View allAll Photos Tagged countryside



Pentax K-5

Kepcor Auto Wide Angle MC 28mm 1:2.8



© 2019 stefanorugolo | All rights reserved.



Thank you for your visit, most appreciated!

Fox. Having watched it from cover cross a field towards me it starts to get suspicious.

A panorama sunrise in the Owens Valley with the Sierra Wave breaking over the Sierra Nevada.

Jeseniky - Sudeten Mountains

Couldn't resist taking this shot through a gap in the hedge. Its a view across open countryside about 5 minutes walk from my house. I loved the look of the clouds. Have a lovely weekend all.

Credits and more pictures here<3



i add yellow color to clouds and i maybe like it

What do you think of when you hear the word “countryside”? For me, it means yellow hay, spectacular and breathtaking landscape. I found it very charming to photograph it as you can shoot a panoramic scene is every single direction. Majestic, beautifully lit hay, rolled up in the field…, …the beauty of the countryside.


© all rights reserved by Mala Gosia. Please do not use this image on websites, blogs or any other media without my explicit written permission.


Swedish countryside summer 2020

Swedish countryside summer 2020

The countryside of Serres, Greece with OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

* Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan *

- Around 1750, colonists from the neighboring parishes of L'Assomption, Mascouche and elsewhere began to settle in the territory which became Saint-Roch-de-L'Achigan in 1787. Mainly a green zone, Saint-Roch-de-L'Achigan therefore has an important agricultural vocation, characterized mainly by growing vegetables. The Municipality of Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan is located forty kilometers northeast of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

- C’est vers 1750 que des colons venus des paroisses avoisinantes de L’Assomption, Mascouche et d’ailleurs commencèrent à s’installer sur le territoire qui deviendra Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan en 1787. Majoritairement situé en zone verte, Saint-Roch-de-L’Achigan a donc une importante vocation agricole, caractérisée surtout par la culture des légumes. La Municipalité de Saint-Roch-de-L'Achigan est située à une quarantaine de kilomètres au nord-est de Montréal au Québec.

- Alrededor de 1750, los colonos de las parroquias vecinas de L'Assomption, Mascouche y en otros lugares comenzaron a establecerse en el territorio que se convirtió en Saint-Roch-de-L'Achigan en 1787. Principalmente una zona verde, en Saint-Roch-de-L'Achigan tiene una importante vocación agrícola, que se caracteriza principalmente por el cultivo de hortalizas. El Municipio de Saint-Roch-de-L'Achigan se encuentra cuarenta kilómetros al noreste de Montreal, Quebec, Canadá.


Natural White-Smile on Saturday


I wish everyone a lot of health.


Stay well.


Thank you for visit and faves 😘

Another lucky capture during a trip to Scotland, this is up on the A66.

In wonderful late summer sun.

Photo taken in Chirbury...West Shropshire...

Yellowhammer singing at sunrise

Happy July to everyone!

Taken in Witheridge, Devon just as the sun was setting over the hills.

I found this inside the city Richmond, not real countryside, but really have that feeling. 我在列治文城市里發現了這個景致,很像鄉村,至少有這個感覺啦!

This is the south-east side of Dartmoor near Bel Tor where the rich farmland and tree-lined river valleys give way to the more rugged High Moor with its stone walls, marshy land and its numerous tors.

Near Ålgård in Rogaland, Norway



Thank you for your comments & fav.!

The sun starting to go down over the countryside.

Somewhere in the SW of France.

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