View allAll Photos Tagged vowel

McKee Botanical Garden


From Wikipedia - The roots of lotus are planted in the soil of the pond or river bottom, while the leaves float on the water's surface or are held well above it. The flowers are usually found on thick stems rising several centimeters above the leaves. The leaf stalks (petioles) can be up to 200 cm (6 ft 7 in) long, allowing the plant to grow in water to that depth,[6] and a horizontal spread of 1 m (3 ft 3 in).[7] The leaves may be as large as 80 cm (31 in) in diameter, while the showy flowers can be up to 30 cm (12 in) in diameter.[8]


Researchers report that the lotus has the remarkable ability to regulate the temperature of its flowers to within a narrow range just as humans and other warmblooded animals do.[9] Roger S. Seymour and Paul Schultze-Motel, physiologists at the University of Adelaide in Australia, found that lotus flowers blooming in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens maintained a temperature of 30–35 °C (86–95 °F), even when the air temperature dropped to 10 °C (50 °F). They suspect the flowers may be doing this to attract coldblooded insect pollinators. Studies published in the journals Nature and Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences were in 1996 and 1998 important contributions in the field of thermoregulation, heat-producing, in plants. Two other species known to be able to regulate their temperature include Symplocarpus foetidus and Philodendron selloum.


An individual lotus can live for over a thousand years and has the rare ability to revive into activity after stasis. In 1994, a seed from a sacred lotus, dated at roughly 1,300 years old ± 270 years, was successfully germinated.[10][11]


The traditional Sacred Lotus is only distantly related to Nymphaea caerulea, but possesses similar chemistry. Both Nymphaea caerulea and Nelumbo nucifera contain the alkaloids nuciferine and aporphine.

A is for apple


This is actually a crop of an image that I was working on for another project. I did a last minute check on the theme for MM (soooo stupid busy these days) and realized this would work for the theme :)


Happy Macro Monday!

The Falknis is a mountain in the Rätikon range of the Alps, located on the border between Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It is 8406 ft. (2562 m) at its highest peak.


The nearest locality is Balzers.


The Falknis is one of two mountains named in Johanna Spyri's 1881 novel "Heidi". The title character describes them to her grandfather after having seen them both from the meadow where the goats are taken daily to graze, and he tells her their names. The other mountain is the Schesaplana, some 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) away to the east.


The name Falknis is said to come from Latin falcula f. 'small sickle' or correspondingly altratoromanic falclas' small sickles', from which after the language change alemannic by consonant dissimilation and vowel elevation in the secondary syllable became Falknis. The name originally referred to today's Falknisturm well below the summit.

Happy Macro Mondays, HMM !!


The Falknis is a mountain in the Rätikon range of the Alps, located on the border between Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It is 8406 ft. (2562 m) at its highest peak.


The nearest locality is Balzers.


The Falknis is one of two mountains named in Johanna Spyri's 1881 novel "Heidi". The title character describes them to her grandfather after having seen them both from the meadow where the goats are taken daily to graze, and he tells her their names. The other mountain is the Schesaplana, some 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) away to the east.


The name Falknis is said to come from Latin falcula f. 'small sickle' or correspondingly altratoromanic falclas' small sickles', from which after the language change alemannic by consonant dissimilation and vowel elevation in the secondary syllable became Falknis. The name originally referred to today's Falknisturm well below the summit.

It almost finished the season of acorn, so I had a hard time to finding it in the park.


Happy Macro Mondays!!

Agate, Amythiste, Amber, Aventurine and Amazonite

Also known a s a Paua Shell, the natural iridescence of this sea creature is quite something to behold

Have a wonderful 3rd Advent, dear Flickr friends.

miniture chocolate umbrella - yummy HMM!


Thank you for your visit!!

Too many f*king vowels in this lake, I think I managed to spell it right, I rue the day I post a photo of Eyjafallajøkull.

Sunset above the lake, taken while blotto, near Saint Donat, Quebec, Canada.

Predator and prey, a miniature Inuit carving of what looks like a piece of jawbone. The entire piece measures less than 3 inches long. I set it in a bowl of melting ice to simulate the arctic. For the Macro Monday, July 12 theme of iSpy. Happy Macro Monday!

-- July 11, 2021

Macro Mondays Weekly Challenge

Theme: Something that starts with a “Vowel” (the letter a, e, i, o, u).


