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The Culled Crown #2

Of Princes and Poisons

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Once there were ten.

Ten goddess-touched girls were born. Each was blessed―or cursed―with a unique power that set them apart. As part of an ancient ritual called the Culling, they were supposed to fight to the death in the arena until only one survived. That girl would marry the prince and ascend to the throne. Now only four girls remain.

Power in her blood.

Monroe Benson is one of the lucky ones. With fire at her fingertips, she survived the arena and the intrigues of the palace. Now she’s turned her back on her destiny, choosing to throw in her lot with the rebellion seeking to overturn the Erydian rulers. Monroe has never wanted the throne. She knows that her future lies elsewhere, but first she’ll have to convince the rebels to believe her.

A traitorous heart.

Monroe thought Cohen was one of the few good things about the Culling. She believed that he would have made a good ruler, but that doesn’t mean that she wanted to sit beside him on the throne. And now, she finds herself drawn to a rebel leader. A man with secrets of his own. In the end, Monroe will have to trust in more than her power or even her heart if she’s to forge her own path and find her freedom.

544 pages, Paperback

First published June 18, 2024

About the author

Brianna Joy Crump

2 books130 followers
Brianna Joy Crump grew up on library cards and games of make-believe. She loves cats, houseplants, candles that smell nice, cream and sugar with her coffee, the pretty notebooks she is too afraid to use, the beach, her kindle, and you. Brianna is the author of the Culled Crown series. She currently lives in Holly Ridge, North Carolina, with her cat, Jinx—who spend his days sitting on her desk while she writes. To learn more about Brianna’s writing journey, follow her on Instagram at @briannajoyc and TikTok @briannajoycrump.

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Profile Image for Deeksha Bhardwaj.
120 reviews188 followers
June 3, 2024
3 stars ⭐️

Of Princes and Poisons follows Monroe Benson as she escapes the Culling aka Death. Now living in a rebel camp, she struggles to build a normal life and convince others that she’s not a threat. However, as her past catches up to her, Monroe faces a critical choice: save herself or protect the people she loves.

𝐌𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
Okay! To start with, the first half was eventful. Monroe's struggle to live a regular life while dealing with the events related to her "fire ability" was captivating. There was this one scene where she used her abilities to the extreme, and I loved it!

“𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚜𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕—𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝.”

The representation of past trauma and the healing process, as the girls realized that they now have a choice beyond life-and-death situations, was beautifully done. It made their characters feel real and relatable..

At first, Cohen's actions were very strange compared to how he was in the first book, but that was mostly to divert attention from him as the main lead. However, the justification for making Cohen the bad guy was forced and unconvincing. And… Cohen DID. NOT. DESERVE. Whatever happened around him. 😔

The introduction of Callahan and the sudden shift in the love interest from Cohen was very abrupt, and the chemistry between the main characters felt off. While there was some attraction towards each other, the emotional connection was just not there, leaving me wanting more depth in their relationship.

Plus, there was an overload of INFO DUMP and plot-building conversations. As the second half started, the pacing was so slow and I found myself delaying my reading and skimming through many parts. While there was plenty of scheming and planning, there was just too little action and implementation.

“𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚊 𝚝𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜.”

Around 80%, my interest in the characters and the storyline diminished.. however, that’s when the plot took a sharp turn, becoming more eventful. The final part of the story was packed with unexpected twists, heartbreak, and sadness.

Overall, I’m quite let down by this. It had the potential to be far better if certain events had unfolded differently. However, amidst its adventurous plot and a poignant portrayal of trauma, there were so many exciting events showing Monroe’s abilities in action.

It's common for the second book to act as a bridge between the first and third. So, I'll wait for book three to understand Callahan's actions better, and hopefully Cohen gets a more compelling storyline than he’s had so far!

𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝙽𝚎𝚝𝙶𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚢, 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚙𝚊𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝙹𝚘𝚢 𝙲𝚛𝚞𝚖𝚙 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎-𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠. 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝟷𝟾𝚝𝚑 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺.

P.S. Scroll down for some additional thoughts (SPOILERS‼️)
• The plot seemed like karma coming full circle for Monroe! In the first book, she betrays those around her, resulting in Cohen losing a lot. However, in this one, she experiences the same betrayal from someone she loved, losing people dear to her.. it’s really “𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤”.

• Furthermore, when Callahan convinced Monroe that “If Cohen wanted to do something about the Culling, he could have” it is the same thing that Callahan himself did to Monroe. 𝐈𝐟 𝐇𝐄 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨, he could have been honest with her instead of deceiving and betraying her trust.

