Rosh's Reviews > What Lies in the Woods

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
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bookshelves: 4-stars, audiobook, netgalley, ng-2023

In a Nutshell: Good enough, though not mind-blowing. Not sure how avid thriller readers would find this plot, but I, a dabbler in this genre, was entertained.

Story Synopsis:
Twenty years ago, three eleven-year-old girls (Naomi, Cassidy, and Olivia)) were instrumental in sending a serial killer to prison. The girls didn’t escape unscathed. One of them almost died, and still lives with terrible scars on her body. Another has mental health issues, while the third has control issues. Yet, they were all made out to be heroes for their brave declaration.
Except for one thing.
All three of them were liars.
All three of them have been keeping secrets.
One of them wants to reveal the truth of what happened in the woods.
But someone wants to stop her.
The story comes to us in the first person pov of Naomi.

Where the book worked for me:
✔ I am not an avid reader of this genre as I find most books pretty much the same in pattern. What made me try this title is that the serial killer was already caught and imprisoned, and the story deals with the aftermath of the gruesome attack. Unusual enough!

✔ For once, Naomi, the lead female protagonist, is not an alcoholic. She doesn’t hide her scars from the world, and despite her self-doubt, lives an unapologetic life. I liked her portrayal to a great extent. (I can’t remember the last time I liked a lead character in the thriller-mystery genre.)

✔ Though Naomi is still an unreliable narrator, her reveals are firmly controlled by the author. It’s not like Naomi lies to us outright (most of the times); she just doesn’t tell us something until and unless she wants to. I don’t mind this kind of unreliable narrator. The ones who contradict themselves with every subsequent chapter are the irritating ones.

✔ Naomi’s first person pov has limited rambling. It’s only in the final quarter that the inner monologues become too much.

✔ The author throws in enough of twists along the way. As we all know, whenever authors point fingers in the direction of one character, it becomes clear that THAT character can’t be the culprit; it’s always someone unexpected. So imagine the trouble (and the fun) when the author points fingers in the direction of almost every character. I kept guessing and second-guessing the identity of the villain.

✔ Though there were many characters, the proceedings never became confusing. The author takes her time to let us “know” the characters. (The “know” is in quotes because we never truly know any of them.)

✔ The woods are made use of wonderfully rather than just being a part of the title.

✔ It is somewhat slow at the start, but soon begins to pick up pace until it is almost galloping at the climax. (Still undecided if this is a good point or bad!)

Where the book could have worked better for me:
❌ The ending was much over the top. A few of the explanations were farfetched, and some were plain silly. I would have gone with a higher rating had the ending been better.

❌ Some of the big reveals about certain characters were quite predictable.

❌ The three woman characters do take stupid decisions at times. I still can’t understand why characters think going for a walk in the dark woods at night all alone is a good idea. All three ladies are kooky in one way or another.

The Audiobook Experience:
The audiobook, clocking at 11 hrs 16 min, is narrated by Karissa Vacker. I’ve heard many audiobooks by her and enjoy how she attempts to voice each character distinctly. I am still not a fan of her ‘male voice’, but other than that, no complaints. She is really good and makes the audiobook a treat to the ears.

This is the author’s debut adult work. (She has written only children’s and YA fiction prior to this.) She has handled the book mostly well. Some toning down of the exaggerated moments at the end would have worked in favour of the plot. But even as is, the book is interesting and entertaining enough to read.

This isn’t a thriller but a psychological drama. If you read it as a psych or crime thriller, you will be disappointed for sure. Recommended to those looking for an entertaining mystery with some unexpected twists. This won’t have a long-term impact, but as long as it lasts, it delivers pretty well.

4 stars.

My thanks to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the ALC of “What Lies in the Woods”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the audiobook.

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Reading Progress

November 30, 2022 – Shelved
November 30, 2022 – Shelved as: arcs-not-started
February 7, 2023 – Started Reading
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: 4-stars
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: audiobook
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: netgalley
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: ng-2023
February 9, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

message 1: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Glad you got a thrill from this one, Rosh!!

message 2: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Fantastic review! 💕 Probably not one that I will get to though it just sounded too similar to many others! 💕

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Glad you enjoyed this one too, Rosh!😊

Rachel Hanes Terrific review Rosh! 💗 I want to read this book even more now! I don’t know why anyone would want to go for a walk in the woods at night either?! Lol! Anyways, so glad that you enjoyed this one!

message 5: by Allison (new)

Allison Faught I’m so glad you really liked this! I should read this since I’ve seen a lot of reviews of people enjoying this one. Wonderful review, Rosh!! 💙

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Rosh! You have me excited to read this!

message 7: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz Great review. We were pretty much in agreement on this one.

