View allAll Photos Tagged countryside

Highland cattle in the Peak District, Derbyshire.

The small village of Llanvihangel Crucorney lies on the eastern edge of the Black Mountains in the Brecon Beacons National Park. The village sits at the entrance to the Vale of Ewyas (also known as the Llanthony valley). The sweeping hill the village sits on is a terminal moraine, deposited during the last Ice Age, that marks the maximum advance of a glacier that once flowed down the valley. The Skirrid is located just to the south; its distinctive peak forms an imposing local landmark. The village is surrounded by farmland with a mix of pasture, for sheep and dairy cattle grazing, and arable crops. The area is popular with hill walkers and the long-distance trails the Beacons Way and Offa's Dyke Path pass close by.

Fields of beauty, coloured green

Surrounded by trees, like a dream

Of the creations special wonder

That does bloom and rise under

The skies that stretch, coloured blue

Over the trees, that surround you

Shapely reflections before my eyes

Underneath the floating skies

What pretty patterns, you do draw

Beyond sweet natures wild shore

Where you reign, the natural queen

Your divine beauty, it is seen

Forever filling, all watching eyes

With its reflection, created from the skies

Above the green, up in the sky

Clouds they build and they fly

Over natures mirror, where is seen

In the water, between the green

A beautiful reflection, sent from the skies

That high above, slowly flies

Over the vivid wild green land

Sculpted by a mysterious hand

I really love the trees when they are just beginning to burst forth in full leaf.

Beautiful sunset by the lake. /April-20. Sweden.

Under the vivid skies of blue

That stretch wide in front of you

Rises the tower, the tower of peace

It rises so bravely, up in the East


Where it stands bravely, never afraid

Of the evil, that is now being made

Above it, around it , on every side

But it stands tall, it never does hide


Until the dark clouds they disappear

And no longer does fall, not one single tear

On the face, from freedoms eyes

That tower above, into vivid blue skies


Far, far, far, away

Stretching to another day

I see, so many trees

Blowing in the Summer breeze

In their branches ,high above

Hangs the treasure of sweet love

Waiting for a hand to rise

There to claim, a beautiful prize

Hold it close, hold it tight

As the sun, it shines down bright

On the trees, so far away

Stretching to another day


It's a while since I posted a pochard so today is a showcase for the very different looking male and female.


These guys used to be regular visitors to the tarn. Recent years though have seen a decline in sightings, so it was good to come across this beauty.


The once-common Pochard is now under threat because its populations are declining rapidly. The UK is an important winter destination for the Pochard, with 48,000 birds visiting our wetlands and coasts.


Pochard male - Aythya Ferina


Yeadon Tarn Leeds


Many thanks as always to all those kind enough to stop by and comment , fave or even just view my photos. It is as always very much appreciated and welcome.



Stepping out, under the trees

That blow serenely in the breeze

Leading you to the skies

Where the bird of love now flies

Dancing sweetly on the breeze

Over the steps, rising through the trees

All the images of this series were shot as JPEGs, and they are all slightly cropped too.

Have a great week y'all!!

This old GMC is still being used today by a local business in my hometown.

Country style delivery at its best.


I hope everyone has a good week and I thank ya kindly for stopping in guys!!


Always appreciated...

In the Flemish Ardennes, famous among riders for its steep cobblestone hills, the gently undulating landscape is a feast for the eyes, especially during spring.


In de Vlaamse Ardennen, beroemd bij renners om zijn steile heuvels in kasseistenen, is het licht heuvelend landschap, vooral tijdens de lente een lust voor het oog.

I see you blooming, standing tall

On the breeze , i hear your call

Calling me to walk the green

Over the fields, where you are seen

Calling me to rest below

As the rays of Spring they flow

Down from the kingdom of the skies

lighting your beauty, before my eyes

You do see black and red

Resting on a wild bed

Many wings they are seen

Waiting to fly across the green

Gliding on the Summer breeze

Over the hills and the trees

To where the beaks will be fed

When the blacks leave the red

The Gates of Melancholy

If i wait under the tree

Will you return to meet me

Cam i look in your gorgeous eyes

Run my hand, up your soft thighs

As we do the dance of love

Under our tree, that rises above

Our lips will meet, passion will soar

Our hearts will beat, as one once more

Today we had great winterday with the first snow of the year.

This way to the land

Created by an unseen hand

Where the trees of vivid green

Bloom with beauty, that is seen


Under the skies of infinite blue

That now spread in front of you

Where the paths, lead you to love

Where the birds, fly above


Dancing between the clouds of white

As the sun shines down bright

On the land, painted green

Created by a hand unseen

Happy Slider's Sunday!


Thought I would play out the lovely textures and colors of an Iowa countryside when it's on fire with all the colors of the rainbow.

Under the tree, Spring does rise

It does flower before my eyes

Spreading beauty across the land

That was painted by creations hand

Caressing sweetly, the blueness


Filling the skies with natures, wild love

Flying across diamond encrusted skies

Natures delights are filling your eyes

Below clouds of pure virgin white

Everything still, a magical sight


Walking on a carpet of uplifting grace

Through the woods, you do pace

Until under a tree, full of sweet smiles

Your thoughts they float across the miles

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