• I feel so bad for COHEN because he's repeatedly losing his family members, despite none of it being his fault. Sure, The Culling was undoubtedly strange and unjust, but it wasn’t him who made this tradition. It’s heartbreaking to see Monroe's response when she says, "He didn't do anything to stop the Culling”, when he sacrificed his whole family, his identity to save her..

• And Uri... 😔 She deserved so much more. Out of all the characters in the second book, she was the only one I genuinely liked and felt deserved a happy ending.

• Throughout the book, we were told Larkin was the evil and dangerous villain, who needs to be defeated.. only for that event? that abrupt ending?
Profile Image for Cayla.
1,147 reviews184 followers
July 1, 2024
Absolutely loved this book and I really hope there will be a book 3 with how this one ended! I devoured this series and it was truly incredible. I absolutely loved the characters. I loved getting introduced to a few new characters in this one including Callahan (Kai) in this book and I am so glad what happened, happened. (No Spoilers)
I highly recommend this series to each and every one of you, especially if you love The Hunger Games/The Selection vibe feels but add in some great powers, drama, romance and you get The Culled Crown Series!
2 reviews
December 3, 2020
Really enjoyed every second of it. The story is amazing. And the characters... just brilliant.
Profile Image for Ashlyn.
1,231 reviews52 followers
June 6, 2024
Brianna Joy Crump is definitely becoming one of those authors that I will be reading everything they write. I read book one in The Culled Crown series a couple years ago and have been patiently waiting for book two to come out since then. I did find this one to have a little bit of a slow start and trying re-familiarize myself with the world and characters after waiting so long between books; however, once I got to a certain point, I had a hard time putting this book down. There were so many unexpected twists and turns throughout the book. And while I have fully switched over to which team I’m on, this was done very well. I look forward to continuing this series and reading more books by this author!
Profile Image for Ashley.
667 reviews16 followers
April 17, 2024
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

4.5 stars. DANG THAT ENDING AND I'M SUPPOSED TO JUST WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE??? I had a theory about one of the plot points and while I was *technically* correct I did not expect the end to unravel quite the way it did. I need the next one please!
Profile Image for YA Book Lust.
19 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2024

It’s rare that I prefer the second book in a series over the first, but this is an exception. I experienced a roller coaster of emotions while reading this book. I fell out of love and I fell in love. I laughed, I cried, I grieved. The final part hit me like a gut punch. Book 3 cannot come soon enough! It will take me a couple of days to process everything that happened.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wattpad books for providing this ARC.
Profile Image for Julie - One Book More.
1,178 reviews203 followers
June 22, 2024
I was so excited to get an advanced copy of the second book in The Culled Crown series when I did. I was in such a book slump and DNFed three books before this came in the mail. I read and loved OF Cages and Crowns, and jumped into Of Princes and Poisons as soon as I got it. After the super intense ending of OPAP, I couldn’t wait to find out what happened to Monroe and Cohen. The story went in an unpredictable direction, and I thought it was great!

Monroe’s story is so fascinating, and she sometimes gave me Katniss Everdeen vibes. Since that’s one of my favorite all-time YA characters, you’ll get no complaints from me. Her character is so conflicted and confused and traumatized, and she doesn’t know who she can trust and depend on. I don’t blame her. She’s caught so many people lying to her and keeping secrets! She’s also dealing with her unharnessed powers, which proves to be more of an issue than expected.

The relationship between Monroe and Cohen went in an entirely different direction than I expected, but it made sense. Now that they are away from the chaos of the competition, they begin to see how different they are. Their visions don’t align, and they have both hurt each other badly. The story definitely paints Cohen more as an antagonist in this one, and he is painted in a pretty harsh, albeit truthful light. I hate how he speaks to Monroe and makes her feel less than. He talks down to her and gaslights, and his behavior feels so toxic. He doesn’t ever let her speak and constantly cuts her off. I think there are layers to his character, and in this book we see the unflattering desperation of a man who has lost everything and has taken it out on the person he blames the most.

While adjusting to her new life, not as a prisoner but not completely free either, Monroe develops a bond with a moody, broody, gorgeous, and intelligent commander. I never expected to fall out of love with one love interest and fall in love with another, but I totally did. Kai is complicated and mysterious and fabulous, and the love story between him and Monroe is as layered and compelling as the characters. Other characters and friendships are great, too, and some of them broke my heart a little bit.

