View allAll Photos Tagged mono

A heavy River Wear at the old Fulling Mill in Durham

This is one of my last shots of the sun setting at Mono Lake on my recent trip. I kept hoping that we would get a little more color in the sky, but it didn't happen. The blue hour was upon us and it was starting to get pretty cold so this was when we called it quits for the night. The longer exposure really gave the reflections a nice look in the lake. Overall it was a pretty good shoot.


An evening shot near Mono Lake, California, USA

It was freezing cold and the wind was brutal. This was taken at the south end of the lake where the tufas are most pronounced.

Dusk falls in the Mono Basin with lenticular clouds catching the last light of the day.

A shot taken walking down to the local mini supermarket with SSC in mind . This was my first shot taken for the challenge , however , I have since taken a second shot for the weekend which was in fact my first idea for SSC .

The hollyhocks were bright yellow and against the blue sky they stood out dramatically . I took a number of shots , some in colour and some with the camera set to mono . This one stood out the best as with some of the other shots the clouds had moved into the immediate background of the flowers .

How I ever got a sharp I will never know , this was Sunday and to quote the weatherperson , " The weather is unseasonably blowy * and these hollyhocks were all over the place being blown around !!

The Topography Between Wandering and Escape

Patrik Bengtsson (Swedish, *1978)

Watching the morning sun illuminate the tufa formations at Mono Lake is always a spiritual experience for me. I am grateful to see this transformation another time.

Located in California's spectacular Eastern Sierra, Mono Lake is a large, shallow saline soda lake in Mono County, California, formed at least 760,000 years ago as a terminal lake in an endorheic basin. The lack of an outlet causes high levels of salts to accumulate in the lake. These salts also make the lake water alkaline.


Titled "Removal men" I was asked on my reflection post yesterday to consider a mono conversion and increase the grain. I have done on this photo.

Another shot converted to mono.

There were a lot of Canadian Geese around and managed to capture some in the background !


Hoping every one enjoyed their Christmas Day and are not to full !!

Here's looking forward to seeing the old year out and seeing the new year 2019 in

Best wishes to all !!!!!!!!!!

Alternative frame of 73156 and 73082 at Kinchly Lane

GRAILED presents the Unisex Mono Boots now updated for Kupra and in 4 new prints including Cow, Giraffe, and two Camos


TP To GRAILED Mainstore


- Kupra, Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, Legacy M&F, Gianni, Jake, and Unrigged (resizable)


- 20 color options in Fatpack Hud changing 7 faces


- Materials enabled

When you take the colour out of the Carnation the shapes become more defined........

Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Preserve

salt measured out for a recipe

This is a Northern view of Mono Lake from my recent trip. The tufas make for a great foreground when shooting here. My friend and I stayed until after the sun went down and it turned dark. We now had dilemma on our hands. We didn't get a campsite before we started shooting pictures and now we needed a place to sleep.


I vetoed trying to find a campsite in the dark; so we drove to Bishop to try to find a room for the night. Well, we soon discovered that the Tri County Fair was going on Labor Day weekend and all the rooms were booked. We had a room reserved at the local hostel for the next night and asked if there might be a chance that they put us up for Friday night. They were also completely booked, but they said we could sleep outside on the ground if we had sleeping bags. Well we did and took them up on the offer. We ended up sleeping on the patio on our air mattresses and were glad about it. The next day we were up at the crack of dawn and off on the next adventure.

Fall colors along the shores of Mono Lake. Negit Island submarine like on the left with Paoha island to the right. California U.S.A. Olympus OM-1. Kodachrome

Mono Lake is a large, shallow saline soda lake in Mono County, California. It formed at least 760,000 years ago as a terminal lake in an endoheic basin. It has an unusually productive ecosystem based on brine shrimp that thrive in its waters and provides critical habitat for two million annual migratory birds that feed on the shrimp and alkali flies.

Mono Lake is a nature treat for photographers. I asked a friend once what he thought of Mono Lake and he said it was a "mud hole". Myself, I love the place,

Mono rendering of Leotax Leonon 5cm f2

A stormy day in the Eastern Sierra ends with breaking clouds and beautiful light on South Tufa at Mono Lake.


Hope everyone is enjoying a terrific Tuesday, rest day for La Tour de France. Thanks, as always, for stopping by and for all of your kind comments.


© Melissa Post 2014 All rights reserved. Please respect my copyright and do not copy, modify or download this image to blogs or other websites without obtaining my explicit written permission.

Mono Lake near the Eastern Sierras in California, was an amazing place to see with it's crystal clear water, and it's amazing Tufa formations. I enjoyed photographing there very much.. :-)

Mono Moonrise. © Copyright 2021 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.


Autumn full moon rises over Mono Lake, California.


The scene is an autumn moonrise over Mono Lake, a scene that I often encounter on my fall photographic visits to the Eastern Sierra. I’m there often enough that it seems like I have this opportunity almost every year. I had been photographing more typical autumn subjects earlier in the day — largely the fall colors of aspen trees — but I decided to finish that activity early enough to get myself to a likely location to see and photograph the moonrise over the lake. These days, with the help of various digital tools, we can come very close to putting ourselves in precisely the right spot at precisely the right time. On this evening the moon rose in early twilight, but I continued photographing until it became quite dark.


On a technical note, there are some challenges to including the full moon in a photograph made after dark. The biggest issue is that the moon is a lot brighter than the landscape — the landscape is in darkness but it is essentially noon on the moon! There are ways to deal with this, one of which is to photograph before the landscape becomes completely dark, and I did that here. But I was pushing that boundary a bit, and I was initially unable to get the balance between the moon and the dark landscape that I was looking for. However, as sometimes happens, the sophistication of post-processing software advanced, most notably with the introduction of some powerful new selection tools in Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW. (Despite the popularity of Lightroom, I’m still a Bridge/ACR/Photoshop user.) These tools enabled me to make some important adjustments to the dark portions of this image while retaining detail in the moon.


(To be clear, this is a reworking on a photograph that I had processed in a somewhat different manner back in 2019.)


G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

(close up, enhanced)

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