Your visit, faves and comments are really appreciated! Thank you !

HAPPY 😊 Macro Mondays!


Happy Macro Monday - Vowel

A for Acorn

Eyes - Owl


Macro Mondays - Vowel.


For MacroMonday's theme "Vowel“ (Ornament)

Macro-Mondays-iSpy (AEIO or U)


It just rained so everything is covered with droplets. This little apple won't be ready for at least 3 months. This variety is relatively disease resistant and very tasty.

Elephant in Ice


Macro Mondays, Theme: Vowel


Seven focus-stacked images. The elephant is a Dhokra figurine (tribal art from India).


For an image with scale, see here:

Macro Monday's and the theme of "iSpy".


For this theme I had a few ideas and firstly thought of "Allen Keys" but after a while I settled on a bar of "Aero". I did find a pack of "After Eight" squares and this would have been ideal as both words start with a vowel but the chocolate squares themselves didn't have any branding on them.


Here I decided to photograph a couple of squares of Aero resting on the rest of the bar and with the wrapper in the background.

I sprayed water on the leaf and froze it...

Ice cubes on a glass for MacroMondays : Vowel.

Size ok ;-)

For this picture I put a light ,with coloured paper, behind a glass plenty of ice cubes. Some limonade to complete the glass.

Song by Foreigner.

It’s stretching it a bit, but the underneath reminds me of an archway.

Thanks for stopping HMM

font: Mister Sirloin


textures and effects by Remember Remember


Banks of a Canal


Seamus Heaney


Say ‘canal’ and there’s that final vowel

Towing silence with it, slowing time

To a walking pace, a path, a whitewashed gleam

Of dwellings at the skyline. World stands still.

The stunted concrete mocks the classical.

Water says, ‘My place here is in dream,

In quiet good standing. Like a sleeping stream,

Come rain or sullen shine I’m peaceable.’

Stretched to the horizon, placid ploughland,

The sky not truly bright or overcast:

I know that clay, the damp and dirt of it,

The coolth along the bank, the grassy zest

Of verges, the path not narrow but still straight

Where soul could mind itself or stray beyond.


THERE: iSpy (something that begins with a vowel)


(about 1 1/2", horizontally, including empty spaces)


Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND, everyone! I hope you're all doing well. We're supposed to be in the 3-digits today!


Thank you so much for stopping by and for the kind comments and favs. They are very much appreciated!




Hindeloopen (Hylpen) ligt ten zuidwesten van Workum, ten noordwesten van Koudum en ten noorden van Molkwerum. De stadskern ligt direct aan het IJsselmeer, aan De Zijlroete en Indijk.

In 2021 telde de stad 850 inwoners, waarvan ruim 70 in het relatief groot buitengebied van de stad wonen. De stad is na Sloten de kleinste van de Friese elf steden.


Hindeloopen kent een dialect dat sterk afwijkt van het Westerlauwers Fries, het Hindeloopers of Hylpers. De stad had weinig contact met het achterland maar vanuit Hindeloopen werd handel gedreven met Scandinavië, de Oostzee en Engeland. Het dialect is hier sterk door beïnvloed. Het meest opvallende is dat het de middeleeuwse klinkers behouden heeft. Omdat het zo afwijkt van het Fries is het dialect voor de meeste Friezen moeilijk te verstaan.


Hindeloopen (Hylpen) is located southwest of Workum, northwest of Koudum and north of Molkwerum. The city center is located directly on the IJsselmeer, on De Zijlroete and Indijk.

In 2021, the city had 850 inhabitants, more than 70 of whom live in the relatively large outskirts of the city. After Sloten, the city is the smallest of the Frisian eleven cities.


Hindeloopen has a dialect that differs greatly from Westerlauwers Frisian, Hindeloopers or Hylpers. The city had little contact with the hinterland, but from Hindeloopen trade was conducted with Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea and England. The dialect is strongly influenced by this. Most notably, it has retained the medieval vowels. Because it differs so much from Frisian, the dialect is difficult for most Frisians to understand.


Macro Monday Theme: Begins with Vowel

Macro Monday - Eye iSpy (Eye begins with vowel)

MacroMondays #Vowel


In the German language, the word aluminum foil has all the vowels.

a e i o u

all HMM :-)

Picture for Macro Mondays group, theme: Vowel

Female,Lesser Gold Finch Portrait.

1 2 4 6 7 ••• 79 80