View allAll Photos Tagged vowel

volevo scrivere una lettera per spiegare, senza mentire,

ma le parole mi si sono arrugginite nel mare verde della mente.

Cosi' ho barattato alcune vocali con caramelle al miele, mi sia piu' dolce il silenzio di questa muta muffa folle che tinge la mia bocca e i miei pensieri.


I wanted to write a letter to explain, without lying,

but the words were rusty in the green sea of ​​the mind.

So I bartered some vowels with honey candy, to make more sweet this silent crazy mold covering my mouth and my thoughts


Abandoned Mental Hospital

Macro Mondays Starts with a Vowel

The apparently empty room, a chair where no one is sitting, windows overlooking the valley, lights and shadows. You can't see it but in that chair there is a "listener" who collects all the useless words that people love to say to themselves and others. Senseless words said only to fill the great void of that stale hypocrisy that has covered the plains with dust for centuries... Listen to each other and listen to each other, reflect and think, leave out of the light all the dark words that make up banal and sad phrases, don't be ashamed of be as you are and respect yourself more, only in this way will "the listener" be able to burn useless vowels and consonants to transform them into sentences whose meaning in the end has no meaning other than "Love"

Macro Mondays ~Vowel

matches the themes: decay, vowel and all natural; WAW31706a1

This is the fruit of the Physalis, hopefully it tastes as good as it looks !


Happy Macro Monday.


Thank you for your views, faves and or comments, they are greatly appreciated !!!


Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission !!!


© all rights reserved Lily aenee


MacroMondays ...vowel...

Horses on the Beach


Sunrise on the Atlantic

'I need you to read my mind again, because without vowels I am very handicapped. Now, how many fingers am I holding up?'


Re-edit, 2013, self portrait

Series: Where I Belong I Would Go

Love as a word for a score of zero has been used in the sport of tennis since the late 1800s. Frankly, how love became a word for zero is baffling, but so is the overall scoring system for tennis. The points progress from love to 15, 30, and 40, which are relatively equivalent to 0,1, 2, and 3 in points per game. For example, if the player serving wins the first point of a game, then the score is "15 - love" or "fifteen (to) love" in their favor. Etymologists aren't exactly sure how love came to mean "zero," but, as we said, there are theories.


It has been suggested that the "tennis" sense of love is derived from French l'œuf (the vowel in this French word has no English equivalent, but approximations would be something like "LERFF" or "LUFF"); œuf means "egg." It is said that when the game was imported into France from England, the French used the word l'œuf to mean "zero," due to the resemblance of an egg to the written figure 0. ( Merriam-Webster)


"Love¨ comme mot pour un score de zéro est utilisé dans le sport du tennis depuis la fin des années 1800. Franchement, la façon dont "love"est devenu un mot pour zéro est déroutante, mais le système de notation global du tennis l'est tout autant. Les points progressent de "love" à 15, 30 et 40, qui sont relativement équivalents à 0, 1, 2 et 3 en points par match. Par exemple, si le joueur qui sert remporte le premier point d'un jeu, alors le score est "15 - love" ou "fifteen (to) love" en sa faveur. Les étymologues ne savent pas exactement comment "love"en est venu à signifier "zéro", mais, comme nous l'avons dit, il existe des théories.


Il a été suggéré que le sens de " love" au "tennis" est dérivé du français l'œuf (la voyelle de ce mot français n'a pas d'équivalent anglais, mais des approximations seraient quelque chose comme "LERFF" ou "LUFF"); œuf signifie « œuf ». On dit que lorsque le gibier a été importé en France depuis l'Angleterre, les Français ont utilisé le mot l'œuf pour signifier "zéro", en raison de la ressemblance d'un œuf avec le chiffre écrit 0. (Merriam-Webster)

For Macro Mondays...Vowel...

Para Macro Mondays.

Tema: Vowels

Oystercatcher feather for Macro Mondays theme 'Vowel'.


Oystercatchers are very jolly black and white seabirds with long orange beaks. The feather is less than 5 cm in length.

