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That one click and you need to go!

The Frazinus Quadrangulata is known as the Blue Ash Tree. Its native range is in North America from Michigan south to Arkansas and Tennessee. The height is about 50 to 75 feet once fully grown and can spread from 35 to 60 feet wide. It blooms between April to May and is usually a purple accent color. It needs very little maintenance and is tolerance of deer and droughts. It grows easily in dry to medium wet, well-drained soils. This is considered to be one of the best ashes for dry sites. The wood of blue ash is commonly used to products including tool handles and furniture. One major problem with this tree is the Emerald Ash Borer. The borer will kill an ash tree typically within 3 to 5 years after infestation. This pest is hard to kill off due to the fact that it feeds under the bark and bores into the wood.

found in rural areas in Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay and all over Brazil, about 38 cm in length, yellowish-white plumage, raised head feathers, beak and orange eyes, and black-tailed tail.

At Washington Oaks Gardens State Park on Highway A1A in Florida

Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson

Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) Nichols.

Trees and telegraph poles silhouetted against February skies in countryside near the tiny village of Stert (population 176) in Wiltshire.

the sun breaks through as I drive to work.

Shitty, broken cell phone camera. We didn't think the ride would be as long as it was.

Taken today whilst walking Lenny my wee staffie. I used a sony nex5 and I am finding it so easy to use, I just put it in my pocket and I'm off.


These Short Eared Owls will only be in our region for a little while. Enjoy them while you can.

Could not stop crying this morning, was worried that I would not be able stay calm at the hospital. I went for a walk in the park to see the swans and cygnets, but they were not there today. I enjoyed the walk, went to dad's tree and had a chat with him in amongst my tears, for John for dad for me. I like to think dad's spirit in in the trunk, bark, branches and leaves of this tree. I have been having strange dreams lately, last night one where John was on top of a high ladder and falling and I caught his hand, somehow i was higher up, feeling very frightened, but I got him, somehow carried him to safety. I was scared that he had stopped breathing, I shouted JOHN! and he stirred. The last time I had dream if being high up on precarious ladders, wardrobes that were swaying dangerously, was when I was going through the divorce, at that time it was the children that needed saved from danger.I went out to get the bus, but felt too fragile so came back and phoned a cab. I got to the hospital, to find John in good humour, he rang me twice as I was on my way, for no reason really.I heard the nurse tell John that she was increasing his pain relief. I stayed for two hours, gave him the card that I made for him, he was touched, and I cried. I miss John I am not used to being away for him like this. I don't know when or even if he will be able to come home again. I sorted out all the things that John needed done, to make him feel in control. I left him settling down to read for a while then to sleep.I walked to Hope street, and got a bus from the community college, I felt so so tired from the strain of staying calm, and the sheer amount of crying that I have been doing. Andrew rang and I said I was a bit too tired to go over tonight. I cried all over him and he was great, he listened and seemed to understand, that this is my distress and may not mean tomorrow's meeting with the doctors is going to be all gloom and doom. I am dreading and looking forward to the meeting in equal measure.

@tachikawa, tokyo, japan, 2008

Steinbrücker Teich


That is the tree where I took the bird shots

There is something magical about parks and tree in this weather

November 23, 2010 - A visit to Highbanks Metro Park.

Tree with blue sky, location unknown. Maybe around Columbia, maybe right here in the neighborhood.

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