Tracy Ascher I read this as well and just thought it was way too wordy. It didn’t need to be over 300 pages lol

message 10: by lila ⋆ (new)

lila ⋆ amazing review, Rosh! even tho the twists were predictable, i'm glad you enjoyed overall.

message 11: by Tina (new)

Tina This sounds so good! I was unfortunately denied access to this ARC! I'm glad you loved it 🤩

message 12: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Sarah wrote: "Glad you got a thrill from this one, Rosh!!"

Thanks, Sarah!

message 13: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Jayme wrote: "Fantastic review! 💕 Probably not one that I will get to though it just sounded too similar to many others! 💕"

Thanks, Jayme! 💕 I get ya, this might create deja vu for avid thriller readers.

message 14: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Sujoya wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this one too, Rosh!😊"

Thanks, Sujoya! 😊

message 15: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Rachel wrote: "Terrific review Rosh! 💗 I want to read this book even more now! I don’t know why anyone would want to go for a walk in the woods at night either?! Lol! Anyways, so glad that you enjoyed this one!"

Thanks, Rachel! 💕 I know right, what's this fascination with nocturnal visits! 😄 I hope you enjoy the book.

message 16: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Allison wrote: "I’m so glad you really liked this! I should read this since I’ve seen a lot of reviews of people enjoying this one. Wonderful review, Rosh!! 💙"

Thanks much, Allison! If you do pick it up, I hope you like it as well. 💙

message 17: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Meredith (Slowly Catching Up) wrote: "Fantastic review, Rosh! You have me excited to read this!"

Thanks, Meredith! Happy reading to you! 💙

message 18: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Liz wrote: "Great review. We were pretty much in agreement on this one."

Thanks Liz! Aye. Pretty much the same feedback. I just had the advantage of not reading this genre too much. 😄

message 19: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Tracy wrote: "I read this as well and just thought it was way too wordy. It didn’t need to be over 300 pages lol"

Haha, I get ya. Audiobooks are a saviour when it comes to wordy books. 😄

message 20: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Marilyn wrote: "Wonderful review, Rosh!"

Thanks, Marilyn!

message 21: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh ✨❤ Summer ❤✨ wrote: "amazing review, Rosh! even tho the twists were predictable, i'm glad you enjoyed overall."

Thanks so much, Summer!

message 22: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Tina wrote: "This sounds so good! I was unfortunately denied access to this ARC! I'm glad you loved it 🤩"

It was fun, Tina! I hope you can find it through your library. 💙

message 23: by Karly (new)

Karly Excellent review Rosh 💕I’ve seen some mixed reviews but this is a really good explanation of the good and the no so good. I’ve got this on my list I’ll see how I enjoy it 💛

message 24: by Nilanjana (new)

Nilanjana Haldar Woah! Rosh! This line of yours review caught me by the throat-->
"I am not an avid reader of this genre as I find most books pretty much the same in pattern. What made me try this title is that the serial killer was already caught and imprisoned, and the story deals with the aftermath of the gruesome attack. Unusual enough!"<--------

interesting must say!

message 25: by Nilanjana (new)

Nilanjana Haldar I chuckled at some of your lines---> 1) unreliable narrator, 2)
✔ The author throws in enough of twists along the way. As we all know, whenever authors point fingers in the direction of one character, it becomes clear that THAT character can’t be the culprit; it’s always someone unexpected. So imagine the trouble (and the fun) when the author points fingers in the direction of almost every character. I kept guessing and second-guessing the identity of the villain.

Great observations, as always, Rosh! All high-quality points! (although I haven't read the novel)...still I can clearly see!

I especially loved this observation ---> It is somewhat slow at the start, but soon begins to pick up pace until it is almost galloping at the climax. (Still undecided if this is a good point or bad!)

This line of yours ---> For once, Naomi, the lead female protagonist, is not an alcoholic. She doesn’t hide her scars from the world, and despite her self-doubt, lives an unapologetic life. I liked her portrayal to a great extent. (I can’t remember the last time I liked a lead character in the thriller-mystery genre.)<------ made me want to recommend to you 'Broken Rhodes' by Kimber Silver. Why, because you will 100% fall for one of the main character. It is a thriller book and unlike this one, the end of "Broken Rhodes" is one of the most memorable endings in any novel I have EVER read!

message 26: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Thanks for clarifying about the genre, I’ll keep that in mind! I think I still want to read this but I appreciate all of the positives and negatives. Excellent review, Rosh! 💗

message 27: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Fab review, Rosh. Sounds like a good debut in adult fiction. You just don't understand the thrill of being alone at night in the woods when no one can save you. Tsk... ;P

message 28: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Great review! ♥️ Glad you enjoyed it.

