View allAll Photos Tagged sky

Tanka poem by Cactus Haiku



Sky: [Tor] Scifi - Gelatto

Water: [Tor] Atomist

Lumipro added light on me


Location: Mystical Fae Forest

(you'll have to walk from the landing point but it's not that far and they have a lot of other cool vignettes too)



Landscaping by 乙uოα Ŧαє Ɗυsイ (zuma.jupiter)


Steampunk Hand Sculpture RARE by Hideki

Figures: Untitled by Mistero Hifeng



Pose: Degas' Ballerinas 4 by {NANTRA}

Veil Wings by LDG (Rekka Whiteberry)

Dress: Lala (Maitreya) - Snow by On a Lark

Hair: Gina by Exile (group gift)


Гледка от връх Камен Дел, Витоша. Виждат се полите на Витоша, София, и в далечината-Стара Планина!


F11 for larger view, Z to zoom

Am Mittag konnte ich die Edelweiss Ge 4/4 II mit einem Regio nach Scuol-Tarasp ablichten. Während auf dem Berg bereits erster Schnee liegt, ist das Tal noch herbstlich verfärbt.

Música (abrir en nueva pestaña) / Music (Open link in new tab): Robert Reed feat. Les Penning - Sanctuary III .


Mi galería en Instagram / My Instagram Gallery.


Una vista de la Torre de la Malladeta de Villajoyosa (Alicante) buscando su conexión visual con el mágico y legendario "Puig Campana" - al fondo a la derecha-, que, con sus 1406 metros de altura, es la segunda cumbre, tras el Aitana (1558 m.), más alta de la provincia de Alicante.


La torre fue construída en 1912 por el psiquiatra y político Dr.José María Esquerdo, en estilo historicista, evocando la apariencia de las torres vigías que, desde el siglo XVI, venían utilizándose para alertar de los ataques de los piratas berberiscos.


Aunque su estado es de total abandono y su interior está completamente derruido, continúa aportando un toque épico con su silueta a este paraje.




A picture of La Malladeta Tower in Villajoyosa (Alicante), connecting visually with the magical and legendary "Puig Campana" mountain -in the background (right)- that, with its 1406 meters high, is the second highest peak, after "Aitana (1558 m.), in the province of Alicante.


This tower was built in 1912 by politician and psychiatrist Dr. José María Esquerdo, in a historicist style, evoking the appearance of the coastal watchtowers that, since the 16th century, had been used for providing early warning of the frequent Berber pirates attacks.


Although its condition is of complete abandonment and its interior is completely ruined, this tower continues providing an epic distinctive touch with its figure to this place.


Imagen protegida por Plaghunter / Image protected by Plaghunter

© Francisco García Ríos 2019- All Rights Reserved / Reservados todos los derechos.

Callington Mill Oatlands as seen on a sleepy Sunday evening

Sunday 5th March, 2017..

Photo By Steve Bromley

from my trip to the lake yesterday.

Tussen alle saaizwarte huurloks van TXL die op deze dag met de dagelijkse KLV's naar Verona onderweg waren, was de fraai bestickerde DBC 193 357 "Das ist Grün" met haar deels met Terratrans beladen KLV ri München een welkome afwisseling in de boog kort voor Lehrberg. De eerste herfstkleuren werden alweer zichtbaar op deze voorlopig laatste warme zomerdag.

Took this picture on my walk up the Rauer Kulm near my hometown. It reflects all that autumn gives us - the falling leafs and the beautiful skies...

auch morgen 32°C


also for tomorrow



Diesen Abendhimmel wollte ich euch nicht vorenthalten. Wir hatten heute wettertechnisch hier alles - Regen, Sonne, Gewitter, Hagel, Wind. Der April bietet einen Vorgeschmack.


This day offered a lot of different varieties of weather - rain, sun, wind, storm, thunder and lightning and hailstorms. And we were blessed with this great evening sky, which I want to share with you.

View looking west just outside of Monticchiello. The clouds were dazzling as they moved across the afternoon sky.

the match between lights and shadows,

Giochi di luce ed ombre, piana di Castelluccio.


You'll find a lot more in www - Facebook - 500px


A lightning bolt makes contact with the desert floor below.

Rogue River National Forest, Oregon USA

Valle de la Luna is a part of the Reserva Nacional los Flamencos and was declared a Nature Sanctuary in 1982 for its natural environment and strange lunar landscape, from which its name is derived.


The Atacama desert is also considered one of the driest places on earth, as some areas have not received a single drop of rain in hundreds of years, but last week. A prototype for a Mars rover was tested there by scientists because of the valley's dry and forbidding terrains.

Northbound 261 passes an uninterested cow on a farm at Kemary on the way from Brewster to Canton and Akron on March 3, 2019.

Otra toma desde un mirador distinto de un paisaje arrebatardor .Con está foto me despido x un espacio corto de tiempo de Flickr,un abrazo y disfrutar de las vacaciones.

Towards, sunset, this past Saturday we had some awesome looking clouds in the sky. Five exposure HDR processed with Nik HDR Efex Pro 2

The early morning mist that forms when it is a few degrees above freezing is a soft veil on the fall colors. These ponds represent hope for the environment seeing that they are the result of a reclamation project of an old gravel mining operation.

A dusk from Amsterdam coast

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