View allAll Photos Tagged eos

Mistbiene / Schlammfliege /Scheinbienen-Keilfleckschwebfliege / Dronefly


Canon EOS 30D, EF 2,8/100mm, f10, ISO 100, 1/250 Sek. Makroblitz Canon MT-24EX


EF 100mm F2.8L Macro IS USM

This female Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) flies low over the water looking for a place to land and lay her eggs. She will usually alight on some floating pond debris or plant - anywhere from where she can dip her tail in the water. Unlike Darters which move rapidly from ovipositing site to site without landing, Emperors tend to stay in the same spot for a few minutes at a time, which leaves them vulnerable to predation. I have seen a gull pluck one from the surface and fly off with it.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II + SIGMA 50mm f1.4 EX DG HSM

Kodak Gold 200 35mm film

Canon EF 28-90mm f4-5.6 II lens

Canon Zoom EF 35-80mm f4-5.6 Lens

Numark Pharmacy ISO200 expired 35mm film

Canon EOS R5

RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM

ƒ/6.3 451.0 mm 1/200 1000

C’è chi non crede, ormai è rassegnato

e poi si arrende senza aver combattuto


Chi non conosce ma vuole condannare

senza rispetto, esprime il suo giudizio


Non mi adeguo a questa realtà, io reagisco e ci credo ancora


Sempre senza limiti, sempre senza regole

Scelgo la mia strada e quel che mi darà

e quel che mi darà, e quel che mi darà


c’è chi ti crede e in tutto ti rispetta

segue l’istinto e in fondo ti sostiene


Non mi adeguo a questa realtà, io reagisco e ci credo ancora


Sempre senza limiti, sempre senza regole

Scelgo la mia strada e quel che mi darà

e quel che mi darà, e quel che mi darà

Canon EOS 5D Mark II + SIGMA 50mm f1.4 EX DG HSM

"What is the core element of our emotion?"




Model : Anonymous

Camera: Canon EOS 5D mark II + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35 T*

Canon EF Zoom 35-70mm f3.5-4.5 AF lens

Ilford HP5 35mm film

M/V EOS ESPERANCE leaving Bayonne's port before the swell's comin'

0Z66 1054 Leeds Balm Rd Loco (Fhh) to Wembley H.S.

Canon EOS 6D - f/5.6 - 1/30sec - 105 mm - ISO 200

height of cones: 3.5 cm


-The Nordmann fir is one of the most important species grown for Christmas trees, being favoured for its attractive foliage, with needles that are not sharp and do not drop readily when the tree dries out.


- De Nordmann-spar (Abies nordmanniana), Kaukasische spar of Krimspar is in 1838 door de Finse bioloog Alexander von Nordmann in West-Europa geïntroduceerd en wordt meer en meer als kerstboom gebruikt, doordat de naalden minder snel uitvallen dan die van de fijnspar (Picea abies). Het nadeel is wel dat de boom veel duurder is, doordat het twee keer zolang duurt voordat de boom 1,5-2 m hoog is.

Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II lens

Kodak Colorplus 200 35mm film (expired 2014)

In the Courtauld Gallery in Somerset House, London.


Vivitar Series 1 19-35mm

Agfa APX400 35mm film

Vivitar Series 1 19-35mm f3.5-4.5 lens

Ilford HP5+ 35mm film

Pushed 1-stop to ISO 800





Stock photography by giuseppe greco at Alamy

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved

Llyn Dywarchen lake, Snowdonia



EF 16-35mm 2.8l II


Lee ND 0.9 soft

Just coming in to land, this brightly painted 1940s equivalent of a Lear Jet could carry 4 passengers, and was being used yesterday to bring in the ground crew of another aircraft participating in the Shuttleworth Collection's first airshow of the 2023 season. We had the most fabulous weather for May - hot, dry and sunny, although rain over the previous days had rendered the grass runway too sodden to allow the Spitfire or Hurricane to fly - which was disappointing, but the rest of the show was excellent. This Stinson was a 'first' for me - not seen one before, not even heard of the type which is embarrassing as over 500 served with the Royal Navy.

For anyone interested, this is a full, uncropped frame from the Canon R5.

Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II lens

Kodak Colorplus 200 35mm film (expired 2014)

Canon EOS G w/ Canon 70-200 f/4L on Kodak Portra 400

Inside the Basler cathedral .... covered walk

This enormous yacht called Eos was moored at St Mark's Basin all the time we were there. She was flying a Red Ensign but she couldn't have been from the UK as she had Georgetown on her stern and the only places by that name in the UK are all inland. I wonder where her travels take her.


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This one needs to be seen big. It also needs to be 16-bit, but alas alas alas.


So I took this crazy ass roadtrip. It was awesome. It wasn't what I expected in the slightest because of a last minute addition - namely, my amigo Ben. In the end, it was great to have company and someone else to drive and put up with my special blend of crazy.


Anyway, I shot some long exposure shots, which, I know, is super uncharacteristic. I have a fancy new tripod now - one that can actually support the MII - so star shooting it was. This was a 57 second exposure and I'm pretty pleased with how still my model stayed. ;) Strobist info: iPhone to subject's lower right to illuminate the face. Or to tweet. Whatever.


I don't love 57" because the stars moved just enough to make them look blurry. I don't think I could have managed a shorter exposure, though. And longer would have resulted in some movement, I'm sure. That said, this picture is just as neat as I hoped it would be.


I didn't shoot as much as I'd have liked, but there are so many photos that I love love love. Expect to see them up here soon. And the analog, once that gets processed and whatnot.

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