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South Africa has been hit by a massive cold front during the past two days with snow over large parts and torrential rains elsewhere. With all the mud coming down with the rivers, our nice blue surf of last week was brown today and not very inviting for surfes....

Encontré una carpeta con fotos viejas de China que no puse en su día porque puse fotos parecidas o no me gustaron, ahora me ha apetecido recuperar algunas. son otro estilo, porque en fotografía se evoluciona.

Spotted this one midway through my session but it was too far out. I forgot about it while switching my attention elsewhere but about 15 mins later, it had sidled up to within 15-20 feet from me.

RAF Waddington. Exercise Cobra Warrior 2023


Kodak Gold 200 35mm film

Canon EF 28-90mm f4-5.6 II lens

THE DHC-1 Chipmunk was a widely used basic training aircraft from the late 1940s until well into the 1990s and beyond, in some places. Many are still flying today, and this one is beautifully presented in the colours of the Royal Canadian Air Force trailing some coloured streamers.

This Spitfire dates from 1945 and made its first post-restoration flight in April 2023. It is seen here given its first public display.

The Mk IX Spitfire was the most numerous version produced, being a rather hasty upgrade of the current Mk V model when it was found that the Mk V was outperformed in most important respects by the latest Luftwaffe fighters, especially the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 . The Mk VII and Mk VIII Spitfires were already in development but were significant upgrades that would take longer to reach production, so the Mk IX (essentially a Mk V with a better engine and 4 blade propeller) was rushed into service, where it proved to be significantly superior to the Mk V.

This female Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) flies low over the water looking for a place to land and lay her eggs. She will usually alight on some floating pond debris or plant - anywhere from where she can dip her tail in the water. Unlike Darters which move rapidly from ovipositing site to site without landing, Emperors tend to stay in the same spot for a few minutes at a time, which leaves them vulnerable to predation. I have seen a gull pluck one from the surface and fly off with it.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II + SIGMA 50mm f1.4 EX DG HSM

Kodak Gold 200 35mm film

Canon EF 28-90mm f4-5.6 II lens

Canon Zoom EF 35-80mm f4-5.6 Lens

Numark Pharmacy ISO200 expired 35mm film

C’è chi non crede, ormai è rassegnato

e poi si arrende senza aver combattuto


Chi non conosce ma vuole condannare

senza rispetto, esprime il suo giudizio


Non mi adeguo a questa realtà, io reagisco e ci credo ancora


Sempre senza limiti, sempre senza regole

Scelgo la mia strada e quel che mi darà

e quel che mi darà, e quel che mi darà


c’è chi ti crede e in tutto ti rispetta

segue l’istinto e in fondo ti sostiene


Non mi adeguo a questa realtà, io reagisco e ci credo ancora


Sempre senza limiti, sempre senza regole

Scelgo la mia strada e quel che mi darà

e quel che mi darà, e quel che mi darà

Canon EOS 5D Mark II + SIGMA 50mm f1.4 EX DG HSM

Canon EF Zoom 35-70mm f3.5-4.5 AF lens

Ilford HP5 35mm film

M/V EOS ESPERANCE leaving Bayonne's port before the swell's comin'

0Z66 1054 Leeds Balm Rd Loco (Fhh) to Wembley H.S.

Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II lens

Kodak Colorplus 200 35mm film (expired 2014)


Vivitar Series 1 19-35mm

Agfa APX400 35mm film

Berliner Dom / Berlin Cathedral


Don´t use this picture without my permission

安平東興洋行 - 無竹令人俗 / 蘇東坡之眼 - 日本式庭園

An Ping Old Julius Mannich Merchant House - Does not have the bamboo is vulgarly / The eyes of the Su Dongpo - The Japanese style garden

Una casa vieja del comerciante de Julio Mannich del silbido de bala - No tiene el bambú es vulgarmente / Los ojos del Su Dongpo - el jardín del estilo japonés

安平東興洋行 - 竹がないのは俗っぽいです / 蘇東坡の目 - 日本式の花や木のある庭

Ein Kaufmanns-Haus Klingeln-altes Julius-Mannich - Hat nicht den Bambus ist vulgär / Die Augen der SUs Dongpo - Der Garten der japanischen Art


