View allAll Photos Tagged day

Double Ham..thank you to my dear friend Day for humoring me


2021-05-30 6106-CR2-L2E2T4


Sunday morning Lee and I walked around the park finding a few different birds but no eagles. We were about ready to leave when we hear one of the eagles squawk by the trail along the river. We hustled over there and found this guy in a tree about 200 feet from the trail.


Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!!



Credit @ GOOSE in Cosmopolitan (Running 24th September)

GOOSE - A perfect day (PG)


Credit @ TLC Home Collection

TLC Barn Owl WIth Fence And Sign (linked)

TLC Harvest Mice And Apple Crates


Credit @ Your Dreams in The Chapter Four "Family Squirrels"

{YD} Family Squirrels - Puppy

{YD} Family Squirrels - Daddy

{YD} Family Squirrels - Mommy


Credit @ Sway's "Animal Topiary Gacha"

Sway's [Animal] Topiary . Dragon with lights RARE

Sway's [Animal] Topiary . Butterfly with lights

Sway's [Animal] Topiary . Snail with lights

Sway's [Animal] Topiary . Bunny with lights

Sway's [Animal] Topiary . Flamingo with lights


Credit @ MudHoney in Decorate September "Table set"

MudHoney Jolene Chair - Leaves

MudHoney Jolene Chair - Robin

MudHoney Jolene Coffee Table



{what next} Sunflowers Bicycle Decor

Incendia Wagon Garden & Birdbath

LB_WildGrass*1Li{Dry}*Animated @ Marketplace

Day 336 ~ 365 Project

Valentines Day with you ♥


I created a Diagon Alley mixed with a Star Wars themed restaurant & wine bar - called Endors Edge. Complete with a full menu priced in Galleons & Credits - for Valentines Day for my love ♥


Both of our loves (we both love HP and Star Wars) mixed together in a beautiful evening.

An excellent Day out at Bodnant Gardens, National Trust yesterday, here are sample images that I shall open in the next few days...........(worth viewing large)

Mother nature’s deslgn

On Saturday our forecast was to be cold, cloudy, and windy. Three hour drive southeast of me in Minnewaska State Park it was suppose to be 20 degrees warmer at 65F and sunny. So I went there on a photography trip and wasn't disappointed.


I hope everyone enjoys this image! :D

Beach Day


Feat. BlankLine, Bolson, Botanical, Skye, AITUI, and [satus Inc]


Blog | ♫ Song ♫ | Sim: La Vie

Happy Valentines Day, sending love to all my Flickr friends! 💕

One of my many Teddy Bears, and a small candy tin given to us by our daughter and granddaughter from their trip to Normandy.

This shower brought snow. Spring? Hopefully next week here in Germany...


Dieser Schauer brachte Schnee im Frühling. Hoffentlich kommt der bald...

A rainy day is the perfect time to walk in the woods.


4/7 Green Should Be Seen - Colour Fusion

day 29


© Κατερινα 2020. All Rights Reserved

You need my written permission before using this image in any way. It is here only for viewing purposes


A day where you don't want to smile

2020 one photo each day

All rights reserved. This material may not be duplicated for any profit-driven enterprise.

Surveying the snow.


We only got about 2 inches or so when all was said and done here "North of Seven" from Friday until today unlike the poor folks in Buffalo and in Southern Ontario (Welland etc.). Here's hoping Mother Nature has slowed down for those areas.


I want to thank each and everyone who took the time to visit my little space here on Flickr. Have a super day!

Have a great FriYay and weekend.


Another day in suburbia, from a different point of view.

After knee replacement surgery, I hadn't been outside in two weeks, this was the first day I was able to get out and sit on the deck. A comfortable 65 degrees, I shared about 2-1/2 hours outside with God and some other friends.This guy sat there like this for almost an hour, waiting for me to go inside so he could get his peanuts off the table. It was great!

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;

It rains, and the wind is never weary;

The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,

But at every gust the dead leaves fall,

And the day is dark and dreary.


My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;

It rains, and the wind is never weary;

My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past,

But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,

And the days are dark and dreary.


Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;

Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;

Thy fate is the common fate of all,

Into each life some rain must fall,

Some days must be dark and dreary.


- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This was an end of a successful day for the Cheetahs and it is the end of a great photographic year for me.

I wish you all the very best as we head into another year and decade.

Thanks for stopping by and especially for the time taken in writing comments. Happy New Year

january 9, 2010


today is day one hundred for me! i actually did not think i'd make it this far, so i'm really excited. thank you guys so much for all your comments and support. i love you all :D

Orange marigolds in my garden. They are in a raised bed which made this far easier to take. The blue flowers are corn flowers.


They make me smile when I see them.

They're so lush this year

Graffiti in an electrical transformer building brightens up a gray winter day.


Tampere, Finland


Pilvinen talvipäivä

Sähkömuuntajarakennuksen graffitit piristävät harmaata talvipäivää.

A beautiful day! It's the sort of day, that makes you want to throw on your favorite pair of comfy jeans, a cozy sweater, and chill out on the deck.



SL: Riot Mainstore:

Flickr: Riot SL -



RIOT / Constance Outfit (jeans, tank and shirt) @ The Fifty


[Rezz Room] Border Collie Puppy

Pure Poison - Elise Nails and Rings

NaaNaa's Hook Necklace Set


playing with the knobs ;-)

Bye, bye! Again a species disappears from our Earth


World Rhino Day is celebrated on September 22 every year!


Erlebniszoo Hannover



Ostafrikanisches Spitzmaulnashorn***East African black rhinoceros***Diceros bicornis michaeli


Gefährdungsstatus:CR (vom Aussterben bedroht)

Risk status: CR (threatened with extinction)

Details & Credits

↓↓↓ Click Here ↓↓↓


Walk in Peak District with Digimon!=]


1st August is a special day for all Digimon Adventure fans.


Daily Photo: 1st Aug 2022 (Mon)


Located: Derwent Dam, Peak District National Park, From Upper Derwent Visitor Centre


Filmed and designed by Kelvin Ho

Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence. ~Hazrat Inayat Khan


Feb Photo a Day theme "Green"

Rainy Day Trees that are pretty much bare now, most leaves are on the ground, shot in North Carolina.

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