The story delves deeply into the trauma Monroe and the other competitors struggle with, and it’s done in a way that really shows the mess of emotions they all feel. It was well done and exemplified how people deal with grief, loss, and trauma differently. The world-building is also fantastic, and the author does a fantastic job of creating a vivid and immersive world both in the first book and in this one. Now that Monroe, Cohen, and the others are with the rebels, they learn more about people’s feelings toward the goddess-touched girls and the royal family. Distrust, political intrigue, power struggles, unusual magic, and more make for an engrossing read.

The story has a ton of character development, the plot is intriguing, and the romances and friendships are complicated and layered. It’s a strong balance of all of the elements I love in a romantasy. And after that shocking twist of an ending, I can’t wait to read the next book!

Special thanks to Wattpad Books for providing me with a copy of the book. ALl thoughts are my own.
202 reviews10 followers
March 15, 2024
I absolutely loved the first book in this series and couldn't wait to read Of Princes and Poisons. Unfortunately, this book did not live up to the first.


While I still enjoyed some aspects of this book, I couldn't get over Monroe's sudden change in feelings toward Cohen. I felt cheated that we didn't get to see them as a couple. I had really wanted to delve deeper into Cohen's character in this book; however, the author decided to simply cast him as a villain and move onto another love interest for Monroe. Personally, I still find Cohen as a more interesting character than Kai, and I hope we get that character background and development in the next book.

The ending was what saved this book for me. While the big "twist" was pretty predictable, I did not expect the death. I think the ending sets up for what could be an amazing third book in this series. Second books in trilogies are not always the best, so I will definitely give the concluding book a shot. Plus, I really do want to find out how this story ends.
Profile Image for Sami Miz.
164 reviews7 followers
June 12, 2024
This book succumbed to the middle book curse. I had such high hopes for this series and I definitely will continue to read this series as the ending picked up. I felt like nothing happened throughout this book. If I could sum up this story in 3 sentences I probably could.

Monroe finds herself in the thick of the rebellion with Cohen, Nadia and Heidi as they navigate their new life and the obstacles it holds.

Thank you Brianna Joy Crump, Netgalley and Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group for sending me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

3/5 stars due to how boring this book was, but I will continue with the series as it made me excited to read how this series end.
Profile Image for Janae McGinnis.
156 reviews6 followers
May 29, 2024
I didn't read the first one, but trying to follow this story didn't seem to cause too much of an issue if you didn’t read it which was nice. This did come off as if there was a lot of filler in it rather than being as flushed out as it could have been. I felt like the story didn't really have much happening until the 4th part and even then stuff didn't really start clicking. The author is very engaging; I had a hard time stopping when I needed to. I liked the secondary characters. They seem fleshed out well, and we have more of their backstory.

The overall story was good, and there were some twists and turns. But the ending felt lackluster for a 500-page story.
Profile Image for Haley Harris.
246 reviews71 followers
June 4, 2024
I am absolutely obsessed with this series!

While this one definitely had second book syndrome (slower and more plot building) it was still so good!! The ending had me on the edge of my seat and I may never recover from the loss of one of my favourite characters 😭

The twist in this was so good and I cannot wait for the next book!!!

A huge thank you to Wattpad Books and Netgalley for a digital copy to read and review
7 reviews6 followers
January 15, 2023
This damn story will break me. Midway through number 3 and stalling cause I don’t want it to end. Simply amazing, worth getting a premium account on Wattpad (and figuring out wat the hell a wattpad is haha)!!
Profile Image for Anne.
204 reviews
October 12, 2023
Was worth paying for premium+ to read this. Wouldn’t have minded having more of Cohen/Monroe toxic relationship before second love interest showed up.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Robin.
61 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2023
Absolutely loved this second book! So many emotions! Can’t wait to read the 3rd book! ❤️
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
289 reviews7 followers
June 21, 2024

If there is a book series that I think people are sleeping on, it is THIS ONE! I had the pleasure of being an ARC reader for the first book, Of Cages and Crowns, and was so excited when I saw that book 2 was coming out and needed readers.

This series is basically the Hunger Games meets the Bachelor with some Red Queen and Selection series thrown in as well. 10 girls in the kingdom are Goddess blessed with magical powers and have to participate in the Culling, a series of trials that take place when the prince comes of age in which only one girl survives and she will become the next queen and marries the heir. Monroe is the FMC and has fire power and is SUCH a baddie. Now throw in a rebellion, tentative friendships, and a few secrets and lies, and you get an exciting tale that keeps you hooked the whole time!

