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© Ioan C. Bacivarov


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View On Black


This is a 3exposure HDR rendered in photomatix. My friend wanted to shoot from this spot so we parked at a grocery store and walked to the nearest bridge. I debated on going with him thinking that it wouldn't be a good view. Man was I wrong, and he totally right. The colors are natural on this which I thought was pretty cool. It's as if paint was thrown into the water. It was a little dark so I did brighten it a touch.


From the top of St Paul

Panorama: 9 vertical images

Da City (II)

Da City (III)

Explore #258 25 Nov 2016


February 25, 2006

New York City | New York | United States of America

Square Victoria, Montreal, Canada

The Street Walker

Across the street in the ROW, three White Ibis providing some lawn care. Bugs for them!

As I’m not getting out much, this is an outtake from 2013.

Lincoln cathedral in the evening sun.


Lincoln cathedral was the tallest building in the world for 238 years (1311–1548) until the central spire collapsed.

South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2017

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Stayed in Detroit to see a friend this past weekend and wanted to get a cityscape shot of Detroit, which means crossing the border to the Great White North. A bit of a pain to go through immigration twice in one day. What should be a 5 minute drive under the tunnel takes another half hour. Coming back the US immigration officer didn't understand why I went to Windsor for a couple of hours, I didn't think it was such a big deal but my wife chimed in and explained I was a photographer. I remember back in the day crossing the border between US and Canada was really no big deal but now security has tightened up quite a bit.

How does a nature photographer capture a city like Chicago? Treat it like a scene from nature.

Looking down over the rail to the pool below.

Rock City Gardens on Lookout Mountain.

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