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Avocet - Recurvirostra avosetta


The avocet is a distinctively-patterned black and white wader with a long up-curved beak. This Schedule 1 species is the emblem of the RSPB and symbolises the bird protection movement in the UK more than any other species. Its return in the 1940s and subsequent increase in numbers represents one of the most successful conservation and protection projects.




UK breeding:

1,500 pairs


UK wintering:

7,500 birds



37-54,000 pairs


View of the wine yards from the Landeck Castle, a small ruined castle near Klingenmünster in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.


Lens - Minolta manual focus MD 24-35mm f/3.5 (at 24mm f/11)

for #Fenced Friday

Taken on the moor around Boulsworth Hil Trawden area.

shadows are falling over the garden but the sun lights the house for a few more minutes, someone has beeen picking apples and left the stepladder in place for tomorrow.../ En eftermiddag på landet, skuggorna bredder ut sig i trädgården, men solen lyser huset en stund till, någon har plockat äpplen och lämnat kvar trappstegen för morgondagens skörd.../Una tarde de campo, mientras el jardín va quedando en sombras la casa recibe el último sol del día, alguien estuvo recogiendo manzanas y dejó la escalera preparada para mañana...(687)

Tuscan countryside. Taken on 06 06 2015 in Val d'Orcia


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Image is under Copyright by Fabrizio Massetti. Pictures can not be used without explicit permission . Contact me by email if you want to buy or use my photographs


Moulin de Barbissart..

The lake is part of the Notre-Dame de Mortemer Abbey, an ancient Cistercian men's abbey founded in 1134 by King Henry Beauclerc, located between Lyons-la-Forêt and Lisors. It was the first Cistercian abbey in Normandy. Most of the original buildings dating from the 11th and 13th centuries are in a state of ruin and were classified as historic monuments.

end of a rainy day , sky was heavy of clouds ,

and sun hidden behind - post treatment has been necessary







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View from Bykleivåsen

A gentle breeze

rustling the dying leaves.


EXPLORE Worthy, Shades of Autumn challenge (2020)


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All photos used are my own with effects by Topaz.


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Swedish countryside summer 2020

Brown Hare and a Red-legged Partridge keeping each other company.

A beautiful May evening in the middle of nowhere. Riemsloh, Lower Saxony, Germany.

Yorkshire Dales, England

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