Country portal (non-COVAX)

 Gavi’s online country portal makes it easier for countries to apply for, report on and renew support. It improves how Vaccine Alliance partners can assess performance, pinpoint areas of need and address challenges to strengthening immunisation.

Access Country portal    Request Portal Access

Who to contact

For any questions regarding the portal please send us an email or contact your respective Gavi Senior Country Manager.

COVAX collaboration platform

COVAX The online COVAX collaboration platform supports the COVAX Facility and ensures COVAX countries have a secure and centralised place to communicate with Gavi and manage their allocations, vaccine information and documents.

Access COVAX platform

Who to contact

For any questions regarding the COVAX collaboration platform please email or contact your Gavi Senior Country Manager.

Who has access?

Access to the Gavi country portal and COVAX collaboration platform is by log-in only. Users of the portals include in-country and regional stake­holders involved in reporting on performance, developing and submitting grant applications, vaccine applications and requesting renewals.

Last updated: 21 Jun 2024

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