From here and below I’ll be talking about the plot of book 2, which will include spoilers of what happens in book 1, so don’t read unless you’ve finished!

Read this book if you are a fan of upper YA fantasy, high stakes adventures, intriguing magical systems, found family, and alll the angst and trauma!
Profile Image for Tonja Drecker.
Author 3 books213 followers
April 24, 2024
Nothing is as it was before, leaving room for unknown dangers, growing mistrust, and intrigue beneath the intrigue.

After killing the King and Queen, Monroe and her 'friends' from the Culling find themselves with the rebels. Not only were the promises of an open armed invitation null and void, all of them find themselves teetering on a thin line just off of execution. A new fight for survival begins, one which is very different than the Trials. Wounds, inside and out, are tough to heal, especially when the difference between friends and foe is blurred all over again. Monroe's a constant breath's distance from death, and this time, her powers are the last thing that can save her.

First off, yay to having the second book releasing so quickly after book one! Not only does that keep disappointment after the first ending at bay, but the story is still fresh and anticipation high. So, extra kudos on that front.

This book doesn't start off where the last one ended...not exactly. (But this does need to be read as a series, since each book builds off the last.) We find Monroe captured by the rebels, separated from her group, in bad circumstances. While grabbing, I did stop reading twice to see if and where I'd missed part of the story. Instead, the happenings between the escape from the palace to Monroe's beginning in the prison occur in flashbacks over the next chapters. I'm not a huge fan of that approach.

Anyway, this book takes many surprising twists and turns, and flips everything on its head. It does a great job diving into the area of dealing with trauma and re-orientation. This was especially well done with the other two goddess-touched girls and Uri, and added quite a bit of character depth. Monroe's brother also returns, which adds a touch more on the sibling front. Monroe doesn't show much growth during this second book (unfortunately), since her head is busy more with the romance side of things and melding into the new circumstances. The action was notched down, too, thanks to the increased romance and building of a couple new characters. Instead, the threat from the palace and the growing war runs more in the background with a few high-tension moments tossed in here and there to remind that there's still a huge danger to deal with...although this does increase toward the end.

This book mostly hovers around Monroe's attempt to reorientate herself in the rebel camp and mentally deal with what she's gone through so far. Relationships formed during the Trial, both bad and good, are re-molded, and this takes time. The heaviest hitting of these is the one with Cohen as he slides into the background, at first, and a new character fills in the space to create the rift. The switching of gears is refreshing, in some ways, but unfortunately, not quite convincing to the reasons behind it, leaving the romance end with a slight sense of being off-balance. This also makes the end of this read hit a little weird, on that end. Monroe herself is more clumsy in this read, and while still to root for, doesn't come across with the same lovely strength as before.

There were many unexpected moments, exciting aspects, and grabbing twists, and it will be interesting to see how everything ties together in the last book. Because the third one in this series has the potential to be very good. I received a complimentary copy, am giving this 3.5-stars and rounding up.
Profile Image for Tori.
631 reviews5 followers
June 25, 2024
Rating: 5/5
I received this book for my honest opinion.

It’s not often that I love the second book more than the first but this author knows how to write a fantasy book that will give you everything that you never knew you needed. This book has magic, romance, friendships, betrayal, love triangle, amazing writing style, world building and great character development.

This book picks up right where book one leaves off, and it will take you down a different path that I was not expecting, but this author knew that was needed. This book takes place after all the events that went down in book one. Now that the Culling is over and the remaining 4 girls and 2 of the royal family are marked as traitors and the rebels camp that they were sent to, no one trusts them there. Oh and did I forget to say that Monroe is not sent to the rebel tents like her friends but she is forced into a dark jail cell and the only comfort that she has is when her guard Kai comes and bugs her to death (well she prays that she would just die). One day she is granted freedom to go live with her friends with the other rebels and is given small jobs to do around the camp. Her and her friends have a lot of trauma that they’re working through after the culling and learning how to move on from what they know, what they have seen and what they have had to do.

I loved the first book and I loved this book as well. This book has everything that the first book did but so much more because of the twists and turns that this book took. I didn’t know really what I was missing in the book until about 2/3 into and I figured it out, but when you get to the end of the book and it's just right there in your face I was still taken away by it. I loved that we got to know a little more about the magic system and to see the girls learning more about themselves and how to rely on themselves more but to truly see them come together to overcome their trauma. The found family between them, all because of a stupid horrible game for the goddess gifted women. I thought the pace was great, it was fast but it did slow down a little bit but in all the right places for me. The way this author makes sure to engage the readers throughout the book is chef's kiss.

