View allAll Photos Tagged decoration

Tree Decoration in Jersey City

The lighted-up lantern themed "Dragon Soaring into the Auspicious Dragon Year” display at the junction of New Bridge Road and Eu Tong Sen Street.

These tall sticks in a pot have lovely silver bead tops that cast a beautiful shadow on the wall of my balcony. They also glitter nicely in the sunlight.

Nepalese Peace Pagoda

The lanterns decorations lighted-up at the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum, Chinatown.

Foto: Van dorne Galleries

Floor decoration with grains and flowers

Christmas decorations

Athens AL

Michigan Avenue prepares for Christmas, Chicago, IL, USA

6th January, 12th night,...for many of us the day to take down the Christmas decorations...whether you believe in the Christian, Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, Soltice, Pagan or any other version of celebration for this time of's always sad to see the decorations come down, especially the tree...but...the candles and some fairy lights keep going in our house...and the Poinsettia will be nurtured for as long as possible...until the colourful bracts decide...enough is enough!!

Can't beat a £1.99 Poinsettia from Lidls...still going strong LOL!


textures thanks to Tóta and Patti Brown.

This style of decorating seems to be very common in the warner weather areas of communities around Las Vegas, NV.

Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New York

Greetings and decorations lighted-up along New Bridge Road, Chinatown to user in Good Health, Prosperity and Happiness for the Chinese New Year 2021 Festival.

Chinese imperial roof decoration or roof charms or roof-figures (檐獸 / 檐兽; Pinyin: yán shòu) or (走獸 / 走兽; Pinyin: zǒu shòu) or (蹲獸 / 蹲兽; Pinyin: Dūn shòu) was only allowed on official buildings of the empire. Chinese roofs are typically of the hip roof type, with small gables. Variant versions are still widespread in Chinese temples and has spread to the rest of East Asia and parts of Southeast Asia.


Along the unions between the roof panels, near the corner, a row of small figures is placed. These are often made of glazed ceramic and form an outward marching procession. Here we see the imperial yellow glaze reserved for the emperor.


At the tail of the procession will be an imperial dragon, representing the authority of the state.


See where this picture was taken. [?]

Decoration in a chinese shopping mall

taken Feb. 16, 2019

my neighbouhood

more in

I could see the light shining everywhere.


This is not actually a military cemetery ... It is family owned and operated ...

Last year on Memorial Day, I featured my father in law, that had served in war time ... This year I thought I would talk a bit about my own father ..

He was drafted, into the service in 1959, to Fort Bragg NC ..

and served to 1965..

He was in the Army, shortly after he and mother married ..


This is a week end, to remember those, that did not make it home, as well as those ,that have gone on ..

and for those that served, and are still here, to tell about it ..

I so appreciate you every one ...

No matter the branch of service, every service man/ woman was in there for the same reasoning .. FREEDOM

and that does not come , Free at all .. or to cheap either ...

God's blessings on all those that have served, serving, and may go onto to serve ... You are the UNSUNG Heroes at times,

but in my eyes you are the Heroes, that paved the way ..

I so appreciate you everyone,

Several here on Flickr, have been in the service, and when tick comes to tack, it does not matter the branch, all of you were there for the same reason ... and I appreciate you everyone .. God's blessings to all !


In the south, usually before Memorial Day, We here in Tennessee have " Decoration Sunday" the Sunday before Memorial Day ..

When I was smaller, I have known, my family to have this all day, and gather, with kin folks, for a time of fellowshipping, and even dinner on the grounds ....

This grave yard is beautifully adorned, we have had a HUGE storm come thru, minutes ago, I hope all the beautiful flowers are not blown to smithereens!

Have A blessed filled Sunday My Friends ... Cindy 2017...

Halloween decorations in Georgetown

Rediscovered this Christmas abstract when backing up an SD card!




Christmas decorations in my neighborhood in Round rock, Texas. for 2016: one photo each day (338/366)



Hina-no-Tsurushikazari (Hanging Decorations for Doll's Festival) @ Mogusan park :)

Chinese New Year decorations for sale at this shop along Smith Street, Chinatown.

Christmas Décor at Suntec City, Singapore.

Decorations at the Ice cream parlor

"Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great stories. But two things made me take it down.


First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.


Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."

Christmas illuminations.

Salerno, Campania region, Italy.


Shot handheld with a Oneplus Two mobile phone.

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