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PhotographicArt by Hal Halli

twitter: @hal_halli

All Rights Reserved. © Hal Halli (2015)

Contact regarding usage permission


☼My works are often BEST VIEWED LARGE☼


Created for DUC22#28 COPYCAT 15 July


My inspiration comes from cootiepie11 -from this work:



Swan thanks to Ian Lee:

Background thanks to brother Michel Mintaka



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New contests on the 1st and 15th


Driving along the roads of Pakistan you will often come across 'Truck Art' and it's the beauty of the roads.


Truck art is a popular form of regional decoration in Pakistan. Pakistani decorated trucks servicing Afghanistan came to be known as jingle trucks by American troops and contractors.


for creativ challenge....purple

Robert Rauschenburg





oil,enamel,paper,fabric,wood,metal, rubber wheel,and electric fans on canvas

Movement-Pop art


By including two fans-which were originally functional-in this work, Rauschenburg's was exporting the way a painting can effect the space it occupies.He would later describe the fans as a way of "keeping the (painting) fresh and in constant relation to the atmosphere of the room"Rauschenburg incorporated increasingly unwieldy everyday objects into his paintings,and as a result they became,in his words,"awkward physically" reaching into the space of the room.

Art - Texture and color

Thanks to everyone that views and comments on my images - very much appreciated.


© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. On all my images, Use without permission is illegal.

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