Now I won’t say to much about the main characters other than I am so happy that Monroe focused on herself more in this book and the new love interest… I do have to say I find him to be way hotter than Cohen. I loved the love triangle vibe throughout the book, but to see her decide something for herself and to pick who and what she wanted was so amazing. I loved getting to see her growth as a character in this book and the first one. I do have to say if I was her I would be burning down the world and everyone that stood in front of me after I found out what she did. Girl…. I don’t envy you and the choices that you have next, but I can’t wait to see what Brianna will write next for you.

I could go on and on but instead…. JUST GO GET THE FIRST BOOK IF YOU HAVEN’T READ IT ALREADY, AND THEN READ THIS BOOK RIGHT AWAY because if you’re like me you will need book three and ASAP.

I want to thank NetGalley and Wattpad books for the opportunity to review this book.
Profile Image for Bhumika B. V..
355 reviews
March 28, 2024
Of Princes and Poisons by Brianna Joy Crump

Thank you to Netgalley, Brianna Joy Crump, and Wattpad Books for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Only four girls touched by the Goddess survived the Culling, solely due to the rebel group that Monroe joined because of her brother Ambrose. Now, the King and Queen are deceased, and Cohen is being blamed for regicide. However, what Monroe did not anticipate is that by joining the rebellion, she has merely exchanged one prison for another. The rebels despise her kind and the royal family. Monroe, Cohen, Heidi, Hugo, Uri, and Nadia are treated as prisoners and considered untrustworthy. As they grapple with the trauma of their experiences, they now face yet another challenge. They have been labeled as traitors by the self-proclaimed Queen, Larkin, who has miraculously inherited her mother's powers. Can they overcome all of these obstacles, restore peace, and bring an end to the Culling once and for all?

Trigger Warnings~ bloodshed, death of loved ones, prison trauma, toxic relationships, anxiety, panic attacks, poisoning, physical and mental abuse.

Nowadays, I usually avoid reading majorly fantastic novels as they are more intense and stress-inducing. Most of the time, I am itching to get over such books as quickly as possible. This time, too, I wanted to finish it as soon as possible - but not for the same reason. I was enthralled by the story and the writing style. I remember being impressed by the author's writing in the first book, but now I realize why. The originality and complexity of the story blows my mind. Every emotion Monroe felt was expressed so thoroughly that I could imagine her situation, dilemma, and opinions easily.

I liked Monroe's new love interest, Kai. It was wonderful to watch their attraction and attachment build gradually. The trauma suffered by all the characters was so heartbreakingly described. I hate what Uri had to suffer through by the end of the story.

Though the ending was devastating, I enjoyed reading this story and am very eager to know what happens next. Also, the title makes better sense now after this ending. I was wondering from the beginning why is it Princes and not just Prince.

If you like fantasies with love, betrayal, action, and magic, this is the perfect series to pick up. I highly recommend this book and the first book Of Cages and Crowns.
Profile Image for A Mac.
1,027 reviews180 followers
July 10, 2024
Actual Rating 1.5

Monroe is one of four goddess-touched girls who have survived the trials of the Culling so far. But her future is looking precarious as choices she made during her trials are forcing her into dangerous and unknown situations. And on top of this, she’s beginning to find herself drawn to someone completely unexpected, someone who has secrets of his own.

I requested this one because I read the first book in the series a couple of years ago and enjoyed it, so I had high hopes for this one. But there were several things that didn’t work well for me. For one, the stakes just never felt high enough despite the predicament the characters found themselves in at the beginning of the work. There should have been tension and true grief/stress present rather than being focused on banter and the speedy beginnings of insta-love (why though).

The characters were just not good. I remember liking Monroe as a protagonist and being impressed with how well balanced she was. In this book, Monroe read like a whiney, bratty, preteen with a silly crush. It was no good. The secondary characters weren’t enough to make up for this, either, though they were generally better written than Monroe. The romance suffered greatly due to the way the characters were written. Also, the author chose to completely about-face with one of the personalities/actions of a character from the previous book to manhandle him into the new role needed for this book. And then there was the antagonist who we’re repeatedly told is dangerous and evil but is neatly shoved aside when it becomes necessary. These conveniences were majorly dissatisfying.

