View allAll Photos Tagged art

Art book - Some Things I Know about Plants with Pods. Available in our Etsy shop.

Drawings of people waiting to catch the airplane at LaGuardia airport.

Colour pencils on paper, 30x42cm.

Kids art beats 2016 Organized by Sampath Bank Kandy Super.

©KandyZone | Buddika Roshan | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise without permission of ""are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright infringement. © 2016 | All Rights Reserved

east village art on the walls

I was rather taken with this art deco style seat high above Fistral Beach. A lot classier than the normal ones you find

4me4you visits FOLD Gallery which featured the artists Dominic Beattie and Neil Zakiewicz - “NIGHT SCHOOL”.


FOLD Gallery…Dominic Beattie and Neil Zakiewicz’s work typifies a contemporary re-skilling of art practitioners with their shared interest in light industrial practices, such as woodworking and ceramics. Painting is included, but through using mass production methods of block printing and industrial coatings. They have a passion for making generally, regardless of whether the finished products function as sculpture or furniture, abstract painting or decoration.


Beattie makes beautiful ‘ceramics’, using off-cut cardboard and wood, which are glued and stapled together and then painted. Zakiewicz’s work uses folded, spray-painted steel and polyurethane paint on routed and embossed wood.

Original Watercolor by Eve Park



Tuesday, May 9, 2017. All Photos by Laura Mueller Photography.

Arthur Rackham

Day 36:


Attended my first Kinetica Art Fair. Was truly awesome.

The guys that did this butterfly thing (cinimod studio) also did the butterflies for Itsu, which I have also admired. Sucka for butterflies, me.

opening @ kunstnerforbundet


by Frieda Gossett


Illustrated Type

May 14, 2011 - June 6, 2011

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