View allAll Photos Tagged art

rejected by *** Eyecatcher & unique Shots ***.


der zweite Blick…

Coast atlantic france..............

Just trying these inks. First try at this but I am having fun.

Since I m back in Pawleys I have lots of time

Wappne dich mit Helmen , so viel du tragen kannst... deine Rüstung wird dennoch verletzbare Stellen aufweisen!

Wohl dem, der ohne Feinde ist, die diese aufzuspüren vermögen...


Warum muss Deutschland Soldaten nach Libyen entsenden?

Warum mischen sich große Mächte im Nähen Osten ein?

Warum können wir im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich trotz Verschiedenheit nicht Freunde mit andern sein?


Gedanken, die mich beim Betrachten bewegten...



Jean Chauvin 1889 - 1976

Liège, Musée des beaux-arts


f 7,1

1/30 s

2000 ISO

32 mm

quis mostrar a voces aqui em que pé está meu bordado...

estava fazendo um coelho "peludo", mas o ponto era muito trabalhoso, demorado, então decidi que a moda agora é cabelo ondulado, e isto vale pra coelhos também, então ele está ganhando uma carapinha de nozinhos franceses, mas vou manter o skinhead peludo no alto das costas...

coisas de coelho moderno...







Art Center Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland

This immersive installation at the Norval Foundation of Art in Cape Town is by Burudian artist Serge Alain Nitegeka. It is an expression of the horrific experiences of being a refugee.

"Structural - Response III" (2014)

IMG_0801 2021 07 09 file

Lawton Farmers Market

2nd Annual Tomato Festival Art Competition

The Leslie Powell Foundation Art Gallery


Top to Bottom: "Tomato Study Under Glass"

by Lynndon Lambert -Acrylic


"You Say Tomato

I Say Tomahto"

by Jenny Perry -Mosaic-




an abstract postage stamp

mine by design

to accompany a letter

that I might write . . .

when inclined

what will it say

and to whom sent

when signed

first class delivery

sent with a smile . . .





Another photo of the garden art piece in Beacon Hill Park, Made from an old tree stump. Victoria B.C. Canada

Manuel Aires Mateus | Great contemporary

Portuguese architects ...



Back to the Bench

Art is how you see!


[Michelle at The Museum of Modern Art, NYC]

Arte Digital - Digital Art


Effects - Texture


Software: Pixlr; Windows, PicsArt Photo Studio


High relief wall panel

Imagem manipulada a partir de obra de

Jonas Corrêa, painel em parede em alto relevo


Mato Grosso, Brasil

5690 2020 09 26 002 file

Chevy Van

Mufflers on Main Car Show

Blanchard, OK

"There is nothing better than a good friend, great conversation and a hot cup of coffee."

Isn'it a beautiful example for this epoch?

Rootes Building Maidstone

Great Potoo - With its characteristic drawn-out moaning growl, the vocalizations of the Great Potoo are among the most exciting and perhaps most unsettling nocturnal sounds in the Neotropics. Apart from its vocalizations, the Great Potoo is an intriguing species. Great Potoos are nocturnal and feed on large flying insects, and occasionally bats, which they capture in sallies from a high perch. During the day, they remain motionless in mimic of broken tree branches. The Great Potoo is distributed throughout humid and semihumid forested habitats in Central and South America. Across this vast region, there is little geographic variation in size or in plumage; two subspecies sometimes are recognized, but these do not differ greatly from each other. Despite the lack of conspicuous geographic variation, populations on either side of the Andes have been found to be very distinct genetically. This level of divergence is similar to the genetic divergence found between other species of potoo, pointing the possibility for ‘cryptic’ species within the Great Potoo lineage. Adams, K. (2020). Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.


Picture taken at Pantanal - MT - Brasil.


Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!


© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at if you intend to buy or use any of my images.


My instagram if you like: @thelmag and @thelma_and_cats

e ancora : l'estate

non avrà che un'ora

Ma la nostra sia vasta

Come il fiume


Et encore: l'été

N'aura qu'une heure

Mais la notre soit vaste

Comme le fleuve.


Yves Bonnefoy


oil non paper

50x70 november

1 2 3 5 7 ••• 79 80