This book suffered from middle book syndrome. The first 25% of the book was generally just Monroe bantering with her new love interest and moaning about not being able to see her old love interest. There was also zero meaningful worldbuilding incorporated into the book, which was massively disappointing. Similarly, the setting wasn’t included well either, leaving the whole book feeling ungrounded.

The book was still readable, so if you’re a diehard fan of the series you may enjoy this one. To me, it was nowhere near as good as the first book, and I don’t think I’ll be checking out book three. My thanks to NetGalley and Wattpad Books for allowing me to read this work. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Fedythereader.
772 reviews22 followers
May 30, 2024
Thank you to the author and the publisher, Wattpad WEBTOON Books, for sharing an ARC of this book with me on NetGalley!!

“Because even on the darkest day here, in this goddess-forsaken place, I am alive. And if I were still in your beautiful palace, I would probably be dead —either because of your mother, or Larkin, or one of the trials. I can't regret choosing my life."

“It was fire.
It was ash.
It was smoke.”

"Please don't cry, Monroe. I don't know what to do when you cry. I can take the burning and the yelling and the cursing at me. I can handle you calling me names. I can take you not doing what I say. But the tears . .."

Well readers, it seems that we have a new obsession unlocked !!!
I remember being very intrigued and interested in the overall plot and story from book one of the Culled Crown series but this time the author brought this second instalment to a whole new level … and I loved it!!
Monroe is back, having to face everything that happened in book one. Back with old friends and some new ones. Back with her Prince, whom she has hurt a lot and has been hurt from. Back with a rebel commander who seems to be very brooding and hotheaded but at the same time can be quite sweet. Back with some wounds that need to be healed and secrets to be uncovered. Back with complicated feelings and powers that are not fully understood and battles to face. This book was basically a rollercoaster of emotions. With pain, suffering and insecurities but also friendship, strength and love and betrayal. It also has a one bed trope which … it always appreciated !!! I feel like this book brings you bad into the fantasy passion with a twist and an undeniable push. I needed that. I needed to be hooked and this is exactly how I felt since I couldn’t put the book down!! I’m so so glad I got to read it and after that cliffhanger and plot twist … I need book three !!!

"And you'll go to Hanevyr?" I asked. "When I go, you'll come with me.
He stared at me for a long moment. His expression flickered with sadness as he turned to look out at his tent, stripped of the things hed loved so much.
"Where else would I be?"

"Careful there, darling. Playing with matches."

"Don't you dare hide yourself from me."
"Don't. I'm not afraid of you."
Profile Image for Reece.
563 reviews10 followers
March 8, 2024
ARC from NetGalley

I was quite excited to start this book. This one started off with a bang but kind of puttered out for me toward the end with a pretty obvious twist, and I'm honestly getting kind of sick of all the doom and gloom.

Speaking of doom and gloom, I felt there were some really accurate representations of trauma in this series. Monroe has a lot of fear from the things she's had to endure and has flashbacks and relives certain moments. Heidi has this supremely bitchy facade that she uses as protection, not wanting to get close to anyone lest they leave her, not wanting to admit that she gives a shit about anyone because there's danger in vulnerability.

I don't like it when we have an about face on the romantic interest in books. It's rarely done well. It isn't done well here. Monroe loses interest in Cohen after being absolutely in love with him, but the reasoning doesn't ring true. The author tries to vilify him after having previously tried to build him into this swoony prince, if morally grey. And while I believe that the things he allowed to happen were messed up, he is also like 19 (I think), has been raised in the most fucked up family with fucked up expectations, is taking part in something he has been raised to take part in from birth, something which has been happening for generations and is engrained in the culture/religion of the area. Sure, he doesn't stand up to his mother, he doesn't put a stop to the games, but do we really believe he could? Do we believe he would be able to overthrow the governing religious body? Everyone believed that his mother was poisoning him when he tried to speak up, so why is it surprising that he didn't push things further? It just seemed a stretch to suddenly flip the switch for the sake of a plot twist.

