finally read this book, and those things went too high, and that's why at the end it felt flat. I expected more, but this is all I got, so yeah, 2 stars.

If you lower your expectations a little bit, it might be work out very well for you.

☠️ When a 31-year-old woman fucked a 20-year-old boy who appears to be her neighbor. They even fucked before Kit left her house to take care of Lenora; for what use are you telling me their story? Duhhh🙄

☠️ The wild thoughts that some characters had I don't know how to react to those thoughts. I found it cool, but at the same time, it also bothered me.

☠️ I can't understand Kit's father; to be honest, he was very odd, unreasonable, a douchebag, and a piece of sh*t.

For f*cking sure, I was being overly excited.

I started to think about what kind of book I read; it was still good, but Jesus, it's hard to explain *sigh*

I was losing my patience and getting tired of the house, the rooms, and the people's descriptions.

I was thinking maybe I should move on and leave this book behind. (DNF'd)

I saw hope, and I got this: maybe I can finish this book.

The story was getting more ridiculous, and the twist was also getting more unacceptable, but never mind as long as I can finish this book. Since I'm no longer excited.

Uhmm, well yeah I was disappointed🙂.

Thank you NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton, for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Reading Progress

April 25, 2023 – Started Reading
April 25, 2023 – Shelved
April 25, 2023 –
April 25, 2023 – Shelved as: f-horror
April 25, 2023 – Shelved as: f-crime-suspense-mystery-thriller
April 25, 2023 – Shelved as: arc-netgalley-2023
April 26, 2023 –
April 26, 2023 –
April 27, 2023 –
May 8, 2023 –
May 8, 2023 –
May 8, 2023 – Shelved as: 2-stars
May 8, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

message 1: by Lilyya (new) - added it

Lilyya ♡ hope you enjoy it! happy reading 💙

message 3: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Happy reading, Angel. :)

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Congrats! I hope you enjoy, Angel!

message 5: by Niki (new) - added it

Niki This is my most anticipated read for 2023!

AngelFA (Hiatus) Lilyya wrote: "hope you enjoy it! happy reading 💙"

Thank you, Lilyya💙

AngelFA (Hiatus) Southern Lady Reads wrote: "Hope you enjoy!!"

I hope so,
Thank you, SL!

AngelFA (Hiatus) Srivalli wrote: "Happy reading, Angel. :)"

Thank you, Srivalli💖

AngelFA (Hiatus) Catherine wrote: "Congrats! I hope you enjoy, Angel!"

🥳Thank you so much, Catherine!

AngelFA (Hiatus) Niki wrote: "This is my most anticipated read for 2023!"

Same, I hope this one works out for me :).

Lit with Leigh LOL.... I filmed my review with my podcast co-host. Editing it now........

AngelFA (Hiatus) GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "LOL.... I filmed my review with my podcast co-host. Editing it now........"

Maybe i should be heading to your podcast now.

Southern Lady Reads (Crazy Busy-Will Catch Up!) I totally understand quitting a read like this! I can't read something if I can't connect to any of the characters!

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Terrific honest review Angel 💖

message 15: by Beeg (new)

Beeg Panda I love your review!
Hopefully your next book a 5 star read! 😬

Jannelies (on holiday!) I have this on my list ;-(

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Fair and honest review! Onto better!🧡

message 18: by A (new) - added it

A Mac Haha very fair and humorous review, Angel! That premise sounds so interesting (and like one that would have made me pick up this book), but your review is all that I need of this book.

Debra Excellent review, Angel! Love how you felt at various sections of the book. I hope your next book is a 5 star read!

message 20: by Federico (new) - added it

Federico DN Well this sounds like a totally skippable disappointment. Glad to hear f**ing done with this show lol. Fair review Angel!

message 21: by L.A. (new) - rated it 5 stars

L.A. Outstanding review! Sorry it didn't work for you!

AngelFA (Hiatus) Southern Lady Reads wrote: "I totally understand quitting a read like this! I can't read something if I can't connect to any of the characters!"


