View allAll Photos Tagged family

She's my favorite person to spend family time with.

Family Trip to Breckenridge, CO 2005-01

Family working Ft DeSoto Gulf Fishing Pier

i was asked by the family to produce some images of the kick boxing children please review and comments welcom

Family Game – Laboratorio Videogiochi


Un laboratorio aperto a tutta la famiglia, non soltanto per giocare ma per conoscere meglio, dal punto di vista dei genitori, dei figli, dei nonni, tutto ciò che è bene e interessante sapere sui videogiochi. Tutor esperti saranno a disposizione dei visitatori per rispondere ai loro dubbi e guidarli nel corretto utilizzo del mezzo.

Copyright 2015 | Tony Weeg Photography

12-25-22 Family Xmas morning

Outdoor Couple and Family Photography

Right outside the bedroom window! The flowers smell really nice.

Croquet at Sarnia

The church of All Saints at Chadshunt stands set back by the road between Gaydon & Kineton but is easily missed, being surrounded by trees in one of the most overgrown churchyards I've ever seen.


It comes as no surprise to learn that it's long been redundant and vested in the Churches Conservation Trust as there is hardly any village here (a few large houses lie just beyond, which is where one must seek out the keyholder as the church is normally locked).


By contrast to nearby Gaydon this is a church of real antiquity, left virtually untouched by the Victorians with something to show from most periods; the long nave is 12th century Norman (as is the font) but most of the details and tower are later medieval. The chancel is a purely Georgian rebuilding with a Venetian east window. There is also a Georgian north chapel, clearly intended as a family pew and, having a raised floor, accessed by steps.


The main items of interest within are the tub-shaped norman font, a Baroque tablet on the south wall and a series of late16th century painted glass panels in the north chapel (12 in all, of continental origin, and set amongst Victorian ornament).

"How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?"

family portrait photography

Edward Law - Inherited the box (literally) of family photographs. Many have no details of place, date or event. These are identified by the sparce notes on the back of the photograph that was scanned.

This is my husband's oldest son, and his daughters. They came to visit over Easter, so we did a mini family session. IN THE RAIN. I'm glad, because they turned out great!

Misericordia held a Family Weekend November 5-7th with a large variety of events including; the Illusionist, Ice Cream Social, Dance Class, the Mobile Escape Rooms, Casino Night, and more

Engagement & Family photosession

Client: Tuyen Ng.

Date: March 20, 2022


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My family has grown quite a bit, and its really difficult to get a picture of them all, especially in this poor lighting -_- but I couldn't help it, I wanted to take pictures of all of them today. Someday they will have a better family photo. :)

Lunch and Kabob 'N Curry in Vegas! Yum!

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