The hunger games et al. vibes are stronger here. It's like when Katniss finally reaches district 13. The atmosphere is quite bleak, and I don't really enjoy reading in sepia tones, so I could have done without that pervading throughout the book. Would I read the next one? Sure. I quite enjoyed the previous book. I didn't actually dislike this one so much as I was disappointed by it. Still, I'm not excited for the next one. This one isn't coming out until June, so I imagine by the time book 3 comes out I will have forgotten this series exists.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Angela.
36 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2024
Brianna Joy Crump returns with another enthralling installment in her captivating series with "Of Princes and Poisons." In this spellbinding sequel, Crump delves deeper into the world of Erydia, where power, betrayal, and rebellion intertwine in a tale that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

The story picks up where its predecessor left off, with only four goddess-touched girls remaining after the brutal Culling. Among them is Monroe Benson, whose fiery determination and refusal to accept her predetermined fate make her a standout protagonist. With her power and resilience, Monroe emerges as a beacon of hope for the rebellion, choosing to defy convention and fight for her own freedom instead of succumbing to the expectations of the palace.

Brianna expertly navigates the complex dynamics of power and loyalty, weaving a narrative filled with twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the very end. Monroe's internal struggle as she grapples with her feelings for Cohen, the prince, and Kai, a mysterious rebel leader adds depth to the story, highlighting the intricacies of love and trust amidst a backdrop of political upheaval.

What sets "Of Princes and Poisons" apart is Brianna’s skillful world-building and attention to detail. From the opulent palace halls to the shadowy corners of the rebellion's hideouts, the vividly depicted settings immerse readers in a richly imagined world where every decision carries weight and consequences.

Overall, "Of Princes and Poisons" is a gripping sequel that delivers on all fronts. Brianna Joy Crump continues to impress with her masterful storytelling, crafting a tale that combines heart-pounding action, intricate plotting, and compelling characters. Fans of fantasy fiction will not be disappointed as they embark on another thrilling adventure in the world of Erydia.
A special thank you to NetGalley & Wattpad Books for gifting me the ARC of this amazing book!!!
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,734 reviews210 followers
March 25, 2024
Four and a half
I think traditionally for whatever reason second books in a series can often kind of meander along with little forward movement and in some respects that's true here. However as Monroe and a few others have escaped from the Culling yes they are finding their way but also forging new relationships as their lives are forever changed. Monroe had feelings for Cohen but were they because of proximity , stress and naivety ? Certainly she's evaluating exactly what she wants now but is it possible its all confused as promises are broken and maybe hearts too !
I don't mind that the possible relationship between Monroe and Cohen changes as not only is she the reason he's lost his throne but worse still Cohen killed his own mother to save Monroe ! How on earth could any burgeoning relationship survive that ? Monroe is justifiably torn and meeting an officer who challenges her certainly sees her life going off at a tangent.
I loved that those who also escaped struggle to accept the new reality as unexpectedly none of them seem welcomed by the resistance . This opened up a whole new perspective on just what people think about the Goddess touched girls and their place in the world the citizens truly want. Plus as much as I wanted Larkin to get her comeuppance that twist didn't quite serve justice and actually brought a whole new big bad to light but my lips are sealed !
Bottom line is this went in directions I hadn't expected and that ending leaves me wanting more.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Living My Best Book Life.
840 reviews87 followers
July 11, 2024
OMG, THAT ENDING!!! It's funny how quickly I have become a Brianna Joy Crump and The Culled Crown series STAN! After book 1, Of Cages and Crowns, I thought I had my mind set on how I imagined the story playing out, and that went out of the window...but in such a good and surprising way. Readers will continue to be enthralled by this series!!

The book starts off where book 1 ended; Monroe has escaped The Culling and fled with the survivors including Cohen and Uri. But Monroe is held captive again and it's by the people she thought she was helping.

I was expecting certain things like more happy moments between Cohen and Monroe, but I was surprised by the different direction the story took them. I admit I wasn't sure how I was going to enjoy that part but once again Brianna Joy Crump knows best.

Readers will also get to meet new characters like Callahan (Kai) and there are even more questions that you might not get answers to until the very end.

I have become so invested in this series and I thought it would be hard for the author to outdo herself, but again she proved me wrong because I think this is my favorite book in the series so far. What I enjoy most is that you never know what to expect. Just when I thought Cohen and Monroe were destined to be together, she brings in Callahan. And when I thought Monroe and the rest of the surviving marked girls would be safe, she brings the doom.

I absolutely can't wait for more of these books because I'm still thinking about that ending!
Profile Image for Kimberly.
166 reviews3 followers
May 7, 2024
Okay, this is the second in a series that really reminds me of The Selection or The Red Queen. Spoilers below if you haven't read the first book.

I liked this book but didn't love it. I felt it suffered from the curse of the second book. There was too much time meandering around in the plot. Monroe, Uriel, Nadia, etc. all spend months in a rebel encampment, and it feels like nothing happens. I get that they were training their powers and there were political things going on, but it just felt like there could have been more lore building or information revealed during this time period. Instead, there was an info dump in the last 25% of the book.