Kaceey Excellent review Rosh! Glad you enjoyed!💖

message 30: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) Ohh I love thrillers but you are absolutely right, they tend to follow a similar plot. This sounds incredibly unique, I am so intrigued! Although it's a shame about the ending! I am glad it was an enjoyable read Rosh, amazing review! 🧡

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Great review Rosh, glad you mostly enjoyed it :) Your comments are spot on :)

message 32: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Karly wrote: "Excellent review Rosh 💕I’ve seen some mixed reviews but this is a really good explanation of the good and the no so good. I’ve got this on my list I’ll see how I enjoy it 💛"

Thanks so much, Karly! 💖 I hope it works wonderfully for you.

message 33: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Nilanjana wrote: "Woah! Rosh! This line of yours review caught me by the throat-->
"I am not an avid reader of this genre as I find most books pretty much the same in pattern. What made me try this title is that the..."

Thanks so much for your comments, Nilu! 💖 Glad I could spread a smile! I have been seeing good feedback for Kimber Silver's book. Will keep it in my longlist after your rec. :)

message 34: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Catherine wrote: "Thanks for clarifying about the genre, I’ll keep that in mind! I think I still want to read this but I appreciate all of the positives and negatives. Excellent review, Rosh! 💗"

Thanks much, Catherine! I hope it clicks wonderfully for you. Will keep an eye out for your review. 💖

message 35: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Srivalli wrote: "Fab review, Rosh. Sounds like a good debut in adult fiction. You just don't understand the thrill of being alone at night in the woods when no one can save you. Tsk... ;P"

Thanks, Sri! Well, 'thrill' and 'kill' are rhyming words for a reason. :P

message 36: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Mary Beth wrote: "Great review! ♥️ Glad you enjoyed it."

Thanks much, Mary Beth! 💖

message 37: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Kaceey wrote: "Excellent review Rosh! Glad you enjoyed!💖"

Thanks Kaceey! 💖

message 38: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Ellie wrote: "Ohh I love thrillers but you are absolutely right, they tend to follow a similar plot. This sounds incredibly unique, I am so intrigued! Although it's a shame about the ending! I am glad it was an ..."

Thanks, Ellie! The ending was the only ,main negative in this book for me. 💖

message 39: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Dorie - Cats&Books :) wrote: "Great review Rosh, glad you mostly enjoyed it :) Your comments are spot on :)"

Thanks so much, Dorie! :)

Lit with Leigh Been hearing great things about this one. Awesome review!

message 41: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Rosh wrote: "Thanks, Sri! Well, 'thrill' and 'kill' are rhyming words for a reason. :P"

Gotta have some entertainment you know. ;P

message 42: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "Been hearing great things about this one. Awesome review!"

Thanks, Pink!

message 43: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Srivalli wrote: "Gotta have some entertainment you know. ;P"

I prefer mine in the daytime, with my phone battery charged, thank you very much! :P

message 44: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Rosh wrote: "I prefer mine in the daytime, with my phone battery charged, thank you very much! :P"

Duh... boring. 😈

message 45: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat Fabulous review, Rosh. I'm glad your dabble in this genre was a decent one AND didn't have an alcoholic MC. How refreshing! 🧡

message 46: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Srivalli wrote: "Duh... boring. 😈"

Duh... predictable Capricorn here. :P

message 47: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Kat wrote: "Fabulous review, Rosh. I'm glad your dabble in this genre was a decent one AND didn't have an alcoholic MC. How refreshing! 🧡"

Thanks, Kat! Oh yes, a non-alcoholic MC who remembers to charge her phone will always get plus points from me. :D

message 48: by Nilanjana (new)

Nilanjana Haldar Rosh wrote: "Nilanjana wrote: "Woah! Rosh! This line of yours review caught me by the throat-->
"I am not an avid reader of this genre as I find most books pretty much the same in pattern. What made me try this..."

You are welcome, Rosh!

Can't wait for the day you read and review 'Broken Rhodes.' yayy!

Darla A thorough and thoughtful review, Rosh. Thanks for the extra details on the audio experience. I also appreciate Karissa Vacker's talent in narrating.

message 50: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Darla wrote: "A thorough and thoughtful review, Rosh. Thanks for the extra details on the audio experience. I also appreciate Karissa Vacker's talent in narrating."

Thanks, Darla. She is really good. Though some don't like her "whispering voice", I think it adds great impact to the text.

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