Anping Tainan Taiwan / Anping Tainan Taiwán / 台灣台南安平


{View large size on black}


夏川里美 作詩 作曲 / Satomi Natsukawa poetry & composition

{ 搖籃曲/Lullaby/子守歌}



{The Love story of Tayouan - Anping melody of the memorise 2009}

{La historia de amor de Tayouan - Melodía de Anping de la memorización 2009}

{大員の恋愛する物語 -安平は曲の2009を追憶します}

{Die Liebesgeschichte von Tayouan - Anping-Melodie merken 2009}


{My Blog / 不斷成長與進步的喜悅-管樂雅集}

{My Blog / The joy of the Grows unceasingly and the progress - Wind instrument music elegant gathering}

{Mi blog / La alegría del crece incesante y el progreso - Reunión elegante de la música del instrumento de viento}

{Mein Blog / Die Freude an wächst fortwährend und der Fortschritt - Elegante Versammlung der Windinstrument-Musik}


{My Blog / 一個從未結束的時代-日本時代}

{My Blog / The Never Ending Times - Japanese Times}

{Mi blog / Los tiempos interminables - épocas japonesas}

{Mein Blog / Die immer währenden Zeiten - japanische Zeiten}


{My Blog / 2009 Zeelandia city-Anping melody of the sword Lions}

{My Blog / 2009熱蘭遮城-劍獅追想曲}

{Mi ciudad blog / 2009 de Zeelandia - melodía de Anping de los leones de la espada}

{My Blog / 2009熱の蘭遮城-剣の獅子は曲を追憶します}

{Meine Blog / 2009 Zeelandia Stadt - Anping-Melodie der Klinge Löwen}


{My Blog / 2009七娘媽生-府城做十六歲}

{My Blog / The Big Dipper empress birth day 2009-The prefectural city makes 16 years old}

{Mi blog / El día 2009 del nacimiento de la emperatriz del cazo grande - La ciudad de la prefectura hace 16 años}

{Mein Blog / Der Wagenkaiseringeburtstag 2009 - Die Präfekturstadt bildet 16 Jahre alt}


{My Blog / 臺灣之門鹿耳門-北汕尾風情畫}

{My Blog / The Deer ear door of the Taiwan - The north sandbank character and style picture}

{Mi blog / La puerta del oído de los ciervos del Taiwán - El cuadro del norte del carácter y del estilo del banco de arena}

{Mein Blog / Die Rotwildohrtür des Taiwans - Die Nordsandbankbuchstaben- und -artabbildung}





The aperture all opens

La abertura toda se abre


Alle Blendenöffnung öffnet sich



Original picture JPG is straight has no children the system

El JPG original del cuadro es recto no tiene ninguÌn niño el sistema


Ursprünglicher Abbildung JPG ist hat keine Kinder das System gerade



This chart does not have the refraction without the synthesis

Esta carta no tiene la refracción sin la síntesis


Dieses Diagramm hat die Brechung nicht ohne die Synthese



The available magnifying glass opens 1:1 original picture

La lupa disponible abre el cuadro de la original del 1:1


Die vorhandene Lupe öffnet 1:1vorlagenabbildung

Vivitar Series 1 19-35mm f3.5-4.5 lens

Ilford HP5+ 35mm film

Pushed 1-stop to ISO 800

Canon Eos 6D Mark II, Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM


Mehr Bilder findest du hier/ More pictures can be found here



Just coming in to land, this brightly painted 1940s equivalent of a Lear Jet could carry 4 passengers, and was being used yesterday to bring in the ground crew of another aircraft participating in the Shuttleworth Collection's first airshow of the 2023 season. We had the most fabulous weather for May - hot, dry and sunny, although rain over the previous days had rendered the grass runway too sodden to allow the Spitfire or Hurricane to fly - which was disappointing, but the rest of the show was excellent. This Stinson was a 'first' for me - not seen one before, not even heard of the type which is embarrassing as over 500 served with the Royal Navy.

For anyone interested, this is a full, uncropped frame from the Canon R5.

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