View allAll Photos Tagged decoration

Christmas Décor at Suntec City, Singapore.

Decorations at the Ice cream parlor

"Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great stories. But two things made me take it down.


First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.


Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."

Lighting decoration @ The Clumsies bar


Tomasska, Prague, CZ

Seasonal color in midtown Manhattan.

Ladybug wall decoration and real bug

Dec. 21, 2015: Holiday decorations 2014. In photogene lightened. In Waterlogue used rainy lightest giant. In DistressedFX used charm. In Formulas used reckoning 75%. In Photogene cropped again , added saturation .25, color temp 06, added contrast with histogram. In RIpPix used 01 preset.

Crochet snowflake and handpainted Christmas decoration

snowflake decoration zoomed and inverted


215e 12 - _TAC3832 - invert - ps-WM

Decorations for the "Ostrov" movie by Pavel Lungin

Russia, Rabocheostrovsk . Церковь из фильма "Остров" Павла Лунгина.

Lanterns decorate with auspicious greetings along South Bridge Road, Chinatown for the Chinese New Year 2022 Festival.

A manger scene in front on my electric fireplace in our living room

Just looking up at the decorations in the village of Curral das Freiras ('Nuns Valley') on Madeira.

Taken by Canon EOS REBEL T5.

Tiered cake covered in white chocolate and buttercream roses. For a 30th birthday. All edible.

Minolta AF-C, 35mm f/2.8, Kodak Tri-x 400, (200) Spur Acurol N, 20 Celsius degrees, 14 min.

Beautiful balls of glass but now in use for candles and hanging over the kitchen table.

Salon de Embajadores, Alcázar, Seville, Andalusia, Spain

A misty morning and spider webs, wow that a combination.

These decorations intrigued me at this front door. I love the little gargoyle one with the red hat in the front. Dedicating this to all the friends on Flickr who are still young at heart to enjoy these whimsical toys and ornaments! 😊

While I was capturing my previous upload for the weekly macro challenge which involved pouring cake decorations over a fairy cake case full of them I also had the idea of photographing a marble being dropped into it which would be a bit like a dry version of water splash photography.


This turned out to be no less messy though and at least with water drop photography any spillage can be wiped away with a towel.


I could have used a hoover but in the end I spent a bit more time gathering up all the decorations which were sent flying by each marble drop when I had finished.


This is actually a composite of a few images. In all the images that I captured the decorations seemed to be sent flying one way more than the other so I selected two images and then blended them so the "Splash" seemed more balanced. In addition I also decided to include a shot of the marble which I had captured when I triggered the exposure too soon as this adds a bit of interest to the upper part of the photo. The real marble can just about be seen among the mass off decorations inside the fairy cake case.

Winter snow and decorations for the Holidays

Examples of Chinese ornament selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collections (1867)

Our Daily Challenge 14-20 October : Decorations

photo nocturne de l'église Russe prise du perron de lhôtel du palais.

Gion Festival in Kyoto

Located : Shinmachi street, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto.

Finally finished decorating this house, I can sit and relax. Man I swear moving is hard work. I am staying right here in Meridian for a while.


What Are We Doing Now??:


I don't do much decorating for the spooky season, but I like these cheerful guys I picked up on sale at Homesense one year...

Back on the 8th May 2020 we were approaching the end of the first UK National Lockdown when we were not allowed out but to take our 1 hour of exercise, or to shop for essentials. It occurred to me that many folks were decorating thier houses ready for the VEDay 75th Anniversary Decorations but that I reality few would see them due our lock. Hence my rapid walk on the day in the streets around my home in Horsham, West Sussex to capture some of the day's flavour.


Here a prettily decorated gateway.

Here's a tip: Always leave space for the cat unless you want to find your decorations on the floor later.

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