AngelFA (Hiatus) Margaret M - Hiatus wrote: "Terrific honest review Angel 💖"

Thank you so much, Margaret💖

AngelFA (Hiatus) Beeg wrote: "I love your review!
Hopefully your next book a 5 star read! 😬"

Thank you so much, Panda! Yeah i hope soooo.

AngelFA (Hiatus) Jannelies wrote: "I have this on my list ;-("

Hope you will like and enjoy this book more than me, Jannelies😊

AngelFA (Hiatus) Sujoya wrote: "Fair and honest review! Onto better!🧡"

Thank you so much, Sujoya🧡

AngelFA (Hiatus) A wrote: "Haha very fair and humorous review, Angel! That premise sounds so interesting (and like one that would have made me pick up this book), but your review is all that I need of this book."

Bwhahaha thank you so much, A. The premise is indeed a good one, however the story 🙄.

AngelFA (Hiatus) Debra wrote: "Excellent review, Angel! Love how you felt at various sections of the book. I hope your next book is a 5 star read!"

Thank you so much, Debra. Yes, i hope so💕

AngelFA (Hiatus) Federico wrote: "Well this sounds like a totally skippable disappointment. Glad to hear f**ing done with this show lol. Fair review Angel!"

Bwhaha i love your comment. Thank you so much, Federico😆

AngelFA (Hiatus) L.A. wrote: "Outstanding review! Sorry it didn't work for you!"

Thank you so much, L.A.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Angela! You make me glad that I skipped this one!

AngelFA (Hiatus) Meredith (Slowly Catching Up) wrote: "Fabulous review, Angela! You make me glad that I skipped this one!"

Thank you so much, Meredith💕

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Thanks for your honest review! I used to like his books but I feel like they have gone downhill after the first three.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Amazing and honest review!

AngelFA (Hiatus) Melissa (Hiatus for Work-Will Pop In When I Can)) wrote: "Thanks for your honest review! I used to like his books but I feel like they have gone downhill after the first three."

You're welcome, Melissa😉. Too bad... looking forward the next masterpiece from him.

AngelFA (Hiatus) Nina wrote: "Amazing and honest review!"

Thank you so much, Nina💕

message 37: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat I appreciate your honest review, Angel! I'm sorry this one went off the tracks for you. I hope you love your next read much more! 💗

message 38: by Dan (new)

Dan Great review, Angel! I've read two of his books and they were wildly different in quality.

message 39: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Great honest review Angel! The premise is left me quite intrigued. I get annoyed when a book over described stuff too at some point. Sorry the twist was a flop, hope your next read is a 5⭐️

Ceecee I’m so sorry you felt like this - I was at the opposite end of the spectrum finding his latest books are really working for me!!! Onto the next which I hope you love. Great review Angel 💜

Shelley's Book Nook I have tried to read this author and it was DNF for me. Great review, Angela! ☺️

Monica Amen.

Amanda Plasky Parchman I thought for sure the neighbor was going to turn out to be her brother before the other stuff was revealed. The whole exchange from the dad and neighbor made me think it was a payoff lol

message 44: by Keli (new) - rated it 5 stars

Keli Thank you for such a thorough honest review. I think I'll skip this one.

message 45: by Jack (new)

Jack A. Great review. I was very disappointed. All the switcharoos near the end just destroyed believability. Also any chance the house was going to be into the ocean, do you think? Agree no character was likeable.

Alyssa Rogers Definitely agree with some of these points. Especially the character of Kenny. I also would love to know more about Carter. What happened after, who is his family…?!

message 47: by Kyla (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kyla Sawicki This is a perfect review! I went through the exact same stages while reading this.

Creya Casale | cc.shelflove Omg your % descriptions… yes this exactly!!!

message 49: by Steve (new) - rated it 1 star

Steve Wish I had read your review before starting this. The good news? It’s a fairly quick read. The bad news? I’ll never get that time back. Like you, I found the beginning intriguing. After that, everything you mentioned was what I thought as well: unlikeable characters; godawful, tinny dialogue; and a risible plot. I kept hoping it would get better, but it never did. I was at Hope’s End. Patience end as well. Pure dreck.

Jessica Grutzmacher This book came so highly recommended
But like you I found the last quarter ridiculous

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