Elastic Bands.


This is for Macro Mondays, the Vowel theme.


A very quick, desperate, last-minute attempt lol. It's about an inch across (the image not the attempt!).


Thank you for taking the time to look. I hope you enjoy the image! Happy Macro Mondays :)


[Tripod sunlight remote release.

Focus stack of eight images in Affinity Photo.]


Follow me on Instagram @pawouters

For the Macro Monday theme of something starting with a vowel.


I created this embroidery on a black T-shirt about 20 years ago using my computerized sewing/embroidery machine. Scanned in the reindeer clipart and configured the machine to embroider it. Used silver foil thread to embroider with. Oh and for the heart, I used glittery dimensional fabric paint. I've washed the T-shirt many times. It's held up pretty good, but it does look better from afar and not in macro mode!! ;-) HMM! :-)

For Macro Mondays: "Vowel"

for #MacroMondays and this week's theme #vowel


Happy Macro Monday!


Thanks for all your faves and comments everyone!

I really appreciate them!

For Macro Mondays. This week’s theme: “Vowel".


My Choice is "Oil".




♥ Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments ♥

Oil in Water


Theme - Beginning with a Vowel "Ice" HMM :))

Photo taken by Canon Eos 1000D 50mm ƒ/1.8

Press " L " for a larger view


Edited with:

Camera RAW 12.1 Photoshop


© All my Images are under full copyright.


© All right reserved.


© All my images are subject to international copyright laws and may not be copied, downloaded, reproduced, transferred or manipulated without my express written permission. All rights reserved.




A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles,

Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes :

A, noir corset velu des mouches éclatantes

Qui bombinent autour des puanteurs cruelles,


Golfes d'ombre ; E, candeurs des vapeurs et des tentes,

Lances des glaciers fiers, rois blancs, frissons d'ombelles ;

I, pourpres, sang craché, rire des lèvres belles

Dans la colère ou les ivresses pénitentes ;


U, cycles, vibrements divins des mers virides,

Paix des pâtis semés d'animaux, paix des rides

Que l'alchimie imprime aux grands fronts studieux ;


O, suprême Clairon plein des strideurs étranges,

Silences traversés des Mondes et des Anges ;

- O l'Oméga, rayon violet de Ses Yeux !

Macro Mondays 10/12/18 theme Vowel.


Electric bolts coming off the pins of a Electric plug into a two pin Electric Adaptor socket.The electric was created using a Electric gas Igniter but what you can't see is the Ozone gas given of by the spark.It a shame I couldn't create the shot Underwater 😂

“Macro Mondays” and “Vowel”. Voyelles

Amazing orange little pony

Copyright © Théthi All rights reserved.

If you fave it, please, post a little comment, it's a pleasure, thanks a lot :-)

New album : STORY : L’enfance - Childhood

No part of this picture may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (on websites, blogs) without prior permission. Use without permission is illegal

Faves, comments, invites are welcome, thanks :-)

Please : NO great Glittery graphics

Vous lire est un plaisir. Merci de votre visite, vos commentaires, vos invitations et favoris.

To read your comments is a pleasure. Faves, comments, invites are welcome, great thanks :-

If you fave it, please, post a little comment, it's a pleasure, thanks a lot :-)

ƒ/5.6 26.0 mm 1/125 200

Naranja en el cartón de huevos.

Audiophile technology: Astell & Kern AK70 Mkii Audio player.

Contribution to Macro Mondays Challenge for 10 Dec 2018, theme: Vowel


It's been more than a month since I've even picked my camera up let alone used it so where better to back into it than MM. However this is the sort of challenge that I don't like ie where the scope is sooo big!!



Today's macro is brought to you by the letter "o".

I did have an Evergreen frond but it was just not quite where I wanted it to be.

Happy Macro Mondays

This Flickr is really screwed up. Don't see groups on some pages of my stream. Comments lagging, ie: every 4th one.

