View allAll Photos Tagged decoration

... when the lower-halfs of mannequins become ceiling decorations.

A Christmas decoration in my living room, I took this one with my 50-200 mm DX lens so my camera wouldn't fill up the whole reflection

Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New York

This is a cheap plastic decoration (presumably for a Christmas tree) I found in my daughter's room and decided I can play with it to see what I can make of it for my picture of the day.


This is the result. There is really nothing special about it and I don't quite like it that much. But still it was a good exercise in lighting a multi-faceted semi-transparent object.


I hanged it on a thin fishing line which I later removed in post-production. Other than that, not much else is changed in this picture apart from additional crop (it used to be a horizontal image).


I used four flashes: left and right behind the subject and one on the left in front for overall illumination. The fourth flash was for background. I used black foamcore boards to prevent the light from the main flashes to spill onto the background.


Lighting configuration:

Right/behind - SB-24 @ 1/4 power

Left/behind - SB-24 @ 1/8 power

Left/front - SB-26 @ 1/4 power

Background - SB-26 @ full power (green gel/grid)

Bike with decoration

Both these pics were taken at the Ion Orchard shopping mall. Although it was just the beginning of November, Christmas lights and decorations were already up!

Somewhere in The South. Have yourself a hippie little Christmas.

Canon macro lens FD 200mm F4

My red-sequins decoration photographed through cardboard tube

Be sure to join this group I started:

All Christmas

The red berries on this tree really stood out against the waning Autumn season.

My friend and I had breakfast in a cafe this morning.

The decorations are quite interesting.


Do you feel a little Venetian?

We were actually sitting in a Gondola. :D

Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New York

Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New York

We took a drive around town last night to see ...It seems like more folks were decorating than ever before

I have to explain this one. I'm laid up in bed after foot surgery. We have no Christmas decorations, but I remembered this little bear 'thing' that's in a drawer. I got a plate and a headlight and the camera and set them up on my legs in bed. Then I put the cover of a white book behind and 'voila'.

Decorations on a roundabout in town.

2018 one photo each day

Window Wednesday


I did a grocery shopping this morning at GreenStar Co-op. They have set their lovely Autumn decorations out front of the store.

The military decoration, my father recieved when he left the army in 1949. Before his death, in 2006, he has given it to me.




(Macro Mondays - Inheritance)

(116 Pictures in 2016 - #26 - Keepsake)

Decorations display lighted-up at the Esplanade Forecourt for the Chinese New Year 2019 Festival celebrations.

Christmas decorations in North Point Shopping Arcade Bransholme, Kingston upon Hull or Hull if you prefer! Taken with an iPhone SE camera! 27th December 2021 in monochrome!

Teddy Bear Christmas tree decoration.

Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New York

Rue de Rivoli, Paris, FR

Circles as basis

Decorations in Tarlac City

The exterior of an architect’s office is tastefully and discreetly decorated for Christmas and The New Year. The windows’ glasses are spotlessly clean and even Ralph, my fox terrier pet, is reflected in one of them. Can you spot my own (the photographer’s) reflection, too, in the entrance sign?


This was shot during my very first corona walk in 2021. The Happy New Year to all.


Christmas decorations at Standen

Fireplace decoration

294 of 365 - This guy was hanging around a neighbors house.


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