I will say the author is very engaging; I had a hard time putting this book down. I loved how conflicted Monroe was over her actions and how she just wanted to be left alone. The secondary characters were fleshed out really well, and we got more information about the backstory of some of the other goddess-touched girls. Also, whoever edited this book, shame on you. There were so many typos and grammatical errors. It drove me nuts!

The overall story was good, and there were some twists and turns. I don't think the ending paid off as well as it could have, but it will be interesting to see what the next book holds.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group for the ARC; all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Laura Yoo.
Author 1 book7 followers
June 15, 2024
Thank you to Netgalley and Wattpad Books for a copy of this book.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was so excited when I saw the second one was out. I do wish that books came with a 'previously on... similar to what tv shows do because it's been a while since I read the first one, and it took me a few chapters to remember who everyone was and what had happened.

The first book had a lot of world building and definitely focused on the overall plot. This one was completely different, which I really enjoyed! This book focused a lot more on Monroe as a person and her coming to terms with the choices she made in book one and how it has impacted her life now. I loved getting to watch Monroe develop as a person as she comes to realisations about what's happened to her and her trying to take control of her life.

I loved Kai as a character. He has a lot of depth and added a lot to the story. I thought he was a great addition. I loved his relationship with Monroe.

The plot was a bit slower than the first, but I didn't mind that because I enjoyed focusing on Monroe's development and self-discovery. I feel like this book was a great continuation of this series, and I'm desperate for book 3 already!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Adrianna Heaney-velu.
630 reviews9 followers
April 7, 2024
“I wanted something real. Something I could trust. Something that would stay with me.”

“Of Princes and Poisons,” by Brianna Joy Crump

Ten girls are born with magic and marked with it on their skin, these girls battle to find the next queen when the time comes. When Monroe is born with fire magic, her mother intended to keep her safe by hiding her away her entire life. But when time for the Culling happens, she cannot run from what she must do. She is captured and brought to the palace to fight and defeat the other girls in arenas to become the next queen. Cohen, the prince, cannot fight the tradition of the Culling, no matter if he believes in it or not.

I loved this series so much. This is book two of the Culled Crown series, and it was so good. I didn’t think I could love this one more than the first, but I did. I loved the love interest dynamic so much; I wasn’t expecting it at all. I seriously cannot wait for the next book! In this book I got to see more of the world instead of mostly the castle area and I ate up every second. I loved the rebellion aspect, and the characters were so good, even better than book one. 5 out of 5 stars!!!

-Political Intrigue
-Marriage Selection

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.
7 reviews
March 8, 2024
In "Of Princes and Poisons," the portrayal of trauma in the series is strikingly accurate, delving into the fears and coping mechanisms of the characters. Monroe's struggles, manifested in flashbacks and relived moments, authentically depict the lasting impact of her traumatic experiences. Similarly, Heidi's defensive facade, portraying her as supremely bitchy, serves as a shield against vulnerability and the fear of being abandoned.

However, a notable critique lies in the handling of the romantic interest dynamics. The abrupt shift in Monroe's feelings towards Cohen, from absolute love to disinterest, feels forced and lacks believability. The attempt to vilify Cohen, previously presented as a swoony, morally grey prince, raises questions about the character's sudden transformation. The author's choice to portray Cohen's actions as a consequence of his upbringing and the ingrained cultural norms adds complexity, making it challenging to accept the drastic about-face in Monroe's emotions. The narrative seems to lean towards a plot twist at the expense of character consistency.
Profile Image for Kayla.
34 reviews
March 8, 2024
In a world where ten goddess-touched girls vie for the throne through the deadly Culling, only four remain. Monroe Benson, blessed with the power of fire, rejects her destiny and joins a rebellion against the ruling powers. As she navigates her loyalties and grapples with her feelings for a rebel leader, Monroe must rely on more than just her abilities to carve out her own path to freedom.

In 'The Culling,' the captivating concept of ascending to queenship through a perilous trial presents a riveting narrative fraught with challenges. The diverse array of abilities possessed by the goddess-touched girls adds a layer of uniqueness to the story. While the parallels between past and present goddess-touched girls could have been further explored, the ongoing journey of characters like Kai keeps readers eagerly invested. With a tantalizing cliffhanger, anticipation for the third installment is palpable.

Thanks to NetGalley for this eARC copy!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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