"How now brown cow" (/ˈhaʊ ˈnaʊ ˈbraʊn ˈkaʊ/) is a phrase used in elocution teaching to demonstrate rounded vowel sounds. Each "ow" sound in the phrase represents the diphthong /aʊ/. Although spelled "ow" in these four words, this same diphthong is also spelled "ou". Some examples of these homophonic /aʊ/s are the English words "house", "blouse", "noun", and "cloud". The use of the phrase "how now brown cow" in teaching elocution can be dated back to at least 1926


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Rainbow Of Nature Level 1 (R) awards = 20

Rainbow Of Nature Level 2 (O) awards = 10

Rainbow Of Nature Level 3 (Y) awards = 18

Rainbow Of Nature Level 4 (G) awards = 16

Rainbow Of Nature Level 5 (B) awards = 20

Rainbow Of Nature Level 6 (P) awards = 20

Rainbow Of Nature Level 7 (P) awards = 16

Total Rainbow Of Nature awards = 120

Total Rainbow Gallery awards = 0

Cette Fleur d'Adenium ou Rose du désert est appelée communément Tipanier Bangkok sur le fenua. Cette macro représente le cœur même de la fleur dont les pétales proposent plusieurs tons de rose #Macro #MacroMondays #Adenium #Inside #ISpy

Macro Monday - Vowel

A touch of blossom


A nera, E bianca, I rossa, U verde, O blu: vocali,

io dirò un giorno le vostre nascite latenti:

A, nero corsetto villoso delle mosche lucenti

che ronzano intorno a fetori crudeli,


golfi d'ombra; E, candori di vapori e di tende,

lance di ghiacciai superbi, re bianchi, brividi di umbelle;

I, porpora, sangue sputato, riso di labbra belle

nella collera o nelle ebbrezze penitenti;


U, cicli, vibrazioni divine dei verdi mari,

pace dei pascoli seminati di animali, pace di rughe

che l'alchimia imprime nelle ampie fronti studiose;


O, suprema Tuba piena di stridori strani,

silenzi solcati dai Mondi e dagli Angeli:

- O l'Omega, raggio violetto dei Suoi Occhi!



A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels,

I shall tell, one day, of your mysterious origins:

A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies

which buzz around cruel smells,


Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapours and of tents,

lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of cow-parsley;

I, purples, spat blood, smile of beautiful lips

in anger or in the raptures of penitence;


U, waves, divine shudderings of viridian seas,

the peace of pastures dotted with animals, the peace of the furrows

which alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads;


O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds,

silences crossed by [Worlds and by Angels]:

–O the Omega! the violet ray of [His] Eyes!



Each little egg is about 3centimeters long. For Macromondays - Vowel

2018 one photo each day

Flickr Lounge - old stuff - Don't know why I still keep them as the chocolate inside is far too old.

118 in 2018 #96 Eggs

Taken for the Macro Monday theme of iSpy. An object starting with a vowel!

Now what could be nicer than an Orange made from Chocolate

each segment has the rich taste of Orange Oil !!

The only question now, is would you like a Piece ??

... with a UPC!


appy acro onday!

I'm huffing to make myself

heard now, cantata of traffic,

wind at the window,

my thoughts disconnected

mid-sentence, becoming one

of those androgynous old poets

slumped in Naugahyde who

strains to move his vowels daily,

who warbles his nasal diphthongs

with so little passion. I can’t recall

what force drives the green fuse

anymore or what starlet requested

my autograph on her backside,

and, Oh to be content

with my mouthful of suet

and nightly idylls, but words

keep boiling up, betrayals

with my name written

over everything. If only

I could write an inspired book

of matches -- one final flare.

If only I could tattoo

across my chest in case

of fire break glass.


--Miguel deO


Cherokee Alphabet daze and confuse everyone! First, the Cherokee alphabet is technically not an alphabet at all, but a syllabary. That means each Cherokee symbol represents a syllable, not just a consonant or a vowel. More at:

Hats available at the Cherokee Nation in Cherokee North Carolina

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