View allAll Photos Tagged market

Market Reserve playground


Central City, Dunedin, New Zealand

Market District on Kingsdale Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Borough Market is a wholesale and retail food market in Southwark, Central London, England. It is one of the largest and oldest food markets in London. In 2014, it celebrated its 1,000th birthday.

last minute market


Last minute angels.


Andrea Ferrari. Marzo 2013.


Siamo gli angeli dell’ultimo minuto

Scampati per un soffio al giudizio universale

Cerchiamo il tuo niente nei rigagnoli delle piazze

Qualche grammo di vita in quello che rimane.


Siamo gli angeli dell’ultimo minuto

Perché basta poco per precipitare

Anche adesso che sei così sicuro

Che nulla ti possa capitare.


Siamo gli angeli dell’ultimo minuto

Creature della calma perduta

Fantasmi dei mercati addormentati

Ombre della tua paura.


Siamo gli angeli dell’ultimo minuto

Con le ali sporche di nebbia

Sequenze di coincidenze mancate

Riassunti di passate sfortune.


Siamo gli angeli dell’ultimo minuto

Ci vedi anche ad occhi chiusi

Anche se fai finta che non ci siamo

Anche se ci nascondiamo.


Siamo angeli, però,

Angeli in extremis.


Angeli a dispetto del mondo

Angeli sempre presenti

Angeli senza confronto

Angeli di pura tristezza

Angeli di strana allegria


Di sera ci vedi volare

tanto siamo leggeri.


Angeli, angeli dell’ultimo minuto.

Check out our post in the Diary of The Purple Passport about our visit to the Dirt Market here. Or, to discover more about our adventures in Beijing, see our blog at


Be sure to read The Purple Passport's review of Panjiayuan!


See also our comprehensive city guides at


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Postcard NOT for trade


This unique combination of historic buildings, Confederat Museum, imaginative shops, restaurants, and outdoor market is now a registered National Historic Landmark. Originally constructed in 1804, the magnificent main arcade has withstood the ravages of two tornagoes, the earthquake and fire of 1835 and the fierc bombardments of the Civil War.

For sale at the market in Coyoacan


Mexico City, DF, Mexico



Local market butchery

Beach side Market



St Josep La Boqueria Market, Barcelona, Spain.

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Night markets in Chiang Mai are a feast for the senses, an amazing mix of colors, smells and flavors. Normal streets by day turn into cheerful markets during Saturday and Sunday evenings, where you can buy all sorts of things and taste great Thai street food


Taken in a street market, Lagos, Nigeria.

arabischer Markt am Freitag

@ Georgetown, Penang


Olympus XA, F Zuiko 35mm f/2.8, Kodak Ektachrome 160 Tungsten (Expired since 1979), Cross Processing


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Trajan's Market (AD 100-110) from the Trajan's Forum (AD 112), Rome, Italy


Mercati di Traiano (100-110 d.C.) dal Foro di Traiano (112 d.C.), Roma, Italia

Day twenty-four in the National Sketch Draw Month challenge:

Bloomingdale Farmer's Market Garner's Vegetable stand.

The Rialto Market is open 6 days a week supplying fresh fish and produce to the citizens and restaurants of Venice, Italy.



They are working hard to finish Market Square....

Detail - Angel wings : North aisle chapel east 1951 stained glass window, - Church of St Peter, Market Bosworth, Leicestershir

There isn't even enough space to walk past the shops!

Market Garden Brewery, Cleveland, OH

The market in Charleston, SC is very large and fjull of really neat things. Being a man, I am not usually interested in such things but this place had some really nice things and not the usuall cheap stuff you find at markets. It is a good thing we flew to Charleston instead of driving because if we had a car, we would have loaded it up.

sweet edible colors inside the Ferry Building Market, San Francisco

A dried goods store on Grand Street in Chinatown, NYC. They sell ridiculously expensive stuff like rare mushrooms for $90/lb.


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Baildon Farmers Market take place on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9am until 1pm.


You’ll usually find fresh bread, organic vegetables, locally shot game, soups and sauces, pickles and preserves, artisan cheese, fish from Fleetwood, cakes and pastries, yoghurt and cream. As well as our regulars, we usually have one or two guest stalls, so you’ll always find something different.


Weather depending, you’ll be serenaded by the sounds of singing or strumming. Get delicious samples from the Information Point and let the kids enjoy our free bingo trail with prizes guaranteed for everyone.


Saturday morning at burnt Oak Market.


Vegetable stores at the Market. Beautiful mix of colours.

Christmas eve crowds head to Sydney fish markets

SOJ Farmers' Market

In many places SF looks like a 19th century western U.S. city.

A mural in a market in Aswan.

Houston Quilt Market/Festival 2011

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